
Chapter 1 Xiliang Iron Cavalry

Chapter 1 Xiliang Iron Cavalry

The new wind is blowing, and the land is vast.

A snowflake fell from the sky and landed on Ma Yue's face, making people feel a chill. Ma Yue tightened his grip on the steel knife in his hand, and the cold texture came from his fingertips, which cleared his mind.

Ma Yue looked towards the far end of the wilderness, where there was a faint black line wriggling.

finally coming? The corner of Ma Yue's mouth curled up slightly calmly, he tightened his belt, and took off the wooden round shield with a missing corner on his back and put it on his right forearm.

The sounds of weapons being unsheathed, panting, and metal crashing sounded together. Countless people like Ma Yue began to prepare for the battle. The fierce cold wind blew their headscarves, forming a tumbling yellow wave.

That's right, they are Yellow Turbans! Ma Yue is one of them, and he is just an ordinary sword and shield player.

Ma Yue didn't know how he got here.

A month ago, it should be November of 2007 AD, when he was traveling by train to Beijing, he woke up in the sleeper and came to this damned completely strange world. It was only later that Ma Yue found out that he had time traveled and returned to the chaotic and turbulent era in ancient Chinese history-the era of the Yellow Turban Uprising at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty!

This year is the first year of Zhongping, 184 AD.

This is the prelude to the rise of heroes and the beginning of catastrophe.

After several days of desperate life, Ma Yue found sadly that it is impossible to survive in this troubled world by relying on one's own strength alone, and a gang of wandering thieves is enough to kill you! This is the age of cannibalism. Your only chance to survive is to take up arms and kill people. Only by doing so can you survive.

Ma Yue originally wanted to join the army. After all, the Yellow Turban Uprising would soon fail, so he didn't want to be buried with that veteran Zhang Jiao.

But when he joined the army, he was almost killed by the greedy and cruel generals as yellow scarves to claim the reward. Fortunately, a guy named Liu Pi led a team of yellow scarves, and happened to save him, so Ma Yue was logical. Di became Liu Pi's subordinate, became a miscellaneous soldier, and then changed from a miscellaneous soldier to a sword and shield hand because of his military exploits.

For more than a month, Ma Yue has lost count of how many times he has participated in battles. During the series of vicious battles, he has quickly grown into a cold-blooded butcher.

The faint black line on the horizon became thicker, and the long and loud horn sounded ahead, as if it came from another world.

The yellow turban bandits were silent, and Ma Yue heard the slight chatter of teeth in the whining cold wind.

Ma Yue turned his head and looked softly at the young man beside him. The young man was only sixteen years old, and his face was still immature. In his hand, he tightly held a wooden stick with both ends sharpened. It was trembling slightly.

Ma Yue reached out and patted the young man's shoulder, and said calmly: "Don't be afraid, it will pass soon."

The boy's surname is Chen Gan, and because he is under 20 years old, he has no written name. He is one of the reasons why Ma Yue is still in Liu Pi's army. If there is no Chen Gan, and if Liu Pi has not saved his life, Ma Yue would have So I found another way out. The Yellow Turban Uprising will definitely fail in the end, Liu Pi is an idiot, and following him can only lead to a dead end.

But for Chen Gan, in order to repay Liu Pi, Ma Yue stayed. Chen Gan's father Chen Xu, like Liu Pi, also saved Ma Yue's life on the battlefield!

It was Ma Yue's first time on the battlefield. Facing the officers and soldiers rushing towards him like tigers and wolves, Ma Yue's mind went blank, and he didn't know what to do? A fierce officer stared at him, and rushed to him like a ghost, raising the steel knife in his hand in the air, a smear of setting sun shining on the bright blade, the dazzling reflection confused Ma Yue's eyes.

Ma Yue watched the dazzling snow cut down from the sky, his whole body seemed to be petrified,

At a critical moment, a heavy machete was placed on Ma Yue's shoulder. The violent sound of metal and iron shattered Ma Yue's eardrums, and also awakened the primitive wildness in Ma Yue's heart. He opened his mouth wide, Roaring sternly, the bamboo sword in his hand stabbed viciously, stabbing into the belly of the officer.

Ma Yue will never forget the feeling of stabbing in with a sword in his life, just like he pierced a carrot with a bamboo stick when he was a child.

It was Chen Xu who saved Ma Yue's life. In order to save Ma Yue, Chen Xu paid a heavy price, and that was his life! When he struggled to save Ma Yue with a knife, a sinister spear pierced his chest, and when the bleeding tip of the spear pierced Chen Xu's chest, he had already completed the final sublimation of a soldier.

"Take care of my son, Chen Gan and... Chen Le."

Before dying, Chen Xu only left one sentence.

Ma Yue is a man of loyalty, he picked up Chen Xu's steel knife, and shouldered his will. For Chen Gan and Chen Le, he decided to stay and continue to stay in the Yellow Turban Army.

If you don't have faith, you can't stand. What's the point of losing your life for a friend? At that moment, Ma Yue felt that he had truly become an ancient knight, because he had already managed to regard life as nothing.

Ma Yue stared ahead, standing upright under the tattered flag.

Liu Pi straddled his horse and stood in front of the army, with great pride burning in his chest. In one month, in just one month, his army has grown from more than 100 people at the beginning to more than 5,000 people now! 5000 people is a concept? According to the establishment of the Han army, this is a whole battalion of troops.

At this speed, in less than a year, he will be able to pull up a million-strong army that will sweep the world!

The black line on the horizon became thicker and thicker, and the speed of creeping forward became faster and faster.

During the suffocating wait, Ma Yue felt that the moment of time and space had become eternity. There was a faint sound of thunder coming from the sky, and the ground under his feet trembled slightly.

Ma Yue's face changed, Liu Pi's face changed, and the faces of all the veterans of the Yellow Turban Bandits changed.

That is a cavalry, a huge cavalry!

It's getting closer, it's finally getting closer, when Ma Yue saw the fierce banner waving in the wind, his heart, which had become indifferent due to repeated fierce battles, beat a bit disappointingly, because the banner was embroidered impressively. A "Dong" character of Dou Da. Xiliang Dong Zhuo, that is a devil, a jackal.


Dong Zhuo raised his sword high and galloped his horse. A thousand iron cavalry from Xiliang closely followed behind him like a shadow. The huge cavalry array seemed to come from the waves of hell, carrying the power to smash everything, like the sky falling apart, like a storm hitting the shore, The Yellow Turban bandit army rolled towards the front.

The ground under my feet receded like a "tide", and there was only the roar of thousands of horses knocking on the ground at the same time, and the whole world trembled and trembled. Intense passion burned in Dong Zhuo's chest, scorching his eyes.


With a roar, Dong Zhuo slashed down with the sword in his hand. At the same time, he swung his horse's head and slanted towards the side of the cavalry formation.


Thousands of Xiliang athletes responded with a bang, the sound was like thunder, and thousands of iron hooves stirred up the broken snow in the sky, like a rolling iron stream, they passed Dong Zhuo in an instant and continued to sprint forward. , Hundreds of sharp spears pierced the cold wind, forming a suffocating death forest.

The last few rows of cavalry raised the sabers in their hands above their heads, and the sharp cold light made the grayness of the sky fade away.


The army formation of the Yellow Turban Bandits began to stir up. The soldiers standing in the front row began to look around in horror, and the timid ones began to retreat. Efforts were in vain, many people began to retreat, and fewer and fewer soldiers were able to stick to their positions.

Ma Yue sighed in despair, the Yellow Turban Bandits are the Yellow Turban Bandits, even if they fight a hundred or ten thousand battles, they are still Yellow Turban Bandits and will never become an officer! On the open plains, when infantry encountered cavalry, only by forming a phalanx and fighting to the death could they have a chance of survival. Turning around and fleeing could only be self-defeating, and two legs could never be faster than four.

Under the strong pressure of the cavalry formation of the officers and soldiers, the morale of the Yellow Turban Army, which was high because they eliminated several small groups of officers and soldiers in succession, quickly faded. After Liu Pi killed several retreating soldiers in succession, he finally gave up and turned to join The fleeing army. After all, Liu Pi is not a very courageous person.

The army was defeated like a mountain.

Ma Yue knew very well that one person's stubbornness was not enough to reverse the situation of the entire battlefield, so he had no choice but to flee along with him. Although he knew that he would inevitably be massacred if he fled, but if he stayed where he was, he could only die quickly. The only good thing is that this time, the sword and shield hand and the miscellaneous soldiers were ranked behind, so he found that he escaped quickly.

Xiliang iron cavalry plunged into the remnants of the Yellow Turban Army's fleeing formation like tigers into a flock of sheep, and their sharp spears pierced through the body of the Yellow Turban Bandits like straws. The bloody massacre——began!

Ma Yue held Chen Gan's hand tightly, and ran forward desperately. He didn't dare to stop or turn back. Continuous screams came from behind him. He knew without turning back that the former "Pao Ze" was coming. suffered brutal massacres. Ma Yue sympathizes with them very much and is willing to save them, but he can't do anything because he is just a sword and shield player.


A long scream sounded suddenly behind him, it was actually very close. Obviously, the official army has caught up! Ma Yue sighed, knowing that the possibility of escaping was not great, he stretched out his hand and pushed Chen Gan hard behind his back, then turned around with a knife, and as far as his eyes could see, a cold light had already killed him on the neck.


Ma Yue let out a wolf howl, swung his knife and tried to block. The two knives collided without any tricks. Amidst the violent sound of gold and iron, Ma Yue opened his mouth and sprayed a bloody arrow. His bulky body was already floating like a kite, and he fell backwards tumbling in the air. Ma Yue felt that his entire chest had been squeezed into a thin layer, making it difficult to breathe.

What a tyrannical force, even if you try your best, you still can't block a knife?

The Xiliang cavalryman knocked Ma Yue away with his sword, and the healthy horse immediately stood up, raised its head and let out a long hiss of "咴卫律", kicked its front hooves twice in the air, and then followed Ma Yue's direction. The front door was stomped down hard. Ma Yue's soul was in a panic, if he was stepped on, his head would probably shatter like a watermelon.