

Two weeks later, the city guards still had not left the Western District. Obviously, they had grown confident from the lack of response from the Black Serpent Siblings.

Just like in a cold war, Arthur decided to opt for something big. He wanted to test Knight Robert's limits, just like the latter tested his months ago. By capturing one of his rat, Arthur had replied by cutting the throat of one of his soldiers.

Now that Knight Robert took over his streets, limiting his income, Arthur decided that a robbery was the most fitting reply.

In the darkness of the night, Arthur and Emma sneaked into the [Blacksmith Union Warehouse], which used to be the most guarded place in the city in the past. However, with the economic crisis related to the increase of bandits in the region, the old blacksmiths retired while the younger ones left the territory. As a result, only tools and a couple of weapons remained in the warehouse.

Still, there were a couple of valuable chests containing parchments, blueprints and records of expert blacksmiths left in there. Although they were of little value to gangsters within Black Bear City, it was of tremendous value in Knight Robert's eyes.

'As someone who wants to inherit the Yale Barony, he necessarily possesses long-term plans of reviving the territory. Without those blueprints, attracting blacksmiths will not be easy. Stealing those will surely give me some leverage against him in the future, and it will annoy him enough to think twice before increasing his activities in the various districts...'

Just as they reached the front door, Arthur spotted two city guards and ordered Emma to stop

'Still, to be so daring, I wonder who was the merchant who settled in the White Jade Manor...Not only did he purchase the most expensive mansion in Black Bear City in a flash, he also opened an apothecary shop and started to sell effective medicine to the various middle-class citizens in the city...', Arthur analysed the situations

Going around the building to avoid being spotted by the guards, Arthur and Emma managed to find a sealed door. This would have been enough to stop average thieves, but Arthur was well equipped. Taking out a set of lock picking tools, he started to work on the lock while Emma made sure to oversee the situation on the warehouse's roof. If guards were to approach, Arthur would easily return to a hiding spot, before resuming his lockpicking process.


However, it was not even needed. Four minutes later, Arthur succeeded in picking the lock.

As the door opened in silence, Arthur sneaked in the building, and searched for the blueprints.

Minutes later, not a trace of the Black Serpent Siblings were left. Dozens of daggers were missing, as well as the three precious chests containing the legacy left behind the once glorious Blacksmith Union.

According to some citizens, Knight Robert was so furious that he made a hole into a wall, breaking his left hand. Although no one knew who were the thieves, all four major Gangs in Black Bear City tried to boast about this achievement. Due to this, Knight Robert truly had no idea about the true perpretor.

When Arthur took a look at the blueprints at home, he realized that he had stolen something of unimaginable value...Something that would most likely change his life forever

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