
Alliance of Meatshields

[Ok. I am curious about some things.] -The lightly digitized voice of a feminine A.I. broke the silence on the desert road.

A certain teenager was making his way back to his carriage, and he seemed to have been broken out of his thoughts by that voice.

'Took you long enough. If you have questions, I have answers.' -A half-smile was drawn in the Leylin's face.

[It's just that I can't wrap my cybernetic mind around a couple of details...]

[First off: why didn't you kill Ourin?]

'I had no interest in dispatching that chimp to the afterlife solely because there would've been no point. Not even for the fun of it.'

[I still don't get it. I recall how you used to get rid of people left and right in our former world...]

'What I mean with it having no point, is that I had already broken Ourin's mind. You even said it yourself; I destroyed him. With a minimum effort at that. Hell, he's probably gonna die from his self-inflicted wounds after the itching effect from the compound kicks in. At least, he would be lucky if he dies.'

[Okay, I think I get it now... But then, what about the other kids?]

'What about them?' -Leylin was waiting for Aralis to elaborate.

[Well, you could've murdered them all and taken their magic crystals. Yet instead, you played the honorable aristocrat and let them go with just a slap on the wrist. Moreover, they may run back to their evil red-eyed whore and tell her all about your blatant lies. Plus how you mercilessly tortured her fiance-to-be.]

'In regards to your second question, I can tell you that those boys won't even think about running to hide under Bessita's skirt. I crushed their resolve, their perception of authority, and probably even their misguided dreams of courting her.'

'I took the image of their male role model, placed it under my boot, and furiously stomped on it till nothing but dust remained. I'd go as far as trusting that they'll see me haunting their dreams at night...'

'And I achieved all that without losing face as a descendant of nobility. Technically speaking.'

[That does make sense... But you're overlooking one thing, Doctor.]

'Oh? And which is it?' -Leylin raised a brow.

[Why, the magic crystals of course. Even if you've effectively neutralized that threat, you still let dozens of precious magic crystals slip through your fingers.]

'I hope you're not being serious, Aralis... I did not let anything 'slip through my fingers'. This was a circumstance I had already foreseen. I measured the benefit/cost ratio of an event such as this before I had even encountered Ourin and his band of gibbons.'

Aralis remained quiet, listening to the wisdom provided by her Master.

'Do you remember the first hazard you ever warned me about in this world?'

[The black-robed Angelo.]

'And which faction does he belong to?'

[The magic academies.]

'Not the academies themselves, but the Magi that run them. The black robes are not part of the faculty... But my point is evident to you by now, is it not?'

[You're trying to say that if you seized so many magic crystals for yourself, you'd draw the undived attention of the only group of people in the caravan that represent a menace to you...]


The A.I. suddenly had a revelation: [Wait! And what about Ourin's fate? In case he doesn't die off, I mean.]

'Depending on his usefulness, I'd wager that Bessita will fund his entry to an academy. I speculate she has at least over 20 magic crystals in her possession, given her royalty status. Should be enough for both of them, I suppose.'

[And in case she decides to discard him like a used tissue, he'll run back home with no face and no crystals... He would probably commit suicide from shame.]

'Right. Either way, he stops being my problem. If he sticks around and causes further trouble, I'll merely finish the job. If he gets waived off by his so-called goddess, then he's as good as dead.'

Leylin could now see the campsite in the distance. He was getting close.

'And before you inquire me about the possible retaliation from the Dorlan family that Ourin belonged to... They are from the Bourbon Kingdom, which is some kingdoms away from Viscount John's territory. That means there's no risk of immediate repercussions or using this matter as their casus belli for an invasion. Furthermore, the relationships between the two kingdoms are already in a state of hostility...'

[Also, the time it takes to become a full-fledged Magus is of several years, and even sending letters back and forth would similarly take a long time. Ourin won't be sending word to his family of Counts in a while.]

'Indeed. I can essentially put this whole Ourin and Bessita affair in the back of my head for now. Moving on to the final point of the agenda... Oh never mind, we're here.'

The Farlier heir got to the camp and walked quickly, trying to evade any peering eyes. This was his usual way of moving around.

'We'll continue this conversation tomorrow. I feel somewhat tired from all that scavenging we did and I have yet to cultivate.' -Leylin told inwardly as he opened the door to the carriage.

[Of course, Doctor. I'll keep watch as always.]


'Their system of measuring time is very similar to my former world... Its mechanisms are quite intricate as well... Hmm, I'll have to study more about this world's engineering when I'm at the academy...'

'In theory, magic and science should go hand-in-hand.' -Leylin thought to himself, as he scrutinized a golden pocket watch on his improvised desk built with crates.

The surface of the pocket watch had fine workmanship, with twenty-four small frames inside. Each frame represented an hour.

Not only had he extorted a weapon from Ourin's lackeys, but also a few small treasures worth thousands of gold coins. This pocket watch was contributed by a small fatty with a tendency to blink a lot whenever Leylin put him in his sight.

'I can only say, I've made a great profit thanks to those chimps.' -Leylin smiled brightly as he laid his gaze on his best prize.

Grabbing the golden pouch with his left hand, he enjoyed every second of opening it up as he loosened the silver-threaded knot.

Leylin took out one of the purplish magic crystals and played with it in his palm. In addition to a faint glow, it emitted a persisting cold sensation.

According to the appraisal conducted by Aralis, even though a magic crystal released trivial amounts of radiation, the effect it had on the body seemed to be positive. It could enhance the body's vitality to a small degree.

Moreover, judging by their radioactive properties, it was logical to conclude that magic crystals constituted a primary energy source for this world. Hence, the tremendous value allotted to every piece. That said, due to their current limitations in knowledge and power respectively, neither Aralis nor Leylin could uncover the secrets behind the crystals. Yet.

[Ever since the news about your defeat of Ourin spread, everyone's attitude towards you has changed, Doctor. Clearly, this is a place where the strong rule over the weak.]

'Nothing surprising there. Now, help me reassemble this pocket watch before I lose any of these miniature parts.' -Leylin thought as he tried to carefully manipulate a cog the size of a fly.


It had already been two days since the previous incident, and the results of Leylin's encounter with Ourin and company had spread among the acolyte caravan like wildfire.

Mainly the scene of Ourin writhing in pain from having his cock marred by that blue liquid. It had undoubtedly become the chronic nightmare of those teenagers present.

When Ourin had returned to the campsite in the middle of the night, he immediately burrowed himself inside his carriage and never came out again. Bessita was allegedly seen tending to his injuries, but his gang had already dispersed and turned their backs on him.

Those nobility teenagers quivered in fear whenever they saw Leylin and immediately ran away.

As for the monster from that horror story, he was currently taking care of some business around the camp.

"Hi, Leylin! Are you free? I was thinking we could hang out together for a bit...?" -A peerage girl from his same carriage came over and asked.

The custom of this world was to respect the strong. Leylin felt that the change of atmosphere in the carriage was like day and night, compared to how it was before. People no longer shunned him but rather approached him with pleasant demeanors. Some even tried to make friends with him.

Moreover, many nobility girls also extended 'special' invitations to him, like the one that had just spoken to Leylin.

The girl in question was in the same carriage with him, and she usually rode on the front-row seats. Her name was Lilith.

She wore a full-on nobility attire, with something similar to stockings from Leylin's previous life on her long legs. They gave off an alluring charm with the way they hugged her milky thighs.

"I thank you for your invitation, sweet lady. Unfortunately, I have an appointment with some friends already. We'll have to leave this matter for another time." -Leylin said apologetically while bowing flawlessly.

"Oh! I must have been interrupting! I'll be happy to postpone, then... Jasmine and a few others are also interested in 'playing' with you... So don't be a stranger!" -The long-legged girl tenderly smiled, raised her skirt, and made a noble's curtsy.

Finished extending her tempting offer, Lilith ran away being all giggles and blushes.

[These girls need a solid father figure or something. They are giving away their stuff as if their virginity was some kind of curse.]

'Whatever makes you think they're maidens? I'd bet that each one of those girls has a higher headcount than Leylin here.'

[Well, you're right. I forgot this world is also known as sexland... And? Will you join the girls in their mutual exploration of genitals?]

'No. I don't have time for any womanly drama at the moment.'

[What gives you the idea there'll be any drama at all? For all you know, they just see you as a toy to pleasure themselves with.]

'You still haven't seen everything there is to know about me...'

"Well well well! What did I just see?! How many times has our young master Leylin been invited by girls already?" -The exaggerated quip came from behind Leylin.

Leylin rolled his eyes, then turned around to acknowledge George, who was prompt to tease him.

[Your 'best friend' arrives.]

"How can I be compared to you, the Satin Gold Mane Lion?! Your great name has spread among the female circles in the entire caravan!" -Leylin almost choked on his own words.

"And didn't you want to avoid me so as to not antagonize everyone? Are you no longer afraid of that?" -Leylin looked at George who had now closed in.

"Nonsense! You're the hot topic in the camp now! Many girls have taken a liking to you! That Lilith earlier wasn't bad either... I can guarantee you that if you commit your heart to it, you'll be able to take her down within three days!" -George laughed at the top of his lungs.


[Well, I'm signing off. Call me when he's gone, or dead in a ditch somewhere.]

The familiar beeping sound came and Leylin had to endure the Satin Gold Mane Lion's ranting alone now.

"Furthermore, I have to congratulate you on your successful revenge!" -With a wave of George's hand, a silver tankard drew an arc in the air and was caught by Leylin.

Forthwith, George took out a beautiful glass bottle containing a red-orange beverage. Removing the oaken cork, a fruity aroma mixed with a tinge of alcohol drifted out, causing Leylin to subconsciously reminisce about a certain time of the past.

"Apple wine..." -Leylin said a bit absent-minded, still drowning in his previous life's memories.

"Correct! It's the main specialty of our lands! It wasn't easy for me to have kept it hidden till now!" -George poured the wine in Leylin's tankard first and then in his own.

"To our Leylin! Cheers!"

"Cheers..." -Leylin pulled another one of his fake simpers. Wine tankards tapped against each other and emitted a sharp sound.

Leylin then inhaled a deep whiff of clean air and groaned mentally for the amount of S-Class bullshit he was about to spew.

"Dear George... You had the strength of a preparatory Knight, and with your leadership status amongst many of us nobility youths, if you had taken any action earlier on, you could have easily settled Ourin for me..."

At this, the blonde teen straightened his posture and his expression brightened visibly.

"However, you cared about my emotions and only helped me increase my strength in secret... Besides that, you hid our relationship so that Ourin could provoke me without any second thoughts. In the end, you protected this Farlier son's pride as a noble the way a true brother of the sword would...!"

Leylin wanted to cut off his own tongue for sucking up to George in this manner, but his rational mind trumped over his emotions. He knew that it was necessary for his survival to secure the resources George would provide him with.

Meanwhile, George was appreciative of his ego being stroked by Leylin: "This is no longer about winning the hearts of people, but about using sincerity to move them...! We're the 2 most important members of the Furze Alliance. How could I have turned a blind eye at you being bullied by those northerners!"

Leylin only nodded slightly.

"Oh, right! It's time for our Furze Alliance's barbeque banquet. Let's go!"

"It'd be my pleasure..." -The Farlier youth replied.

With his status as the second-in-command of the Furze Alliance, Leylin was a privileged member of this circle, so his presence on the feast was basically required.

The Furze Alliance was nothing but a group of potential acolytes that had only recently banded together under George's leadership. Their noble Houses were already members of a homonym alliance, so it only made sense for them to emulate it during their path to the magic academies.

As for Leylin, he had a very good reason to have done what he did with that laudatory discourse.

Since he was George's right-hand man, he had become privy to the main purpose behind the Alliance. This made him realize that it was in his best interest to remain in George's good graces. At least for now.

'Now that we're getting deeper and deeper into the wilderness, we haven't seen any cities for a long time now. This kind of festivity is a waste of indispensable provisions that we can no longer restock on...'

[Might as well make the most of it. Have your fill and then stealthily grab some for later!]

'Hmm, good idea.'


It was early in the night. The sky was filled with shining stars, pulling a silver veil over the area.

Inside the Furze camp, groups of young men and girls all sat together, circling the neatly arranged campfire as they laughed and messed around. It was a cheerful moment for them.

After a few months of living together, they had gotten closer to one another. Leylin was an exception though.

George grasped Leylin's shoulder: "Come, I'll introduce you to each other. This is my friend Yarfuan Yora, Viscount Normier's successor! Yarfuan, this is my trusted Captain, Leylin Farlier!"

"Nice to meet you, Lord Leylin. I've heard a lot about you trashing Ourin!" -Yarfuan stretched his hand out as he smiled.

"Likewise. Any friend of George's is a friend of mine." -A seemingly natural kindness exuded from Leylin as he shook Yarfuan's hand.

George immediately led Leylin around the banquet, introducing him to everyone: "These are the Brichut sisters, Gwen and Gwylith. They happen to be your most fervent admirers!"

"Nice to meet you, Lord Leylin!" -The sisters looked exactly the same. They each had a pair of glittering aquamarine eyes, identical voices, and a cute red blush on their faces.

"Nice to meet you too, ladies. It's a privilege to share an evening with such a pair of beauties." -Leylin placed his hand on his chest and did a noble's greeting.

Seeing the two sisters with tomato-red faces as they ran away, George looked like he was about to faint.

"Wow, you're blessed by the heavens! The two of them seem to be interested in you! And they are twins! Twins...!" -George's hands were dancing around as he said this, with some heartache.

'I'm beginning to think that maybe I was wrong to use that compound on Ourin...'


"In any case, it's time for my speech!" -George said. The smiling expression on his face disappeared and was replaced with a leader's bearing.

He strode to the center of the Furze camp and banged the silver spoon in his hand against his tankard.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Sorry to bother you for a while, but please turn your gazes over here!"

George's prestige was rather high among this group of people. The surrounding crowd all stopped what they were doing and shifted their attention to him.

"Firstly, I would like to officially introduce our esteemed Captain to you, whom I trust with my own life! Leylin Farlier...!" -George announced in a loud voice and clapped.

An intense clapping melody could be heard from the small crowd, as everyone mimicked George.

Leylin got up and waved a nobleman's greeting.

George then put up his hand in a silencing manner and continued: "I decided to set up this small alliance to guarantee that every single acolyte from our Furze Alliance would safely reach the academy and become a well-respected Magus... And now, fellow comrades, danger has arisen! Thus, it is time for us to work together!"

George's expression turned a little solemn, and even his tone was grave. Being infected by him, the surrounding atmosphere also became a little quiet. Only George's voice still echoed in the air.

"We are nearly out of the wilderness and are about to enter the Great Plains of Death. This is the last stage of our journey, and also the most dangerous part...!"

"Great Plains of Death?!" -The girl named Gwen felt overwhelmed at this title.

The current continent that Leylin was in stretched far and wide, and was filled with many kingdoms. Their caravan had originally parted from the South East and then headed North, passing through many dukedoms and kingdoms. By now, they had reached the Northern side of the continent.

After passing through the wilderness, there was an extensive territory of narrow plains. Opposite to these plains, it was rumored to be an ocean.

The plains were supposedly filled with all sorts of hazards and had always been a restricted place for humans.

The stories about it narrated encounters of all sorts of beasts. Even the most ferocious bandits didn't dare to enter this land of doom. Every part of the plains was saturated with corpses of mercenaries, adventurers, and travelers who hadn't known any better.

Right now, the Magus acolyte caravan was about to pass through these Great Plains of Death, and make for the coastline.

"With the protection of the black-robed and white-robed Lords, we'll definitely be able to pass through it!" -A fat boy said as the crowd went into an uproar.

"Correct! With the protection of the Magi and Knight Lords, our possibility of passing through them is rather high... But if those Lords are somehow unable to manage, we will encounter certain death! It could be me or it could be you; do YOU want to experience such an outcome?!" -George asked with a more distinguished tone.

"Definitely not, Lord George!" -The fat boy shouted as his face turned red and sat back down.

"Our aim is to reach the Magus academies across the ocean and become well-respected Magi... But the ruthless screening shall begin now. According to the information that my father obtained, there will be large amounts of death in the Great Plains of Death in every single Magus traveling party!"

George went on, revealing the true peril of this journey.

"What?! What should be done, then?!" -Lots of young men and women panicked, and they looked at George with ashen faces, hoping that he would have a plan.

'All of this, we already knew.' -Leylin rolled his eyes silently.

[Now that the annoying Blondie puts it that way, I guess it was necessary for you to... do what you did...]

'Regrettably so. I couldn't get to the strength level I envisioned, and was forced to adapt my plans.'

'There will come many more sacrifices and compromises. Some will make this ball-sucking incident seem like nothing... But I'll make sure they're worth it no matter what.'

[I know you will, Doctor.]

Next chapter