
Chapter 1 Death And Goddesses

A new mission. I'm tired of these missions. I understand you want to use me as much as possible. But I'm tired of constantly killing people. They only see me as a robot assassin. But I am human. Also, tomorrow I'll turn 13, and I'm a girl. I have low durability. Fortunately, killing people feels a bit fun. Their agony and pleas for help... Ahh, just thinking about it feels great. People think I'm an alien because of my purple hair and purple eyes. They say natural purple hair and purple eyes are impossible. But since I have them, it means it's not impossible. If you had done proper research, you would have seen that such a thing is possible. Who was the person I'm going to kill this time? Hmm, Kiyoshi Okamoto. I've never heard of him before. He must be living in that house. He's supposed to be killed with his family. Hmm, it's the first time I'll kill someone with their family. I feel bad about it. In the anime I've watched, those who think about this would face consequences. But it really feels wrong. The window of the house is open. I can throw myself inside. Let me prepare my knife. Cutting with a knife is more satisfying. First, I'll cut off their limbs, then I'll stab their stomach. Hopefully, I can have some fun.

I quickly throw myself towards the window. As soon as I enter, the window closes, and all the windows are shuttered.

"Wh-What's happening?"

A few armed police officers appear around.

Why are the police here? This can't be serious. Am I being played?

"Hands up, Kurumi Tepest. You'll be judged for all the parliament members you've killed."

Just as I thought... They're done with me, and they'll either convict me or continue experimenting on me. I'll ask them to kill me.

"Kill me."

"We're not going to kill you."

"Then I'll make you kill me."

"W-what nonsense are you talking?"

Kurumi quickly attacks the police. The police reflexively shoot. Kurumi falls to the ground.

"As I said, whatever I want happens."

"Call an ambulance immediately. Kurumi is alive, not dead."

Kurumi dies from blood loss before the ambulance arrives.

Ahh, so this is death. A white void. W-What? Someone appears. Am I alive? I guess I'm in a hospital.

Kurumi starts to see clearly. There was a woman in front of her. She was very elegantly dressed. She had long white hair and light blue eyes.

Wait a second. This can't be a hospital. It feels too real. Who is this woman?

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