
Warriors of Siligon

"The curse will return. Darkness would again rise, No soul would be spared by Lord's spite. Four powers must combine, Or darkness shall forever reside!" Welcome to Siligon - The Land of Four Kingdoms. While all kingdoms remained busy with conflicts, there resided a group which bothered no one. Meet Siligon Warriors - a clan of 40 extraordinary fighters with inhumane strength and magic powers. No law or religion applied to them. The only thing they worshipped was money. The legends of a terrifying army of dark creatures are proven true when the boundary holding them back are broken. To stop the mayhem inflicted upon the land by those monsters, the Siligon Warriors have to journey through the most deadliest places. Unknown horrors and secrets wait for them to be found there. Can Siligon be prepared for their ultimate battle?

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Guide to Siligon

If you want to survive as a Siligon

Warrior, you need to know everything

about the land. This guidebook will be useful.

(Map of Siligon in Comments)


Brilliant minds from all four Kingdoms have argued over the origins of Siligon land. The entire society of thinkers is divided between two beliefs. The first group believes that Siligon is the only place in existence. According to them, the seas surrounding Siligon is a challenge by the gods. Crossing those seas will bring you to God's land itself. This has been the primary belief of every voyage across the seas. The second group believes that there are more lands beyond Edgevar seas. They are backed up by ballads of a great voyage, suggesting that their ancestors had come from faraway places. The first group however believes that those ballads are clues left by the gods to inspire us to come to their land.


Earlier, there were 9 Kingdoms. However, after the Great War, only 4 remained - Lamitan, Mayton, Rehena and Venhep. Each of those Kingdoms had expanded their territories by adding one kingdom whereas Lamitan managed to take two. The deaths that took place in The Great War were catastrophic. The Kings decided to have peace. Conflicts still haven't stopped but thankfully no war has taken place in the last 50 years. Yet, every kingdom is prepared for it.

Siligon Forest

It might look terrifying from outside

but when you enter it, you'll find that

humans are more deadly than any

animal inside those forests. Small predators can be often found while roaming those forests but they fear you more than you fear them. Deaths by predators are quite rare The forests are also home to Siligon Warriors who have

their camp in the middle.

Edgevar Seas

What lies beyond these seas? Many adventurers have built ships to travel

across the seas. None of them returned.

Whether God's land can be found or more Kingdoms remains the most debated topic everywhere.

What do you think you will find?

Dark Lands

Half of Siligon is surrounded by Edgevar

seas while the other half by giant walls

that nobody was able to scale yet. A dark and mysterious place is rumoured to exist beyond the walls. The most ancient of all texts described about a great army of darkness waiting to lay waste to Siligon. All those who believe that Edgevar leads to God's land believe that Devil resides in Dark Lands. An ancient magic is said to be cast on those walls to separate the Dark Lands from Siligon.

The Four Kingdoms


Ruled by King Frederick Benwell II


Ruled by King Jonesthon Phillips


Ruled by Queen Pbeeona


Ruled by King Gindolf III

Siligon Warriors

Only 40 people get the opportunity to be part of this elite group of warriors with magic powers. It is said that killing a Siligon Warrior is 10 times harder than

killinga normal person. Given their powers, a Siligon Warrior can even take down 100 soldiers alone. The Siligon Warriors are divided into 4 groups based

on their ability. Each group has 10 warriors. When a Siligon Warrior is killed, only then is a new one recruited. A powerful magic prevents having more

than 40 warriors. The powers of a Siligon Warrior is further intensified

by their magical swords which are believed to have been brought from the Dark Lands. Only 40 swords are there in existence, one for each warrior.

Siligon Warriors Abilities

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Ability - Fire

Leader - Kraigan



Leader - Lousia


Ability- Strength

Leader - Godag


Ability- Speed

Leader - Kingston

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