On Great Steppe of Oraid, propechy said that a man will rise and unite the people of Timurin, In his right arm he wield the divine bow, that can shoot the sun, in his left arm he wield an impenetrable shield to shield his people. The oracle Said He Shall Conquer the world, Found an Eternal Empire, bring prosperity and everlasting peace, but only if the people approve him, Shall the world denounce the otherwise will happen.
Far deep on great steppe of Oriad, a night without the moon, the starless sky, as the boundless dark wrap the light. A woman was giving the birth. This is Already 3 hours, how come the baby doesnot born yet, is that something wrong? A young man asked a woman in front of the large tent. Forgive me Chief, I dont know what happen, said the woman. What!! and go asked the midwife, I wanna know condition of my wife now. Yes, yes, I will go immediately Sir. The woman hurriedly run into large tent.
Inside the tent a woman lay down on bed gasping and look exhausted is gving birth and the midwife is helping her look anxious. Chinua, said the midwife, go and summon teya. A girl named chinua wa shock for moment and said, but she is in jail, how can we summon her? Just tell the chieftain if he wants his wife and child survive, He must release Teya. As you wish ma'am.
Chinua where are you going, do you not helping midwife suran?? oh Ekra ma'am told me to do something. Oh I see, can I come in? the chieftain told me to asked the midwife about madam condition, yes of course. Chinua then the left the tent.
Excuse me ma'am! May I come in? I am Erkha Madam's maid. okay, come in. Erkan then enter to the room. Pardon me ma'am. but Lord chieftain want to know madam condition. Madam's condition is not really good, She loss much blood, her pulse is getting weaker, If the baby still stuck in, the probability of the baby cannot survive is bigger. But if Teya want hepl, I think there is still some hope. Teya?? ma'am, you mean that Teya. But, will she agree to help? i mean the chief imprisoned her and nearly banish her from the tribe. It depends on the chieftain, consider chieftain affection for his wife, he will do anything for her safety.
Meanwhile outside the tent. What? asking help from Teya? are you out of your mind? you want me to beg that crazy woman to help my wife, instead helping she will murder my wife and my child. But, sir the midwife said that Teya can help your wife. Although she has infamous reputation, she is the beast in term of medical skill in our tribe. Is there any alternatative? you what have I done to her, even I beg to her to help my family, She will not agree with my request. I know sir, but its the only way sir. Okay, I will go and asked her for help.
Biru, Oner, come with me. Yes, Two soldier with leather armor follow the chieftain. Lets go, we are going to Tangut temple. The Cheiftain rush to the temple of tangut as fast as he cand. Upon arriving, they are welcomed by temple priest, Lord chief what bussines for you to come here? your wife is giving birht, right?Because of that reason I come here, I need to meet with Teya right now. Teya? that witch? but chief, you sent here to lock her up. I dont have other choice, it is related to my family safety, my wife and my chil. Okay sir, please follow me.
By the way, where Elder Motu? asked the chief. The Head of temple is in seclusion for some time, its already 1 month. I hope Elder Motu success this time, If he pass this the barrier of spirit master then become a spirit grandmaster our tribe willnot be bully by other tribe anymore.
In spacious room with complex engraving on the ceiling, wall painted with red colour seems more like blood on it, whitout any furniture beside a wooden Bed for one persin, sitting in crossleg postion with closed eyes a very beautifull woman, she has long black hair, pale white skin who is very unusual for a woman who live on the steppe, her body wrap by clothes made of white wolf skin.
In front of that woman room, the chief group already arrive. Actually what is she doing right now ? According to the guard that post in this room, all she always do only sitting with closed eye, beside eating and sleeping. Although this woman named Teya being locked, she is not put in some kind dark place with bad condition, instead she put in spacious room with good condition. It means she has a high position even tough she has made some mistake.
Lord chief are sure about this? I dont have other choice, if you can think other way to save my family. The priest shake his head. Biru get the key, lets open the door!! yes sir. Finally they open the room, at same time Teya open her eye. The chieftain's eye and Teya's meet each other, the eyes pierce to the chieftain soul like sword, this eye remind him of his past, his memory with this woman. Ah, My love finally you want to see me, how cruel are you to put this without ever visit me, I miss very much!! Sweet voice awaken the chieftain. Who is your love!! He angrily rebuked the woman. hahahahahah!!! you always I am your love, right? That over a long time ago, you crazy woman. Hmm, is this the way you treat the people you need her help?.
What happen? How do you know? inside the room there are only two people, Teya and the chieftain. Of course I know, Teya's smile mysteriously seemingly know everything. The chieftain stare deeply and the closed his eyes
Suddenly he kneel on floor. Teya, Please can you save my wife? Hmm, why should I save her? Are you not afraid Instead of save her, I might be kill her. Please , I will do everything you want, or any of you request.
Hahahahahaha!!! She laugh the stare the chieftain , I can agree with that, but I will only tell you what I want after I help yout wife. Allright, fine by me.
Now lets see your wife. Oh, you come already? Finally Teya arrive at labor room. How long has been the delivery process? Asked Teya. it has been 3 hour. Outside the tent, chieftain looks anxious than before because its already 4 hour.
Auw!!! the howl of wolfs, suddenly break the silent of the night, the tunder hammering the steppe, while forming like the wolf. In the great steppe of oriad the howl of the wolf, accompany with thunder is the sign of the bad omen.
The voice of baby cry, sounded from large tent, the chieftain rush to the tent, even tough the man is forbid to enter. Ah, finally my child is born, a boy or a girl?
Oh this is a boy. I am a father already, hahahaha. The baby is hold by the midwife. While his mother is already fainted. seeing that his wife in unconcious, He asked the midwife. Is my wife okay?
She is fine although she lost much blood, her pulse is stable and her breathing is normal. The who answer the question isnot the midwife, instead Teya. Staring at Teya the chieftain bow to her and express his gratitude. Thank you very much Teya, thank you!!!.
Hmm, Just remember your promise to me. Suddenly she rush to the midwife who hold the baby, then take baby, move to other part inside the tent, the process is very fast, the chieftain dont realise what happen until Teya flys outside the Tent and said, remember your promise, that you will fullfill my requst. What do you mean by this, Teya? give me back my son. Hahaha, my request I want this boy!!! you promise me, remember? The cheiftain seem getting crazy and shout, return my son or you will regrett it? Hah, what do you mean regret it? do you think you can stop me? The chieftain anger explode the fire engulf his body while forming leopard like shaped, the soldier come and for cicle bellow Teya. You, witch get down right now!!! Hah!!! .
Hahahahaha, I will bring this boy with me. Teya Fly higher, higher until no one can see her. The people bellow can only see that happen.
Argggh, damn you witch. Biru, tell all the soldier to search for Teya, even tough she can fly, she cannot continously flying, do it silently dont alert the people just take my private soldier with you. Even tough he is still angry, the chieftain keep his calm and analyse the situation clearly.
But the problem now, how can he tell this to his wife