
 Chapter 13 Krieg, Charge!!!

  [Your eyes are blurred, and a short figure seems to appear in your sight. The other person is wearing a strange-looking breathing mask and a brown military waterproof coat. ]

  [You feel difficulty breathing and try to ask for help. ]

  [You are hit on the head by an engineer shovel, and blood is flowing. ]

  [You are on the verge of death again and fall into a coma at the same time. ]

  [You are unconscious and dragged into an underground tunnel by the other party, deep underground... You are captured. ]

  [You survived by chance and did not die. ]

  [On the first day, you gradually woke up from the coma. Before you figured out the situation in front of you, a middle-aged man who looked like an officer came to you. ]

  [He called himself Colonel 'Yuerten', the commander of the 83rd Regiment of Krieg. Not long ago, you appeared on the death battlefield of Krieg with an unknown identity and mysterious origin, and were accidentally captured by a loyal Krieg soldier. ]

  [You showed your loyalty to the Emperor and tried to explain that everything was arranged by the Emperor. Colonel Yurten believed your words. ]

  [You suddenly found that during the coma, the injuries in your body had completely healed. ]

  [You proposed to Colonel Yurten that you wanted to learn more combat skills and survival knowledge. Colonel Yurten agreed to your request without hesitation. ] [

  You heard the explanation from Colonel Yurten that the nuclear fire had destroyed the surface of the entire planet. The rebellion that swept the planet was temporarily destroyed, but the remaining rebels still resisted stubbornly, and the loyalists suffered heavy losses. ] [

  "It is an honor for the Krieg Corps to join you. To fight for the Emperor, the Krieg Corps is willing to pay any price!" Colonel Yurten said so. ] [

  You followed Colonel Yurten confidently and left the place of imprisonment. ]

  [You did not notice the fanaticism and shock in Colonel Yurten's eyes. ]

  [The next day, in an underground tunnel at the front line of the battle, a Krieg Watch Captain wearing a breathing mask, a steel helmet, and a black and green waterproof coat became your superior. ]

  [You tried to communicate with him, but he said nothing. He just led you to the place where the equipment was stored and gestured that you could choose whatever you wanted. ]

  [You accidentally found that almost all the equipment was covered with dried blood, but you didn't care. You quickly put on the same equipment as the Krieg soldiers: a steel helmet, a breathing mask, military boots and a black waterproof coat. ]

  [You carried more wooden-handled fragmentation grenades, and you picked up a Lucius Type 98 laser gun, which you couldn't let go of. ]

  [Your superior handed you a heavy serrated bayonet. You tried to ask him if he had any long-handled weapons such as an engineer shovel, but he still didn't say a word. ]

  [Fully armed, you followed the Watch Captain to join the battle against the rebels. ]

  [The firefight in the underground tunnel was fierce and bloody. You subconsciously tensed up and kept learning the action skills of the Overwatch Captain. ]

  [You were unexpectedly ambushed. A lone rebel rushed towards you. Your laser gun ammunition quickly ran out. The rebel was beaten into a pulp. You were breathing rapidly and were still in shock. ]

  [The Overwatch Captain watched everything in front of him. After the short battle, he or she told you that the Lucius Type 98 laser gun was powerful, but the battery capacity was too small. You needed to learn to control the amount of ammunition during the battle and maintain combat effectiveness at all times. ]

  [You suddenly realized that the other party was not unwilling to talk, but unwilling to communicate with a mysterious stranger. You killed the rebel and proved your loyalty. Now, you are comrades-in-arms. ]

  [On the third day, you cut the throats of two rebels with a heavy sawtooth bayonet in a battle. Your wonderful performance even attracted the attention of the Overwatch Captain. The taciturn other party tried to ask you for tips on using knives. ]

  [On the fourth day, you joined the infantry squad under the leadership of the captain of the watch. The task of the ten-man squad was extremely difficult. The rebels were frantically attacking the underground nest of the loyalists. Your task was to stop the enemy's advance and try to attack back. ]

  [You seemed to gradually adapt to the way of fighting in the underground tunnels. You began to use the shadows of the tunnels and a large number of wooden-handled grenades to successfully kill a small number of rebels. ]

  [In the interval between battles, you received a reward that the captain of the watch had found specifically for you, a very handy engineer shovel. ]

  [In the first week, the battle in the underground tunnels became more and more brutal. The impact of the rebels was like a tide, without stopping. Your squad lost three soldiers in succession. Even if you asked repeatedly in the past few days, you never knew their names. ]

  [In the second week, the smell of burnt flesh and blood colliding with lasers filled the entire underground tunnel. Now you have become silent. The damn rebels actually used heavy weapons laser cannons in the dark and narrow underground tunnels. Even if they were shaken into corpses by the powerful recoil, the crazy rebels would cause huge losses to the infantry squad. ]

  [A Krieg soldier who fought with you was blasted into blood and flesh, and even his relics were not left. You fell into a rage, carrying the heavy "Purgatory Gun" and rushed into the underground tunnels occupied by the rebels. You killed a large number of rebels, occupied an underground tunnel, and successfully completed the mission of the infantry squad, but you had no emotions except sadness. ]

  [In the third week, Colonel Yulten heard about your heroic deeds. He suggested that you join his guards to get more elite combat training and try to learn command knowledge. You rejected Colonel Yulten's proposal and accepted the recommendation of the captain of the watch, becoming a Krieg grenadier despite Colonel Yulten's strong opposition. ]

  [You seemed to have entered a strange state of excessive grief, crazy and calm. ]

  [You seemed to be longing for death, but with an inexpressible loyalty, you could only pour out the endless anger of the Emperor on the rebels who kept counterattacking. ]

  [This time, you only paid a few fingers to recapture the underground tunnels belonging to the rebels again. ]

  [Your successive outstanding performances seem to have attracted the attention of the rebel commander, and your next battle will become more and more difficult. ]

  [In the fourth week, Colonel Yulten personally issued an order, ordering your infantry squad to defend the several underground tunnels that were occupied, and there was no order to retreat... unless you chose to give in and join Colonel Yulten's Krieg Guard. ]

  [You tried to explain to the captain of the watch, persuading him to temporarily disobey orders and leave you alone to defend, but he did not respond, just led the two remaining Krieg soldiers of the infantry squad, silently set up a double-linked heavy logging gun, and carried more wooden-handled grenades. ]

  [You fell into silence, and silently carried the heavy "Purgatory Gun" and engineer shovel, picked up a Lucius 98 laser gun, entered the tunnel to set up traps, and buried more mines. ]

  [The battle that belongs to you and the entire infantry squad has begun. ]

  [The roar from the twin-linked heavy logging rifles was deafening, and the light from the laser guns flashed desperately, almost illuminating the entire dark underground tunnel, as if it were daytime. ]

  [However, countless rebels were like surging tides. Just as one wave was eliminated, another wave rushed out. ]

  [Two ordinary Krieg soldiers fell beside you. Even though they were nameless and died, their fingers never let go of the trigger of the laser gun until the battery of the laser gun was completely exhausted. ]

  [The battle situation became increasingly critical. You detonated the buried mines. The violent shock wave carried the flesh and blood of countless rebels and hit your waterproof coat. You subconsciously turned your sight, but found that at some point, the watch captain who was responsible for operating the felling gun had half of his body evaporated by the laser gun. Now he kept pulling the trigger with only the last bit of consciousness. ]

  [The felling gun suddenly stopped roaring, and the rebels began to organize an attack again. Behind the breathing mask, blood and tears seemed to linger in the corners of your eyes. ]

  [You silently carried the battery of the "Purgatory Gun" and tied wooden-handled grenades all over your body. ]

  [You retreated a distance, crawled in the shadows, and waited for an opportunity to move. ]

  [In a trance, you seemed to remember the watch captain who was not talkative and occasionally recited a few prayer poems. ]

  ["Breathing is war, death is tranquility. Living is shame, death is atonement" you stumbled and began to mutter. ]

  [More and more rebels poured into the underground tunnel. You pulled the fuses of most of the grenades and jumped out of the shadows. ]

  [Instantly, your roar resounded throughout the underground tunnel! ]

  ["Krieg... Charge!!!"]

   Here it comes.

    Please collect and recommend!

  (End of this chapter)