
Chapter one

It's way too early in the morning for dead people that's why I'd be thinking ,were I actually thinking clearly right now. I'm not.

The second I turn the corner on my way to work and see crowd the commotion , the didn't gray body bags being wheeled out of the that oh-so-chichi hotel, I reach out my camera. I can't help it. It's instinct on my part.


Don't think about what's happening here. Just shoot, Kristin.

My head whips left and right, the lens of my Leica R9 leading the way. I focus first on the faces around me - the gawkers, the lookie-loos. That's what Annie leibovitz would do. A businessman in wide pinstripes, a bike messenger, a mother with her stroller, they all stand and stare at the terrible murder scene. Like it or not, this is the highlight of their day. And it's not yet eight a.m

I move forward even as something inside me is saying ,'look away,walk away. 'Even as something says, 'you know where you are. This hotel. You know ,Kristen.'