

Issei parried Murayama's attack with his shinai, and retaliated with his own, only to be blocked by Murayama at the last second.

This exchange had been going on for a while now, and all the girls in the club watched with fascination as the two exchanged blows back and forth, neither retreating from the other's attacks.

Finally, Issei won the bout at the last second, exposing a weakness in Murayama's defense and exploiting it.

The girls clapped as Issei extended a hand to the fallen Murayama, who took his hand graciously and stood up.

"Thanks for practicing with me Issei! If we weren't a female only club, we would definitely ask for you to join!" Murayama said excitedly, despite losing a mere few seconds ago.

"What are you talking about Murayama? I'm good, but I'm still not at your level. If you had taken this match seriously, then I would have definitely lost." Issei responded with a polite smile on his face.

They exchanged a few more words and set up a date for their next practice match, before Issei excused himself and left.

It was pretty late, the sun setting as Issei walked through the empty halls of the academy. The corners of Issei lips curved up as his polite smile turned into a wicked grin.

""A.I. Chip! According to my statistics, simulate and create the best model for swordsmanship!""

He muttered, and soon after, a mechanical voice sounded in his head.

[Beep! Task Established! Host human model established! Begin simulation…]

As the mechanical voice sounded out, a 3D model of a human figure appeared in front of Issei's eyes. It was transparent and shimmering in blue light and appeared exactly the same as him – a 17-year-old youth with Japanese features, brown, spikey hair, and big eyes.

The 3D figure repeatedly started training the sword technique, constantly adjusting the frequency, rate and magnitude. Slowly, a red line could be seen moving around in the 3D figure's body.

After a few minutes, the simulation ended, and the A.I. Chip's mechanical voice sounded out once more.

[Simulation ended! Do you wish to optimize sword technique? Y/n/n]

"Optimize immediately."

[Optimization initiating, estimated time: 125 minutes.]

Issei nodded with satisfaction as the the mechanical voice faded. He had finally collected enough data to optimize his sword technique.

In fact, if Issei really wanted to, he could have turned on the A.I. chips visual aid and defeated Murayama easily, but he didn't want to rely on his A.I. too much and a sudden jump in his skills may attract suspicion.

Specifically, from the Student Council and Occult Research Club. After all, the Occult Research Club's Kiba was a known expert on swordsmanship and could definitely see the difference in style between Issei and the A.I. chip, especially with his supernatural abilities.

Yes, Issei knew that Kiba wasn't human.

At first, when Fang Ming became Issei, he had thought that the nuclear explosion had somehow sent him back in time, as he was now in the 21st century.

Aside from A.I. chip coming with him and confirming the existence of the soul and that something else had also joined with his soul, life was pretty normal, and nothing strange had happened so far.

It wasn't until he had entered Kuoh academy and had the Student Council scanned with his A.I. chip did he realize that they weren't human, as his chip had said this.

[Beep! Danger Alert! Danger Alert!] [You are extremely close to the source of danger. Recommendation: The Host should move at least 1000 meters away!]

[Beep! Discovered an unknown energy source!]

It was then that Issei soon realized that this world was much more mysterious than he thought, as when he had his A.I. scan his body for the unknown energy source, a red gauntlet had suddenly appeared on his body.

This was what had attached to his soul after his joined with Issei's, and after extensive simulation with the energy and the gauntlet with his chip, he discovered its function, which allows the user to double their powers every ten seconds without limit until the user reaches their physical limit.

It was obvious that his current world was one where the supernatural existed! Of course, as a scientist in his previous life, Issei was excited to experiment with such a thing.

Now, his research results were bearing fruit.

"A.I. chip, report progress on analyzation of seal on red gauntlet!"

[In the process of analyzing! Progress: 0.11%] The A.I. Chip showed the current state.

Issei frowned as he exited the school grounds and made his way home. Progress was still as slow as always, and he wouldn't learn more about Sealing magic until progress continued.

But all in all, today had been a productive day, although he did leave later then he had wanted to. He had originally wanted to leave early and get everything prepared.

Since he did have a date tomorrow.

A sinister smile emerged on his face as Issei thought about the girl who had asked him out with barely disguised killing intent.

He had a feeling that the date was going to and on a bad note, so he had prepared the perfect present for his 'friendly' escort.

Next chapter