
Spar, Assessment

After a while of observing, the ceremony has finally concluded. Asher said goodbyes to Dave and his parents and went to Gus and Ellie. Gus and Ellie walked to him with deep concern as they too have seen his Warsoul's information at the holographic screen.

"Asher, having a 1* Warsoul doesn't mean you will stay weak. You just have to work harder than the rest." Gus said to Asher deeply. His mom, Ellie said full of concern "I know that you can get stronger than anyone else"

After saying that Ellie then hugged Asher to console him. Asher knew it too as his father told him that a Warsoul's potential does not limit his growth, it just tells us how much faster the Warsouls can grow.

Since he was little, Asher has shown his Combat Instinct and reaction speed and was considered the best genius in combat seen by his father. Although Asher didn't know what his father, Gus, did in the past, he always has this feeling that his father is much much stronger than the Suncrest City Academy's Dean.

As soon as they got home, Asher said to Gus "Dad, let's spar". Gus stared at Asher and acted as he was expecting this. Gus then smiled and said "Sure thing, but this time, I will increase my strength to the average strength of instructors from your academy."

The two then went to their house's backyard and took their stances. After they took their stances, Gus suddenly launched towards Asher with an astounding speed. Gus then followed it with a roundhouse kick. Asher was surprised but still quickly reacted to his father's move. Asher blocked his father's kick but it sent him 2 meters away, then he responded by a side roll then launched towards the blind side of his father followed by a powerful punch that Gus have easily reacted to and blocked. Gus smiled while thinking of the move made by his son "He really is a monster" After Gus blocked Asher's punch, he faked a dodge dodge backwards then threw a front kick to Asher.

Their spar continued and finished just before dinner. While Asher is breathing heavily, Gus did not even sweat. As Gus was just sparring and at the same time teaching Asher, he didn't use much energy. After their sparring, they went to the dining room. When Ellie saw the two going to their seat, she glared at them. It sent chills to both of them so they hurriedly went out and take a bath.


This day will be the first day of attending their class. Dave went to his house to wait for him so that they can go to the Academy together.

After they've arrived they separated ways as they are not in the same section as Asher was assigned to 1-F while Dave was assigned to class 1-B.

Asher arrived on his classroom and sat on his assigned desk. After he sat, his seat mate beside him introduced himself to Asher. "Hello, I'm Wendell Richter, nice to meet you" Wendell friendly said to Asher with a smile and put his hand in front. "Asher, Asher Ingram" Asher expressionlessly said while shaking hands with Wendell.

"Hey Asher, what do you think about the student assessment that will happen later?"

Just as Asher was about to answer Wendell, the door opened and a beautiful Instructor went in. "Okay, Go back to your seats" she then called all her students' names to remember their name and what they look like. "Let me Introduce myself to you. I am Elise Smith, I want you to call me Ms. Smith and I will be this class' main instructor" Ms. Smith introduced herself after she called all the students' names and then added "Now that I've introduced myself, I will now tell you what is scheduled for today." Ms. Smith then explained to them their schedules and the first one will be a Student Assessment where their very own body will be assessed. The Student Assessment happens every end of a grading quarter. This helps the Instructors of their class determine who to select when the Class Battles begin after the school year.

"Now that I've explained it to you all, Go outside and line up and then follow me to the Assessment Grounds".

Just as they begin to stand, a Student raised his hand and called "Ms. Smith", Ms. Smith asked "Do you have a question, Mr. Richter?" Wendell then asked "Is there other class that will be doing the assessment with us?" "Now that you've asked it, I forgot to tell you that you will be doing the assessment with Class A" this answer from Ms. Smith made the students' of their class very shocked and dumbfounded as they do not expect it.

Ms. Smith smiled as she expected their reactions to be like this but soon became interested as he found that two of his students showed interesting reactions, one of them smiled as though as he was excited as she seen him trembling from excitement and the other one just stood there expressionlessly and unbothered. These two were Wendell and Asher. "Anymore questions?" "..." the students were silent. "Okay now that you don't have anymore questions, We should go to the Assessment Grounds now." said Ms. Smith

Assessment Grounds is just as its name implies, it is where the students gets their body and combat intellect gets assessed. This will also be a chance to battle other classes to test how much their improvement from the other or just to simply know the gap between the classes.

After arriving at the Assessment Grounds their Class met Class 1-A at the door of the Assessment Grounds and their instructors went inside to ready the equipment that are going to be used. After Ms. Smith and the instructor of 1-A went in, gazes of contempt and insult was focused to their class from the students of Class 1-A. Then someone from Class 1-A said insultingly "Hoh!, the school trashes are here" "Why are we even being assessed with this group of trash?" someone added. Wendell got annoyed and said sarcastically while smiling "Dogs like you who only knows how to bark should not be in here thinking that the world is yours, right Asher?" Asher looked at Wendell and just nodded at him clearly unbothered.

"Y-y-you!" Just as the student from 1-A was about to explode with anger and attack Wendell, Ms. Smith and the other instructor opened the door and saw what was going to happen and asked "What is happening here?" "Nothing, Ms. Smith just some 'friendly' discussion with the other class, right Asher?" said Wendell sarcastically while smiling. Asher just nodded and simply can't be bothered by it. Asher thought "Why is this guy always mentioning me? Does he have a thing for boys?" Asher shuddered as he thought of it. He reminded himself to stay away from this guy.

"You! you stupid beings! Just because your Warsoul's Potential Rating is higher than theirs doesn't mean you can insult them! Maybe some of them will be the one who can protect you or be someone greater than you in the future! Stop being so naive!" the instructor scolded loudly at his students

"We'll be going in first Ms. Smith" said by the instructor of 1-A apologetically with a smile. The instructor of Class 1-A is a burly man with a scar on his face. "That is Mr. Shaq Lars, He is a former general in the military he became an instructor here after he retired from military. Don't worry he is a general that has so much sense of justice and an honest man" Ms. Smith shook her head with a smile after she introduced the instructor of Class 1-A.

"Okay, let us go in and have your body and combat intellect be assessed." Ms. Smith said, "Oh and by the way, those who can beat a student of Class 1-A especially those of Seven Families, I will reward them ah weapon of your choice for your Warsoul. If you can defeat a direct desendant of one of the seven families, I will reward them with a Mid-Grade Rare Classification weapon" Ms. Smith added.

This words of Ms. Smith made her dumbfounded as even some of their instructors of their school in this city does not have one while Ms. Smith said that she will easily give them one if they ever defeat one of the direct descendants of the seven families moreover, it is Mid-Grade. As for Asher, this words made his cold and unbothered face smile with excitement as even when he bothered Gus, to buy him a Rare Classification weapon for his Warsoul as he knew that his father can get it easily, Gus would just say that he would have to work hard and use his strength to get one. As for why he thought that Gus can give him one is that after they sparred last night, Asher asked Gus if he can beat his Academy's Dean and a mysterious smile is just what he got as an answer from Gus.

While Asher is clearly excited, one person can't stop drooling as he heard the words "Mid-grade Rare Classification weapon" and that is Wendell. Asher looked at Wendell and when he saw his reactions, he laughed quietly while thinking "This guy really is weird"

As for why Ms. Smith said this, it is because after every assessment, there will be a 'little' competition for the two classes that took the assessment together. And at the same time bring their instructors pride if they defeat the other class.

Ms. Smith watched their reactions with a smile and looked at the interesting duo while thinking excitedly "This time, Class F will finally have an uprising and it starts with this Assessment"

//author's note : later chapters will explain why it is only Class F instead of Class 1-F//

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