1 The Day I Met You

Hi! im Charlotte Lyn , im 20 yrs old

I been arranged to marry a CEO which name

<Ron Fan> I didn't even see him and they said

he is one year older than me .

(they force Charlotte to marry Ron so thats why Lyn campany get a one million dollar)

(they don't even care for Charlotte because

she is just a adopt child , her mom died when she is 4 yrs and her dad adopt her so she get a great life but her dad didn't know that charlotte is been enslave by her step mom and sister)

{meet time with Ron}

Ron:so where is Lyn daughter

assistant: young master they will be here in a minute

( meanwhile at Charlotte)

Dad:get organized and you'll meet Ron

Charlotte: yes dad i be good \ nervous\


Ron: they are here thank god


Dad:oh hey ron your here .. how long have you been waiting ... ha ha

Ron: where is the deal i been waiting here for an half hour


jojo: young master she is pretty cute


( see u at next chapter)❣️
