
Friends Coming From Afar

Translator: Wuxia Dog Editor: Wuxia Dog

Han Jin was not a man who liked to curse, but when they entered the Eleventh Town of Beitman after five days' trudge, he couldn't control himself. The scene in front of him made him even suspect that he had come to a paradise of monsters.

On the street, there were all kinds of strange creatures, some were wolf-headed with bodies of human beings and walking on two legs. Some looked like primordial gorillas but with green skin and were sturdy and savage-looking. Among those creatures, some were even carrying farm tools. If they were still acceptable, then the creatures with a human's head and horse's body thoroughly confused him.

Steelberg was as inexperienced as Han Jin. He was frightened out of his wits and lowered his head to avoid looking at those strange things. Compared with them, Miss Keeley was much calmer.

Realizing that Han Jin was a bit nervous, Cessacioun patted on Moxinke's shoulder with a smile and said, "Take them eastward. There is an inn called 'Red River inn', the innkeeper is my friend. We can rest there tonight."

"What about you? Where are you going?" Moxinke asked.

"I'm going to ask for information about the Holy Crown City."

"Take me with you." Miss Keeley requested immediately.

"Miss Keeley, if you go with me like this, you will surely cause lots of trouble. You'd better follow Moxinke. But rest assured, I will tell you everything I find as soon as I get back."

Miss Keely bit her lip. She realized that no matter what colored eyes they had, all the pedestrians were staring at her with obvious lust.

"Cessacioun, have a look in town for branches of Morgan Commercial Corp. If you find one, please tell them I have arrived."

"Your family corp has branches here?"

"I don't know, but I am sure my family has branches in any of the four satellite cities of Beitman."

"Okay." Cessacioun nodded his head and left.

Han Jin had noticed the expressions in the eyes of those 'monsters' earlier than Miss Keeley. A sense of unease floated up in his mind. "Moxinke, I am questioning whether we have made the right decision to come here."

"It's the first time you've seen orcs, isn't it?" Moxinke laughed: "It's alright. I was more nervous than you the first time I saw them."

Han Jin slightly shook his head. Despite what Moxinke had said, he still felt very uncomfortable. In his former world, there was a saying that went "Those not of my race are bound to harbor contempt". As such, it was his duty as a true cultivator to kill all the monsters and demons. If Han Jin had that power, he would already have begun his monster-slaying process. At the very least, those "monsters" staring at them with aggressive expressions had to die.

Moxinke began his introduction to Han Jin. The creatures with wolves' heads were werewolves, and some other were orcs, those coming towards them were barbarians, and the centaurs, cavemen, etc. Finally he comforted Han Jin by saying, "They have rules here. No one would break them lightly"

"That's only true under normal conditions," Sunier replied lightly.

"Yes, so we have to keep a low profile." Moxinke smiled awkwardly. "In fact… it's the same anywhere else."

"I really miss Radon Town now." Han Jin let out a long sigh.

"It may be messy here, but we will have more opportunities, won't we? " Moxinke laughed in high spirits. "Come on, let's find the Red River inn."

The group marched toward the east side of the town. After a long walk, they finally saw a small inn at the edge of the town. A sign was hanging above a shabby and unkempt gate, with "Red River inn" written on it.

Moxinke pushed the door open and stepped in with the others. The ground floor of the inn seemed to be a place for its guests to eat, but at the moment, not a single guest was present. Only a few tables and chairs as shabby and unkempt as the gate were sitting there. However, despite the shabbiness, the place was cleaned and organized carefully. 

A young man in his twenties was sitting behind the counter and dozing off. Moxinke went straight toward him and knocked on the counter, "Hi. My name is Moxinke. My friend Cessacioun told us to come here."

The young man opened his eyes and asked with surprise, "Cessacioun? Is he back?"

"Yes, but he will arrive later."

"My name is Michelle. If you are friends of Cessacioun, then you are friends of mine." The young man stood up. Though his tone was very polite and warm, his face was expressionless and cold like Sunier's. He continued, "Have a seat, please."

"Michelle, your business doesn't seem very good here." Moxinke cottoned up to him.

"I don't expect to get rich by being an innkeeper. If there are guests, I'm happy to do business, if not, I don't really care." Michelle shrugged his shoulders. "You came from the Holy Crown City, didn't you? Would you like to have something?"

"Er… We don't want to bother you. We can find something to eat somewhere else."

"Why? You think this place is too small?" Michelle seemed displeased. "Hasn't Cessacioun told you that I'm a top chef?! You can't find a better cook than me even in the whole of Beitman, let alone in this small Eleventh Town!"

"No, no, you misunderstand me." Moxinke cast a glance at Han Jin. "It's just that we will eat too much..."

"Eat too much?" Michelle's eyes swept across them and then fixed on Moxinke: "Interesting. Will an innkeeper be scared about his guests eating too much? You are planning on paying, right?"

"Of course..." Moxinke scratched his head.

"Ha... don't worry, that was a joke." Michelle laughed. "I have so few guests here all the year round, and I am so happy to have friends coming from afar. How could I charge you guys for dinner? Tell me, what would you like to eat?"

"I...I mean, it's just that we can't eat without paying. You can charge us the normal price." Moxinke said with hesitation, out of concern for the well being of the young man.

"Did Cessacioun never talk about me?"

"He did." Moxinke said honestly.

"Cessacioun and I are best friends, do you understand?" Michelle smiled again, "So, make yourselves at home. Haha... Even though it's just a small inn, I can feed you guys for free for a whole year!"

Moxinke didn't say anything more. Sunier and the others looked at the mouthy young man with sympathetic eyes. For a whole year? If he let Han Jin to eat as much as he liked, it could cost him dozens of silver coins a day even if Han Jin just ate the cheapest cassavas, let alone feeding him whatever he wanted for a whole year!

"In that case, please bring us something simple like cassavas, bread and sausage. Thank you," Sunier said.

"How can those things demonstrate my cooking skill?" Michelle frowned.

What an arrogant guy! Moxinke turned around helplessly and asked, "Raphael, what would you like?"

"Roasted beef, please." Han Jin really made himself at home and ordered an expensive dish. Beef contained much more energy than cassavas and bread. Since someone else was treating them, he did not hold back at all.

"No problem." Michelle snapped his fingers.

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