
Warhammer System in Marvel

A detective rolls up to a crime scene. Unknown to everyone else, he's the one who killed the victim in this case. And unknown to this detective, he's about to wake up in the Marvel Universe with an insane Warhammer System. How will he survive in a world where Thanos is guarenteed to succeed once? He'll do whatever he wants in this world while picking up some women along the way.

BillNyeThePGGuy · Movies
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56 Chs

No NTR (Not A Chapter)

I saw a lot of people thinking that there will be NTR because of what the system said.

There will be no NTR.

I likened it to Dream's speedrun because just like his odds, it's impossible for Felicia to cheat (under my pen, at least).

Also, thanks to the vote, It seems lke everybody likes Nezuko the most, with Miyuki getting quite a bit of support as well.

This may or may not be something that comes into play later...