

Thorntail leaned over the sick queen. Her swollen belly rising and falling with struggling breaths. There was room now in the medicine den. Just days before, it was filled with clanmates that have now joined StarClan.

Poppysong was the only in the den now, But she was expecting Thorntail's kits. She was the only light that the clan saw out of this bleak time, but that light was slowly fading. She had barely eaten in days. Thorntail could almost feel her ebb away. He curled up beside her, hoping to shield her from the cold. He gave her slow licks to comfort her.

"My flower, my flower" he repeated into her fur, trying to choke out a purr.

Rustling came from the entrance of the den. Tinyhollow passed inside with Blackpaw leaning against him.

The two cats passed the deputy and queen to find an empty nest. "You can lay down here, I will be back with some herbs." Tinyhollow whispered to Blackpaw. The young cat let out a loud cough as he tried to get comfortable. Tinyhollow padded to his storage of herbs, nothing was left but a few dried scraps left.

Thorntail watched the medicine cat picked up what was left and bring it to Blackpaw. He watched as Tinyhollow grow stiff, with a starry gaze over his eyes. "Umm,Tinyhollow?" Blackpaw layed his tail on Tinyhollow's shoulder.

The medicine cat's eyes cleared and grew wide.

"Thorntail! I need you to come with me to Morningstar." He said as he raced out of the den. Thorntail followed him to their leader's den. It was night but the moon reflected off the snow, creating sparkles as snowflake fell from the sky. Both cats ducked inside, but found an empty den.

"Morningstar is not here..." the medicine cat spun around confused and looked out of the den.

Thorntail sniffed the nest, "look likes he's been out all night". Tinyhollow sighed, his hackles raised in frustration.

"Was it a prophecy?" Thorntail padded next to the small medicine cat.

"Yes..." he stayed quiet, as if debating on if he should say it. He looked up at the snowy sky as he recalled StarClan's words "Listen to the gentle doe, each leaf will come together after the sunrise and the sunset."

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