
Peace treaty(1)

The Three Holy Council is the highest governing body of the space undead.

The Council of Three Saints came into existence when the Space Undead still possessed flesh and blood and were known as the Fear of the Dead.

The Council of Three Saints generally consists of the three most powerful dynasties of the Fear of the Undead, the Dharma Emperors.

The most exalted is the Silent King, also known as the Lord of the Space Undead.

The Silent King does not speak, but rather the two Fauns around him convey all orders.

Due to the fact that the Fear of the Dead's home planet was enveloped by the star's high-energy radiation.

It caused their flesh and blood genes to be cursed.

It was for this reason that the Fearful Dead's lifespan was short.

Even with advanced technology, it is difficult to slow down their lifespan.

Even the powerful French Emperors were short-lived.

Because of their short lives, there had been several Dharma Emperors who had ascended to the throne of the Silent King in history.

Until the Battle of Paradise broke out.

The Silent King-Szarak became the Silent King.

He entered into a partnership with the Star God, transformed the Fear of the Dead into Space Undead, got rid of the Flesh and Blood Curse, gained the so-called eternal life, and became the last Silent King.

However, all of this came with a price.

The Fearful Dead lost their souls and flesh and blood, becoming cold, parasitic data ghosts in metal bodies.

With the help of the Stargods, the Battle of Paradise ended with the extinction of the Ancient Saints.

And then the Silent King - Szarak led the transformed clansmen and blasted the Star God who had deceived them.

Leaving the Stargods in countless pieces, scattered across the galaxy, held and enslaved by various space undead dynasties.

When it was all over, Szarak gave up on continuing to fight the Spirits for galactic supremacy, ordered his people to fall asleep, abandoned the master control protocols for controlling the Space Necromancers, and left the galaxy.

The rule of the Three Holy Council came to an end here as well.

The Master Control Agreement had been destroyed, and the Space Necromancers were set free.

After tens of millions of years of slumber, the space undead's fear of the Three Holy Council had long disappeared.

Even now the Silent King Szarak has returned to the Galaxy.

The many awakened dynasties were no longer willing to submit to the rule of the Three Holy Council.

The Storm King and other powerful Dharma Emperors all wanted to become the supreme ruler of the space undead.

The struggle for power and chaos between the dynasties had left the current Three Holy Council in name only.

This meant that the Sarkon Dynasty was unable to find a reasonable means to sanction the Sotai Dynasty.

Moreover, they didn't know if the Sotai Dynasty had really colluded with the humans.

"The human expeditionary fleet is unstoppable, they have mercilessly destroyed the orc empire that was in the same star area, and now, they are pointing the spear of war at us."

The senior general of the Sarkon Dynasty, looking at the scrolling image in front of him, said, "There is no way for us to win this war if the Sothai Dynasty and the humans join forces."

The Sarkon Fae King sat on his throne and was silent.

Metal fingers tapped on the armrests of the throne, making a crisp thumping sound.

The data centre within the metal skull was rotating at a high speed, and it was even somewhat vaguely hot.

Rapidly analysing the current battlefield situation.

He wanted to find a way to guard the dynasty against the humans' frantic offensive.

"Where is their fleet now?" Another senior space undead general spoke.

"They have already crossed our outer defences, and the closest fleet is only twenty days' voyage away from the Crown World, and if the Etheric currents formed in subspace are favourable to them, this time will be shortened a little more."

The Senior Catacomb Technician reached out with a metallic finger and clicked several times in succession on the scrolling image.

The images that came back from those outposts were played out.

In the images they could clearly see humans in power armour, fighting through the waves of crazed undead, harvesting the Dynasty's soldiers as if they were mowing grass.

"These star fighters have been enhanced, and their battle power is even stronger than before." The Grave Technician took out the results of the analysed data and presented it to the crowd, "Ordinary soldiers are no longer their match."

"It was with these warriors that they easily blew up our outpost and destroyed the Rebirth Protocol module. Perhaps only His Holiness's Guardian Guard can fight them one-on-one."

The gazes of the many undead executives were heavy, all gazing at the scrolling images with a slight hint of sadness in their hearts.

Humans, who had always been regarded as a barbaric race by them, now posed such a terrifying threat to them.

When undergoing undead transformation, the higher the status of the Fearful Undead, the more complex the metal body they obtained, and the more memories and sanity they could retain.

And there was no difference between a low-level Fearful Undead and a robot.

Without emotions or intelligence, they would just follow orders.

His Holiness's melee guards were of high status and retained most of their sanity and memories.

The materials and computing modules used in their bodies were top of the line, which made their battle power far more powerful than ordinary soldiers, and it could even be said that they were not in the same class at all.

But the number of members of the Guardian Guard was extremely rare.

Those interstellar warriors, however, were so many.

Humans and space undead had already reversed in terms of melee force.

They were already weaker than the humans.

This was a very fatal thing.

Humans can still reproduce, while the space undead are dying one by one.

With this cancellation and the loss of the technological advantage, it was only a matter of time before the humans exterminated the space undead.

"Perhaps we should seek the help of other dynasties, humanity's ambitions are by no means limited to the Sarkon Dynasty." A senior general said, when the Sarkon Dynasty is destroyed, they will inevitably turn their fire of war towards other dynasties."

"Those guys from the Sotai Dynasty have screwed their brains out in their slumber, how would they dare to ally with the humans?"

"They'll pay for it."

Many of the dynasty executives participating in the meeting cursed the Sotai Dynasty in an uneven manner.

And once again, Lord Sachem Fa stopped them and made the final decision.

In light of the raging human expeditionary fleet, he decided to ask for help from a powerful dynasty.

That was the Norwalk Dynasty, which was located at the edge of the Extreme Starfield.

The Norwalk Dynasty was currently under the control of the Necromancer Overlord Crimson King.

This dynasty was exceptionally powerful, having participated in the battle against the Star God in the first place, shattering a Star God named the Crimson God and enslaving fragments of that Star God.

The Crimson King was equally ambitious, and he too wanted to compete for the position of Supreme Ruler of the Space Undead.

All these years there have been foreign wars of conquest.

Several powerful dynasties have already submitted to the Crimson King.

Because the boundaries of the two sides had yet to border each other, the Sachem Dynasty's side had also yet to suffer an attack.

The cost of asking for help was high.

It was very likely that the Sarkon Dynasty would become a vassal in this regard.

But now there was no choice.

If you don't want to become a vassal, you will be completely destroyed by humans.


The Maculagh's Flare.

As Kiliman's flagship, this huge warship naturally joined the battlefield right along with the fleet.

The one Sky Punishment Colossus that was still usable followed the main fleet that Kiriman was in, constantly leaping and approaching the Sarkon Dynasty's Crown World.

But today, the Maculagh's Flare welcomed a special guest.

His Holiness, the Sothai Pharaoh from the Sothai Dynasty, visited the flagship of the Human Regency in person to explore the possibility of an alliance between the two powers.

The human's offensive against the Sarkon Dynasty also caused King Sotayfar to feel a tinge of uneasiness.

The Sarkon Dynasty was the mortal enemy of the Sotai Dynasty.

The Sarkon Fa King had been trying to subjugate the Sotai Dynasty all these years.

The two sides had already broken out into many consecutive wars.

Now that the Sarkon Dynasty was being attacked by humans, the Sotai Dynasty was caught in a dilemma for a moment.

Whether to follow the agreements of yesteryear and assist the Sarkon Dynasty in repelling the humans.

Or to turn a blind eye and sit back and watch the humans destroy the Sachem Dynasty.

If you choose the former, there is a kind of hot face on the cold arse, being beaten by people still have to go to help people's sense of awkwardness.

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