
Family Reunion

After a few days of more traveling, which was comparatively more comfortable and pleasant, the convoy finally discreetly reached the Li Province while dodging the territories of foes and going through the territories of the allies and neutral domains. 

During the journey, Shijie and Ruyan got to know each other quite well. Since there was no one his age during the journey apart from Ruyan, it was normal for them to get along as fellow children, and Shijie had grown especially fond of her since the only other child his age that he knew was Wang Xue. 

Xue and Ruyan were both complete opposites of each other. While Xue sometimes acted wittily, sharp, and even bossy at times; Ruyan was obedient, considerate, caring, and sweet. 

Wang Xue had an innate confident and dignified personality that stemmed from her being the offspring of one of the most prominent clans in Tianze—the Wang Clan. And this was also reflected in her personality and demeanor. 

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