
Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

The era of the decline and fall of the galaxy has arrived, and the power to destroy the world has gathered unprecedentedly. The minions of the four evil gods are wreaking havoc in the real universe. The terrifying monsters and demon legions in the night of old have brought destruction and despair to countless human worlds. In the darkness, a ray of light emerged. Carrying countless human technologies, the soul from another world returned to life with the help of the body of the thirteenth parent and child of the imperial emperor. The battle between humans and evil gods is rekindled. In the name of the Emperor, countless human heroes gather again. Blood and corpses will pave the way for the glory of mankind. “As soon as I opened my eyes, you told me that human beings are about to die??”

Almighty_flex · Book&Literature
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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 36: I am the only spokesperson of the Holy Emperor 2/4

"My lord, is there some misunderstanding?" An old bishop began to tremble when he spoke. The long-term pampering made him gain a lot of weight. When he was afraid, the fat would shake.

"Misunderstanding? What kind of misunderstanding, are you questioning me?" Guilliman looked at the old bishop, "I used to build this great empire with my father, and witnessed the beginning of the state religion. You don't think I'm qualified to criticize what you've done."

   "No, no, my lord, my lord, I don't think so." The old bishop was about to cry when he heard this.

  His mechanical prosthetic eyes were trembling, and Guilliman's powerful oppression made him lose a little respect in the past.

   It is not simply because of fear of death, but more because of the inner belief that Guilliman denied.

   "We have always served the emperor devoutly, and have never had any disobedience." Another bishop said, his situation was not much better, but after all, he could speak fluently without stuttering.

   "So I didn't execute you immediately, but chose to come here to check in person. If I have the evidence that you are indeed heresy, then it will not be me who will come, but the extermination order I issued."

  The cruelty in Guilliman's words made all the bishops tremble with fear.

  They will not forget that the emperor's own son has another title, that is, the demigod of war.

  The establishment of the empire can only be established on the ruins and destruction of many alien empires and human forces who are unwilling to obey the empire.

  Each Primarch is the embodiment of war, with absolute cruelty to the enemy.

   "My lord, we have absolute loyalty to the empire and the emperor, and we are definitely not rebellious as you said."

   "Yes, my lord."

   "My lord, you must trust us, we will never have any thoughts of disobeying the emperor."

  Guilliman showed a meaningful smile, "I also hope that you are being deceived, not really rebellious. I have seen your piety, and I sincerely hope that your piety is true."

   "Our piety is true, my lord."


  Guilliman pointed to the criminals who were being held in iron cages and were screaming out of pain, "Then can you tell me, what is that?"

   "Those are heretics, they reject the enlightenment of the Emperor, they reject the faith."

   "We punish them and let them know what happens if they don't believe in and respect the Emperor."

   "Pain will purify their souls and make them repent."

"You mean that my father needs to use fear to win over believers?? Just like those evil gods, they use conspiracy and death to scare those ignorant people, forcing them to kneel in front of the emperor's statue and offer their faith ??" Guilliman questioned the bishop in front of him coldly, and the smile on his noble face became cruel and cold.

   "My lord. That is not what we mean," cried the old bishop. "We have no such thoughts."

"But you did that. My father was distorted by you into an evil god, just like those subspace evil gods hated by humans. You took fear as a means of promoting him, and used death to persecute those people. What you did What is the difference between those traitors from Chaos whom my father hates? Those traitors hurt my father's people, and you have hurt my father's people."

"Those evil gods use false lies to take away everything from people, and the only thing left to them is the endurance of pain. My father hated this, and vowed to bring salvation to mankind, but now, you are using my father's name to come." perform such evil deeds."

  Guilliman's voice contained terrible anger, and everyone could clearly feel the anger in his heart.

  The inner fear of the bishops reached the extreme.

   "My lord." The bishop wept, "We just want to maintain his glory."

"Sustained by fear and sword? Heresy, you have twisted my father, twisted his kindness into fear, his kindness into cruelty, his kindness into blood. Kneel, or I will You are to be condemned as heretics, and to be burned at the stake."

  Guilliman drew out the Emperor's Sword in his hand, and with a flick, golden flames rose up, resplendent and dazzling.

  The bishops fell to their knees, all trembling.

  Guilliman glanced at them, then walked to the podium that had been prepared for him.

  He holds the Emperor's Sword aloft, with anger in his eyes.

  The servo skull with red eyes flashing was suspended beside him, broadcasting his every move in real time.

   Large projection screens appeared in various cities and towns in Espandor.

  All the believers were looking at Guilliman, and they looked at each other, wondering why the Emperor and his son made the bishops kneel down.

   "I am the son of the emperor, the Lord of Ultramar, the regent of the empire, and the sole spokesperson of the holy emperor in the empire. Kneel down, ignorant believers, otherwise, you will be condemned as heresy."

  Guilliman's voice was transmitted to all parts of the world through the servo skull, and his voice sounded even in the desolate desert.

  His voice contained great power and oppression, and all the believers looked at each other in surprise.

  They don't know why the Primarch issued such an order.

  But out of faith in the Emperor, they still knelt down.

   All believers prostrate themselves in fear of being declared heretics.

   Those who can come to Espandor are the most fanatical believers, and they will never allow any flaws in their beliefs

  As the Emperor's own son, Guilliman holds the Emperor's Sword, which is the Emperor's best spokesperson, at least more legitimate than a bishop or a saint.

   Except for the presence of the Emperor, no one can shake Guilliman's position.

"I am sincerely happy for your pious beliefs, but some selfish and greedy people are fooling and deceiving you in every possible way for power and wealth. They molded my benevolent and fraternal father into the same as those disgusting evil gods The presence."

"I must correct this mistake, judge those infuriating heretics, and bring back the glory of my father to you. From today on, anyone who disobeys me is a heretic, and anyone who distorts my words is those evil gods lackey, I will never show any kindness."

After saying this, Guilliman turned his head to look at the bishop kneeling on the ground, "You have committed unforgivable crimes, become the minions of that evil existence, distorted the glory of my father, and brought endless pain to those who followed my father , who love my father. I should send you to the stake and execute you."

   "But my father taught me to be merciful, to love every human being who has never fallen into the abyss, so I will give you the opportunity, you can choose to redeem your sins, or choose to end your sinful life."

   "I am willing to atone, my lord."

   "Me too."

  The bishops watched those space warriors carry out huge fire stakes one after another, how dare they have a religious debate with Guilliman.

  Debating with others can show your understanding of the glory of the emperor and increase your popularity.

   Arguing with a Primarch, the only end is to be burned on the stake and be cast aside as a heretic.

   "Very well, you have made the right choice and proved your piety, all stand up."

  Guilliman's words made the bishops feel a little lucky to survive the catastrophe.

After finishing these bishops, Guilliman turned and continued to face the kneeling believers, "I will re-examine Espandor and check whether there are heretical thoughts in your beliefs. If there are and you are unwilling to repent, then I will give the most cruel I will never allow anything to tarnish the glory of my father. Rise up now and be ready to be examined, people of the empire, devout believers."

   After speaking, Guilliman announced the end of the speech, turned around and walked into the magnificent church.

  The church is very majestic and majestic. Its height alone is hundreds of kilometers.

  Many aerial corridor bridges were built inside, and believers marched along the corridor bridges, singing praises to the emperor.

  The kilometer-high ossuary wall is full of remains left by believers who are called saints.

  The skulls are placed in the dark shrines one by one, and the flickering candles add a touch of gloom.

  Guilliman took a look around, walked to the depths of the church, and stopped in front of a sculpture of the emperor covered with golden armor.

   Several bishops followed Guilliman into the church anxiously,

   Seeing each other stop in front of the Emperor's statue, unprecedented fear also emerged in their hearts.

   Are they really wrong? Fooled by heresy all this time? ?

"Now, let's talk about what is twisted by those traitors and heretics, and what is the true embodiment of my father's divine nature." Guilliman glanced at the statue of the Emperor before turning to those bishop.

how can you be the emperor spokesperson if he is a potato on a chair who is fight for his life so that he don't get brain fucked by the chaos gods.

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