
Chapter 287

Chapter 260: Revolt to the death (seeking subscription!)


Da da da!


Boom boom boom~

Bullets, flames, lasers, and plasma are flying on the battlefield, although most attacks cannot pose a threat to the defense of ancient warriors.

But in the hands of the orcs, there are often some uncertainties.

For the same kind of bullet, the last bullet was just a little itchy, and the next one could cause serious injuries.

The state of the kid, the ratio of gunpowder inside the bullet, and even the modification of the gun will make a big difference.

In addition, the average height of the ancient warriors is so big, bigger than the big orcs.

Even the spooky marksmanship of the orc boy is enough to kill indiscriminately.

You can hit with a shot with your eyes closed.

Ten meters in height and physique looked like a little giant in that battle.

In the past, most of the bullet torrents may have been empty guns, but this time the enemy has eaten them all.

"Come on, watch my cart crash!"

An orc boss stepped on a special locomotive, and the locomotive boy at his feet slammed on the accelerator and brakes and crashed everywhere.

The boss saw the right time, and then the speed of the locomotive jumped off the car, the power claw blasted out and hit the ancient warrior's knee.


The sound of bone fragmentation sounded, and the body of the ancient warrior could not withstand this kind of damage.


After being attacked, the ancient warrior was also red-eyed, propped on the ground with one hand, and swung a giant axe with the other hand, and slashed towards the boss.

The scorching heat is the red that the magma burns the giant axe.

The joint people were chopped into minced meat, and the giant axe hit the ground to shake out a circle of magma and burn the body.

The two sides have losses to each other, the ancient clan all come out, and the orcs are endless, and the battle scenes continue to escalate.

In addition to Storm Boy in the sky, other planes also opened up, and more locomotives and tanks appeared on the ground!

Boom boom boom!

The tanks fired rounds, and the plane dropped rows of bombs.

Sparks of the explosion spread all over the battlefield.

"Throw the stone, let it go!"

"Squash them for me!"

"Priest, rock defense, volley of lava bullets, go back!

While the ancient king commanded the battle, he kept the giant sword in his hand, and a few dodged the attack sideways, and by the way, the orc boss at Quanshou.

A bunch of orc bosses have fallen by his side, and their bodies are gradually melted by magma.As for the boys who were trampled to death, they have long been cremated!

With the singing of the ancient priests, stronger power emerged from the ancient warriors.

Not only the strength increased greatly, the defensive bonus, but also accompanied by the explosion of flames, a scorching breath rushed toward the face.

Some boys were cremated by the breath as soon as they approached, and the temperature of the battlefield kept heating up', physically heating up!

"Pull up all the big cans for Laozi!"

Finally, when a Tier 8 orc boss stepped into the battlefield, the orc's armed forces were further strengthened.

Orcs are fearless!

It's not just Terminator mechs that are called Dreadnought Mechas. In fact, before they have Terminators, Orcs have already created similar Dreadnought Mechas, but they are not as powerful as Terminators.

But when the Terminator came out, he had an opportunity to learn from the past and strengthened the fearless power of the orcs 843.

That is to make trouble with Brother Mao!

When the two troublemakers lined up, and the hill-like war fortresses appeared one after another, Rao, the king of the ancients, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

No one would underestimate the power of such a horrible thing that can tell the weapons of war at a glance!

A gangster is more than ten meters tall, which is larger than the ancient warriors, and the war fortress is tens of meters online. Even if the ancient warriors are tall, they appear short in front of this level of terrorist war machine.

They have plenty of horsepower, even if they are just moving, they are terrifying.

Inside, there are countless elder brothers who are burning the boiler!

The old nature of the eighth-order orc also noticed the king of the ancient clan who was driving unparalleled on the battlefield, and walked over with heavy steps.

"Waaaaaaah! Your opponent is me!"

Such an orc boss was covered with scars, but he was rarely remodeled, and he had a special smell of blood.


This is also the fighting boss from Gurangi's arena.Compared with the boss who survived and slowly grew up on the battlefield of bullets, it is easier for the boss of the arena to be quick.

And there is less danger, at least less danger of being shot.

An ordinary kid not only has to face the oncoming danger on the battlefield, sometimes the bullet behind him is even more deadly.

In addition, the large-scale threat of psionic boy and the orc artillery basically do not distinguish between enemy and us.

So there are indeed very few orc bosses who can survive and climb up step by step.

Li Yang often fights across the world, and the danger is even higher. Even inside the ancient sage world, there are a lot of monsters, ghosts and snakes. They may be pitted while walking, let alone on the battlefield.

This orc boss maintains a style similar to that of Gurangi, and has very little modification on his body. It seems that he is a member of the wild orcs.

The height is also twice as tall as other orc bosses of the same level, almost equal to the king of the ancient race!

The king of the ancients is 15 meters, and the orc boss Baruda is 13 meters!

The ancient king fingered the red giant sword, and Barruda's hands were indeed a pair of steel claws with dual power.

But instead of remodeling the gloves, it is the kind that is worn, like two traps.

Just like a boxer, apart from that, there is no other transformation.

Barruda is wearing heavy black armor and looks heavy, but in fact the figure is so good that it is explosive, full of muscles, and full of boxer figure.

He jumped and landed in front of the ancient king, the powerful force and huge weight set off a frenzy, and rushed away the boys next to him.

An area was vacated on the battlefield.

The two sides just stood calmly on the spot, looking at each other, a strong aura has risen.

No one bothers, whether it's a kid or an ancient warrior knows in their hearts that it belongs to the boss's battle.

Soldiers against soldiers, against generals!

They are not qualified to step into the battle that belongs to the big brothers. Once they step in, they will even usher in a double blow from the two bosses.

Just when the atmosphere on both sides reached its extreme dignity, an ass missile fell from the sky.



The screams of the fart were endless, and the power of the bomb was finalized. In the smoke, the two shot almost at the same time.

Yesterday, boom!

The huge sword collided with the iron fist, and the energy leaked out, dissipating the smoke caused by the explosion.

Boom boom boom~

It was like the sound of a bomb exploding continuously, covering up other sounds on the battlefield.

It was only caused by the two bosses attacking each other.

The immortals fight, and the mortals suffer. Many nearby soldiers can only be forced to cover their ears, and the weaker ones are even shaken to death.

The power of Qianjun is a pediatric in the eyes of both, and the extremely large force is mobilized, constantly colliding, upgrading, and colliding again!

The magma scattered by the fist force, cracks appeared on the giant sword, and quickly merged.

Barruda is from a fighting arena himself and is very handy for this kind of single challenge.

Although the shot is full, but for him it is just a test.

The strength of the ancient king quickly finalized his alarm clock and began to formulate a response plan.

Orcs are not stupid, the stronger the orcs are, the smarter they are!

It's just that their honest or seemingly simple behavior makes them feel like savages.

"The giant sword is relatively long, the armor is high in defense, and the strength is like a king, but the hot red stuff is very uncomfortable. Open the sword and attack the head!" Baruda had a plan in mind.

In another confrontation, his left fist suddenly changed direction, slapped the giant sword sideways, and the ancient king's middle door opened.

Barruda seized the opportunity, deceived him and slammed his head directly into the head of the ancient king.


As if the Tiangu hits, it can be seen how heavy it is.

Even though the ancient king was wearing a helmet, he was fainted by the knock, but Barruda just shook his head and slowed down, stepped forward again, and rushed forward with a punch.

The body structure of the orcs is destined to be very powerful.

The hollow bones are full of viscous material, and the heavy muscles are enough to reduce a lot of impact damage.

Basically, the orc can be regarded as a large piece of flesh with a glial bone.

The body of the ancient race is like stone and flesh. Although the ability to bear injuries is also strong, it is still not as strong as an orc.

There was another punch on the forehead, cracks appeared on the helmet representing glory, and the ancient king inside was naturally uncomfortable.

The hot blood spurted out like magma, and it fell on Barruda's face and blistered, and bursts of smoke floated up. Barruda did not seem to respond, but just kept attacking.

Entering a state of combat, this kind of injured orcs won't care at all.

Unless it is a terrible scar like a broken hand, a broken foot or even a cut off the head, it is difficult for you to stop an orc who has fallen into madness.

Step by step, step by step, the ancient king was suppressed by Barruda without resistance.


You can only retreat step by step, and you are about to lose.

"Tian Lei Yin!

At this time, the sky was suddenly dark, and a thunderbolt smashed straight down, smashing Barruda's whole body with smoke, and stopped attacking and convulsing.

"It's the feather clan,

The ancient king finally had a chance to breathe. He naturally knew this trick. After all, he had eaten it many times, but he didn't expect this trick to save himself once.

For some reason, when Barruda was hacked, the first thing he thought of was shame and anger.

"If you don't want to drag the whole ancient clan to bury, just kill him quickly."

Several seventh-order feather tribes panted slightly, and fell to the ancient king's side.

This rival race, under the oppression of the orcs, had to unite.


The ancient king snorted coldly and took off his helmet, revealing a face resembling a human being, except that the whole body was earthy-yellow rock complexion, with golden light in his eyes, and flame-like spots of light burning inside.

He raised the giant sword again, and huge energy poured into it. The giant sword became more fiery red, and there was lava dripping.

"Go to hell!

The ancient king took advantage of Barruda's electric hemp, a sword light cut out, and the hot temperature even melted the earth into magma.

As the sword light passed, waves of magma continued to gush out.

At the moment Barruda was about to be beheaded, he finally recovered a little, and reluctantly jumped to the side, but his legs were cut off.


The hot temperature made the cuts cooked in an instant, which was the thick nerves of the orcs, and it made Barruda agonize.

"Ah, Damn it's bastard..."

Barruda was lying on the ground, the twitching tingling still felt, and the lost legs, he was still a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Huh? Come again!

The ancient king cleaved three light blades again, although it was not as terrifying as that just now, it was also extremely powerful.

"Hey, shameful!"

At this time, the three light blades burst into pieces out of thin air, but the ancient king reluctantly thought it was made of a few bullet-like things.


"Where did the attack come from?"

Just when those Feather Warriors were puzzled, several Feather Warriors suddenly exploded.

"There is an enemy, where is it?

The Yu clan warrior panicked and quickly fell down, but several people were exploded during the fall.

Moreover, the ancient king was also attacked several times, and the armor on his body was broken.

"There, there,...

Magma flows out of the ancient king, part of it is "blood" and part of it is sweat!!

He is very clear that someone is attacking himself, but even he can barely see the direction of the attack, judging by these attacks.

Either the enemy is constantly moving, or there are several enemies hiding on the battlefield.

But even if the battlefield is so chaotic, and you want to hide and continue to attack yourself, is this really possible?

The opponent's hidden ability is extremely powerful, and it may also be that the enemy's strength far exceeds his own.

Here, Barruda, whose feet have been cut off, is important to recover from the state of electric anesthesia.

Soon a kid rushed over and carried it away, which was called a tactical retreat!

Of course it wasn't to run away, anyway, it was taken directly to the doctor.

It was the first time Barruda went to a mad doctor since he was born in his life.

The cold sweat along the way is not painful, but afraid.

The reason why he insists on being original is that on the one hand, he worships Gurangi, and as a wild orc, he doesn't like transformation or similar technology in nature.

On the other hand, it is fear!

As a gladiator, his companion was seriously injured. He slept next to the mad doctor.

The screams of the whole night are still his nightmare.

But I didn't expect that now I finally can't escape the trick of fate!

"Haha, interesting, there are orcs who are afraid of mad doctors."

As the god of the orcs, Li Yang can know everything about the orcs.

He had been watching the battle just now, after all, it was the boss-level battle.

"Let the Barruda orcs regain their body and strengthen to the eighth peak, while giving the fire element a high-level affinity."

When he spoke, Barruda suddenly felt a rush of heat coming out of his body.His legs recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, the coke fell off and the granulation grew.


His body became so hot that he even burned the boys who were carrying him.

The boys threw him on the ground, hiding far away, now Barruda is like a big fireball.

The ancient king and the Yu clan fighters really had a miserable life at this time. Fortunately, the ancient king said that he could deal with it soon after adapting to it. Even the pressure began to become stronger, and the blood of the ancient clan was not covered.

As an ancient king, he is also very talented.

And those Yu clan fighters have almost been sniped.

No way, it's white and can fly, Buck said that you don't want to attack who?

The landing feather clan is even more unbearable. It is completely walking on the target. When flying is used to it, it walks awkwardly.

That's right, the one who came to the battlefield was the dirty gun boss, the big orc tyrant Buck!

Compared with other orc bosses, few orcs would worship him due to the limitation of their own invisibility.

So his growth is much slower than the other giant bosses.

It is still the peak state of Tier 8.

Unlike Gurangi, Lindo and even Victor have advanced to the ninth level.

But who is more dangerous on the battlefield is really hard to say.

A super sniper hiding in the dark, he also possesses all kinds of terrorist weapons. You never know what gun a dirty gun boss has in his hand and what bullets he uses.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that this group of old music ratios, basically if they have money, they will go to the technician boy to transform or build weapons.

And Buck is the richest one, even he himself is a machine cream, and there are a group of machine fighters to serve him.

Let's put it this way, it is not surprising that there is a nuclear bomb in a person's pocket, and it may be a bullet version!

Just as Buck was thinking about whether to change a bullet or a weapon, a stream of scorching heat surged into the sky.

"Waaaaaaaaaagh! I'm back!"

"Huh? Then leave it to you, hehe."

The invisible Cuban turned his eyes and left to snipe other enemies.

The ancient king felt that the feeling of being on his back in the dark disappeared, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, as if he had given up on him.

But he seems to have a more difficult battle!

Looking at the newly born Barruda, the ancient king also looked bitter.

I saw Barruda's height rise again, his legs recovered, he was already as tall as the ancient king, or even slightly taller, with fiery red blood vessels flowing under his green skin.

The temperature on the body is extremely high, it emits a hot stream, the sweat is constantly evaporating and steam is emitted, and the whole person is like a hot red green.

But this means that the opponent may have been immune or that he has a certain degree of immunity to the ability.

Next, it's not easy to fight!

And there is a hidden horror guy. If he enters the battlefield to kill wantonly, it will have a great impact on the battlefield.

In fact, this is indeed the case.With Cuba joining, the hard-to-eat bones on the battlefield have been named, and if this continues, it will soon collapse!

The decline of the ancient clan has already appeared. In this battle, unless surrendered, it is really possible to annihilate the clan.

But the question is, will the ancients surrender?

And Li Yang, will he accept it?

Killing chickens and cursing monkeys, jumping out by yourself, such a good opportunity, why accept it?

In this battle, the ancient clan has forgotten its survival. This race that dared to fight against the tens of thousands of people does have a different arrogance!

Thinking of this, the ancient king's eyes were a bit firm.

Isn't it just death, I, the ancient king, don't regret it!

The ancients will not regret it!

He didn't want to kneel, and the ancients didn't want to kneel either, otherwise he would have already kneeled. There is no reason why he would not kneel down to the feather clan and the gods and go to the outer gods and orcs!

Even if you die, you will die!

It's a pity that some people don't have the courage and can only watch their world go to extinction step by step.

Or maybe they really don't have the ability to resist. The interests are related, and the reasons are too complicated.

The ancients would rather stand to die for the sake of being proud, they are indeed a man!

Regarding this matter, Li Yang can only remain silent.

Just give these fighters, the last madness!

If you can really go to the ground like an orc, you will be happy with no complaints, and a happy life will not be bad.

After all, not everyone can maintain the same arrogance as the ancients, and resist even if they die.

"Coming to fight!


The giant sword and the iron fist meet again, and the collision sound is like a drum of war, sending the last respect to the ancients!