
The Strange Princess

Rael glanced furtively at the woman who was riding with him without a care in the world. If others could see them right now, no one would believe that they have abducted her just a few moments ago. She was far too calm. And the way she handled the situation without so much as a twitch of her brow was in a way admirable. This princess had guts, that was for sure.

As someone who had studied the intricacies of the neighboring kingdom of Cloudhaven, Rael was pretty knowledgeable about its well-known eldest Princess. Isolde Illestri Nimbus was dubbed as the epitome of delicate grace and elegance. She was the paragon of the women in Cloudhaven for she possessed all the virtues that is required of a Cloudhaven lady. Aside from the fact that she was a breathtaking beauty, she was also intelligent, kind, and humble.

'They seem to have forgotten to note that she had the guts of a lion too.'

"Say, you have not introduced who you people are yet. I feel quite helpless not knowing what to call you." Isolde broke the awkward atmosphere with her words. Her eyes were trained to the passing elements and although Rael could not see her expression he was pretty sure it was blank. At least something told him that it was.

"Apologies, princess. I am called Rael. We will be explaining everything once we have reached a sufficient distance. Please wait until then." Rael replied politely to which Isolde merely gave a sound of agreement.

The group rode at full speed through a route that deviated from the one that Isolde was taking. It was not until they reached the outer area of the Celadon Forest that the men slowed their horses down. She did not know what they were checking but it took another hour for them to completely stop. Isolde alighted the horse she was in with the help of Rael.

Isolde figured that they were making camp since it was already dusk. She stood silently and watched as they busied themselves. Although, there was the young man who stood a few feet away from her, probably to stand guard. Well, she does not have any plans to run away. That would be absolutely idiotic at this point. Not that she wanted to as well.

The barbarians were quite efficient people. Isolde could not help but admit. They were even faster than the knights when it comes to making camp and preparing the meals. It did not even take about 15 minutes for one of them to capture a couple of rabbits. They were even quicker to skin it and clean it. It must be something that they are used to doing. Isolde figured she should not have been that surprised.

"Here, your highness. Please eat." Rael offered the skewered meat of the rabbits to her. Isolde gazed at the beautifully cooked meat glistening with oil. They looked appetizing despite being cooked in the crudest of ways.

"Thank you." She politely replied as she took the skewer and bit off a small piece. It was delicious. Simple but delicious. Her taste buds have been pampered with the flavors of luxurious food for all her life. That was a joy in itself as well. But the simplicity of having a barbecue like this was also enchanting in its own way. It was ironic however, that she was experiencing this with the people who took her away. Not that it could be helped. No one would dare feed her something like this even if she is camping out.

If she was frank, she does not see these men as kidnappers. They were far too accommodating for Isolde to think so. It was more like they were escorting a guest. Her thoughts were cut off when the young man from earlier spoke.

"Your highness, once again I apologize for being disrespectful and committing such a grave offense against you. If we had other choices, we would not resort to... abduction." Rael started to explain. His voice contained helplessness and a sense of anxiety.

Isolde lifted her head and met his eyes. She noted that this young man was a promising diplomat. The way he conveys his words and modulates his voice to set a person at ease was a talent in itself. One that is vital for social relationships.

"I figured as much. I do wonder what has driven you to such desperate actions, Mister Rael. As far as I am aware, the people of the desert do not concern themselves with others unless it is for commerce and trade." Isolde replied in a matter of fact tone. Rael casted a startled look. She merely gave a small smile at his reaction. Isolde had an inkling as to why he had behaved like so.

"I mean no offense when I say this, princess. But you are quite strange. Most people would be trembling at the sight of barbarians like us. Even more so for a noblewoman like you. Yet, you do not even so much as flinch at the sight of us. In fact, you seem to be quite interested. It is a huge contrast since most people, especially nobility, find us abominable. Are you truly not repulsed in the slightest?" There was a trace of mocking in the young man's tone. No matter how subdued it was, it was there.

Isolde knew it was not directed at her. Rael was merely stating facts. The people of the tribes who lived in the Harenae desert were called barbarians for the reason that they were able to thrive in such a lawless and unforgiving place. They were said to be blood thirsty people who wouldn't even blink at the sight of murder. They were said to have no morals or sense of culture. Hence, they are feared and at the same time hated.

In her opinion, however, the so-called savages of the desert were merely unfettered people forced to adapt in the harsh environment they are in. Isolde felt that there was something more about them that was left hidden from the eyes of others outside their circle. And this unknown is what caused them to be shunned and ridiculed. People fear what they could not understand.

Envy is also a factor. People resort to hate when they realize that they are lacking in comparison to the ones they deem beneath them. Isolde has heard tales of trades with the desert barbarians from merchants she was acquainted with. It was not uncommon to hear them praising the said savages for being fair and honest in their dealings.

Contrastingly, it was common for her to hear complaints regarding nobles who use their status for scamming. One would wonder who was truly uncivilized in such cases. The barbarians' attitude aside, their appearance was also something that was greatly envied. There was a saying going around that there was no desert barbarian who was ugly.

If it weren't for the fact that they were ethnocentric people who kept to themselves and were terrifying warriors even at a young age, Isolde knew they would be coveted as slaves. Despite the kingdom's strict laws regarding slavery, Isolde was not so ignorant to think that it was not present and looming in their kingdom.

Isolde shook her head at the straying of her thoughts. Her lips lifted in a small smirk when she remembered that this young man thought her to be strange. It was a never before used description for her. Maybe it was because she was being heedless towards her words and actions with them.

"You are humans just as I am human. What is there to fear if you do not mean me any harm? What is there to be repulsed about if we breathe the same air and bleed in the same color?" Isolde answered plainly as if she was merely stating an established fact. After that, she continued to eat heartily whilst Rael looked at her dumbfounded.