
first sight...

it's was our school annual day... end of school days.... I would probably use end of school days because we were the seniors of school and we got leave our school soon after we finish our exams....

the first sight of made me go crazy.. though I have been since years in Same school it was the first time I saw him.. a man with a huge smile on his face.... his smile was quite enough to make someone fall in love with him

but soon when I came out of my dream world.. I was suprised seeing him coming my way.. he came stoped in front of me and said "if you don't mind can I take two minutes of ur time " I was like atongished with shock but still managed to say yeah sure....

later we went out to a room which was probably not use by anyone in school expect the lovebords of school haha😂😂

then I saw he was little worried and struggling hard to speak... I stood still in waiting him to speak.. after a break he finally spoked... he came down his knees and asked will u be my soul partner.... for a minute I was dumb stuck.... but I wouldn't know his next actions... would make my world trun up and down