
The Cipher HeresyRough_TimeST0RIES

Chapter 3: ~The Council of Nikea


Summery of the Counicl of Nikea in the Cipher Heresy


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

~The Cipher Heresy~

~The Council of Nikea~

The council was held on the planet of Nikea. There Rogal Dorn had built a grand but small throne room, where a massive table stood, with thrones built by Perturabo sitting on each side. Eighteen, for eighteen Primarchs. Each of the Primarchs sat down to begin the great conversation that would, without anyone knowing, change the course of the Imperium… forever.


Fulgrim sat beside Ferrus Manus and Vulkan, each of them nervous. Such a council was indeed important. The Librarians and Navigators within the Imperium had their fate hanging in the balance. Fulgrim looked over to where Magnus sat. The Crimson King was sitting in a far corner of the grand table, right besides Perturabo. Though he could not see it, Fulgrim knew his brother was dealing with much turmoil. His legion could be slaughtered, cast aside, and wiped from the records alongside himself if this council went poorly.

Ferrus nudged Fulgrim, getting his attention. The Primarch of the Iron Hands looked at his closest friend.

"Our Father has finally arrived.


Once the Emperor arrived, the Council was called in session. One by one the Primarchs gave their thoughts and opinions on the use of Psychers.

Lion El Johnson stated while Psychers shouldn't be removed from the Imperium, they had no place within the Legions.

Fulgrim would place his vote on keeping the Librarians within the legion, explaining that some diseases and inflictions can't be cured by traditional medicine.

Perturabo would side with Fulgrim, explaining that despite his differences with Magnus, Psychers had helped him locate important artifacts and locations.

Jaghatai Khan also voted for use of the psychers, but in the sense of how useful they were in combat, and even stated they should exploit the use of Psychers.

Then came Leman Russ's turn…


Once the Khan was finished speaking, Fulgrim couldn't help but wince. He looked over to Magnus, trying to see his reaction. While there were no clear facial signs of distress, Fulgrim did see Magnus's fists clenched. Obviously Magnus was in no way pleased with their brother. Fulgrim then turned to Leman Russ, the Wolf King. Leman stood up, his teeth clenched and his eyes glaring with such intensity Fulgrim had to mentally calm himself. But somehow he knew he wasn't ready for what the great wolf would say.

"Why must we be here when the answer is clear?! The Psychers are nothing more than barbaric witches and scoundrels! They will all inevitably be turned into monsters or turn their cursed spells against us! They are a danger to the Imperium! Not an asset we can use! Those who use them are all but traitorous fools! I vote not for the non-use of those ghouls, BUT FOR THEIR EXTERMINATION!!!"


Leman's outburst would cause many of the Primarchs to stop and gasp or glare at him. Leman would glare back, seating himself down once again, a small sneer forming from his mouth. And while Rogal Dorn did indeed side with Russ, the rest of the Council would be less than enthusiastic.

Konrad Curze and Sanguinius would both vote in favor of the Psychers, and even make a point that if Russ intended to do harm to any Psycher that the two legions and their territories hosted they would not be treated as enemies, but monsters that would be pushed back and killed on sight.

Ferrus Manus, who had been quite indifferent about the use of Psychers, voted in favor of them, stating that such actions that Leman proposed were exactly why he would side with Magnus if Leman tried anything foolish.

Many others agreed with Ferrus, though one would stand out. Mortiarian would vote against the Psychers but make a point against Leman.


Mortarian then stood, his armor creaking as he did so. Fulgrim had never really been a fan of the Lord of Death, but something about him now spoke volumes. He was no fan of Psychers, but he also cared for his sons AND his brothers.

"I place my vote for the non-use of Psychers. But I will state this as well. Leman, I may be no fan of Psychers. I find their magic vile. But I am not one to call for their extermination. Your outburst has made me reflect on my own hatred. And that is something that I must let go in order to help the Imperium we ALL fight for. So even if I am no fan of them, I will welcome them within my ranks if Psychers are indeed welcomed within our ranks. If they aren't I will make sure that those within my Legion are placed somewhere FAR from your treachery."

As he sat to let Vulkan speak, Fulgrim caught a glance from Mortarian. The two nodded their understanding of each other.


As all the Primarchs finished their votes, it all came down to Magnus the Red, Primarch of the Thousand Sons. The legion was primarily filled with Psychers, thus Magnus's input would be paramount to the discussion at hand. But to many's surprise, he simply shook his head, simply placing a vote in favor with a slip of parchment. Magnus simply didn't want to have an outburst like Leman did, and that the actions of the others had made the majority's decision clear. Psychers were indeed welcomed to the Imperium. Once the Emperor looked through the votes, he stood and raised his blade, lighting it ablaze. He slammed it down onto the table, causing the magnificent table to erupt in a beautiful symbol wreathed in flames. It was the symbol of the Thousand Sons.

The Emperor declared the Psychers were safe under the eyes of the Imperium, and that Magnus the Red would build up guides and places for Psychers to begin using their powers and knowing how to limit themselves. This enraged Russ who stormed out of them room, growling the entire time. Despite him leaving, the Emperor also stated that he needed Rogal Dorn to return with him to Terra, as well as Magnus the Red. Their legions would be commanded by Fulgrim and Vulkan until they were done.

As the Primarchs left, many found time to catch up with each other as well as speak with each other's concerns. But Vulkan found himself talking with Sigismund, who had been caught in a deadly ambush by Orks and found himself in a dreadnought.


Vulkan walked towards his shuttle, where some of the Imperial Fists stood. Vulkan recognized the Leviathan dreadnought as Sigismund, hero of the Imperial Fists, the proclaimed "Black Templar of the Fists." Vulkan boarded the shuttle as the small force of Imperial Fists boarded with him.

"What's the occasion, dear Sigismund?" Vulkan asked, turning the dreadnought. The massive machine turned, its red glowing eyes illuminating the shuttle's interior. It motioned for one of the fists to bring forward a tablet. Vulkan took and began to read. Once he finished, he turned back to Sigismund.

"Are you certain that Logar followed Leman Russ back to Fenris?" The self-proclaimed prophet of the Word Bearers had been hit hard back at his grand temple, and had gone on a small pilgrimage. He had returned to the Imperium with an aurora of something off. Whatever Logar wanted from Russ was concerning. Sigismund nodded in his dreadnought frame. Vulkan looked at the Imperial Fists around him.

"How did you get this information, Sigismund?" He asked quietly, not wanting to gain unwanted attention. Sigismund again motioned for a Fist to approach them. Slowly, the Fist became an Alpha Legionnaire, who bowed to the Primarch. Sigsimund sighed.

"Leman Russ has been a concern for a select few Astartes across the Legions, as he's picked fights with just about everyone. I've hired this legionnaire to keep an eye on him." Vulkan nodded, turning back to the tablet. Whatever Logar was going to speak to Russ about… it didn't bode well for the great Primarch.


It wouldn't be long afterwards that the Primarch of the Salamander's mood towards the situation be proven true…


While I would love to read about the Council of Nikea in the canon Horus Heresy, I find myself being drawn towards the other ALTERNATE Heresys' alternate Councils of Nikea. So pls be chill with that! Thanks ^^