
Warlock of the Magus World: immortality

Ron, a brilliant scientist in his past life, is reborn as Leylin Farlier in a WMW in a European Middle Ages, a world filled with powerful magicians and hidden forces. Obsessed with the pursuit of immortality, Ron's scientific mind and unrelenting ambition are reborn within him. Driven by his unending desire to escape death, Ron has to learn the ways of the Magus, a group of powerful sorcerers. Here, knowledge and magical abilities are everything. Ron combines his scientific knowledge with the mysterious powers of the magicians and begins a perilous journey to gain immense power and achieve immortality. On this journey, Ron makes an unexpected discovery: a highly advanced A.I. Chip that can do things that should be impossible in this magical world. With the chip's help, he enhances ancient spells and unlocks forgotten wisdom, breaking free from the limitations that hold back other magicians. Ron transforms into a powerful Magus and is headed for a destiny that will change everything. Disclaimer this fanfiction of a novel called warlock of the magus world. also I got inspired by other fanfic novel so there will be similar content. (WARLOCK OF THE MAGUS WORLD FAN FICTION) Thank you.

matt_the_creator · Book&Literature
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54 Chs

Chapter 53

A violent explosion echoed through the air, and the dust settled, revealing a formidable figure clad in silver armor. The armor bore several dents, a testament to the fierce battle it had endured, yet it was mending itself in an uncanny manner.

"This is what it feels like," a cold, menacing voice resonated through the area.

In the midst of the wreckage, Ron stood untouched. His Fallen Star Pendant had transformed into a complete suit of armor, repairing itself in real-time. His hair and eyes had turned a crimson hue, exuding a malevolent aura. A faint, almost imperceptible red aura enveloped his body.

He had activated 'Rampage,' an ability that consumed his Pure Blood Essence, and his power had tripled. Ron clenched his fist, feeling the explosive strength coursing through him.

"My powers have increased by threefold," he thought. Until now, he had never unleashed the full potential of 'Rampage,' and his estimations of its capabilities were mere speculations.

With a crazed expression, Ron leaped toward the Golden Giant, leaving deep craters in his wake. His speed was beyond observation; it appeared as though he teleported. His fist struck the elemental beast's abdomen with incredible force.


The creature was sent soaring into the air, howling in agony. A massive dent marked the point of impact, and energy particles spiraled from the wound.

Ron raised his hands and cast Latent Fireball. This time, the spell reached a whole new level, radiating intense heat that scorched the surroundings. Even Anna and her companions, standing at a distance, felt their skin sizzle from the heat.

The spell crashed into the elemental beast, prompting a painful screech. Ron meticulously controlled the flames, maximizing the spell's destructive power.

His servants watched with delight as their master asserted his dominance. On the other hand, the sole surviving Magus, Lancey, observed in sheer horror. She realized that Ron had never regarded their group as a threat from the beginning. Any thoughts of escape or revenge evaporated, replaced by the certainty that she was merely a spectator in this brutal display.

[Beep! Only 10 seconds left before the blood essence burns off!]

The A.I. Chip's warning reached Ron's ears. He glanced at the smoldering Golden Giant, knowing that the opportune moment to finish the creature had come. Ron transformed his armor into a longsword, ready to deliver the final blow. He understood that he would face some backlash and fatigue after this, but he was willing to pay the price for his victory.