
Morathi - The first Hag Queen

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I really don't want to go to morathi. all of us elves have heard all Stories about her as if they were children's books. about all her treachery, betrayal and her gift of magic, sight(future) and otherworldly beauty. Yes dark elf children's stories are of course not ones with moral, in fact moral of those stories were often that honour, honesty, love and such morals were a weakness, to be exploited by those without it.

personally, I see both sides of the coin. I appritiate morals as they make one predictable in a good way, where you synergize with others that share same morals. but I also know them as weaknesses that people without morals might and will exploit. I remember in my last life, when i was young my first encounter with cheating(exam) was on a moral studies test, when the answers the girl who asked me was looking for was about honesty. she of course scored more than me despite her dis-honest methods. not that scores matter.

But with morathi, her conclusion to entrench our elven society in corruption and Chaos was very deliberate. when young, she saw the coming of Chaos way before it happened, but because high elven society was having too good a time to even belive that such atrocities would exist, let alone befall them, the HIGH elves. most of her nay sayers died on battle with Chaos. not even giving her a good century of being able to say I told you so.

with this experience, she took it upon herself to not only show what Chaos is capable of, what she experienced as a slave of slanesh, but also show how much fun they have torturing and putting people through atrocities by encouraging elves to do exactly those things. so never again will she have to answer the question of why would someone do somthing so terrible, because they would know how fun it is themselves.

As much as I respect her for creating our race and for her experiences, I don't want to touch that crazy with a 10 foot pole. it is well known fact that men and some women loose themselves to her beauty in close proximity. although due to practising light magic, I might be able to keep my mind. I don't want a future seeing, and sadistic hag who is so powerful that only comparison for her magic are literal gods of magic or thier incarnations upon this planet.

but I have to go. my mother enjoys a noble life and was able to give it to me only because of morathi. without her backing, my mother will loose all her clout and we would be defending ourselves from plot after plots to keep what we have, let alone grow it. not that my mother thinks like that. she is almost as loyal to morathi as my harpies are to me, that means that she is somehow magically bound to do her bidding. this must be her condition for taking disciples. if I don't go, let alone my property, my relationship with my mother itself would strain.

and so I left, my angels can take care of the pyramid and it's functions of generating magic gems and more angels. they have alter that basically cast the magic for them, they only have to provide magic, which they can take from life force or ones generated from inside the pyramid.

I don't really need to pack things up, I'll buy everything I need there, and already most utilities like bath, cleaning and hygiene have spells for them. I even have a spell that vanishes my poop straight from my stomach.I don't wear any armour or have any equipment. armour would only make it more difficult for bat to carry me and I already have a lot of defensive spells always active, so as to imprint then on me, and make them instinctual. regarding weapon,I mostly use bat himself as a magic focus and use magic to create ethereal weapons if I ever do get in close range. even then I still prefer dagger due to my mastery over it, than any more war/battle orientated weapon.

so after saying my goodbyes to mother and my top Angels, I fly of with bat attached to back. the black ark was already making our way back to dark elf lands of nagaroth, to liquidate our raids. so it didn't take too long for me to reach the ancient city of quintex.i have to be careful of wild creatures of the sky, to make it in time.i didn't bring any harpies because although they look like humans, they are beast. without proper accommodation of a roost or nest for them, they can't live in a mansion for too long without getting in the way

I didn't bring any of my angels as already there are a few here, posing to be elf slavers , and selling their own bodies to the highest bidder. all the money they bring goes into my coffers anyways. I have similarly placed angels everywhere where they can pretend to fit in, with their low intellegence. it's easiest in dark elf society as already they believe they can make up for intellegence with cruelty, especially for a job like slavery. and cruelty is inherent to harpies, especially my angels.

I can't be too overt in meeting them though, I would have to stage something that allows them to give their loyalty to me publically, or continue to be covert in our interactions. I'm hoping my dragon borns will be different in this regard. it is known that dragons are intellegent creatures rather than mere beast. but already, even elf or human born harpies are still stupid, so I don't have high hopes in that regard.

I reach the marvelous ancient city's gates and land. bat wraps his wings around me as if it were a pancho. i tell the gate gaurds that morathi is expecting me and hope that they shoo me away, so I have an excuse to leave. but it seems they have been informed of my arrival and take me directly to the palace to meet with morathi. I admire the dark and goth experience that is a dark elf palace, more so when made by morathi, the beauty incarnate herself.

we reach the main hall where morathi is sitting on a beautiful throne. I bow down as I reach inside the parameters of her aura of beauty, asking me to serve her out of sheer admiration for her beauty."My Queen" I greet her while bowing down. " you must be Tsar, born to my favoured disciple ,tides of your victory chants have even reached ashore here at titans peaks, my dear" she says with the most seductive smile I have ever seen. I reply" when legends themselves speak of one's doing, one must become speechless", this brings a laughter out of morathi at my humility and my clear admiration for her.

I still see a tiara of moon pattern under her horned crown/helm, which must mean Alith Anar has yet to steal it. although I think he is one of the coolest character's by far as having cosplayed as him in one of my nights with my patient who had surgery to look like morathi, I would soon throw him under the bus if it were to provide me more of morathi's favour.

"Your mother speaks very highly of you, even more fondly than a mother-child relationship would imply"she asks light heartedly."who am I to define limits on a mother's love, all I know is I love her very much, and she assures me she loves me even more than that". She chuckled at my dodging her question expertly."And how do you show this love to my lovely Tara" she says thinking that using my mother's name would make me open up more with familiarity."I suckle on her teats for milk as a loving child feeds it's mother"I say smiling. She is laughs and aks" you make it sound as if you are the only one who had had your mother's breast in their mouth, I have had the pleasure myself and would you have me belive hers is the only breast you feast on"

She had me there"her love for you eclipse even her love for me. My mother is zealous about your teachings, her master is her everything"I say. She smiled at me and asks"does that make you jealous". I smile in reply"she raised to make you proud, to be more useful to you"." and how would you be useful to me"she asks, first time with a serious face in this whole conversation."I am well versed in everything a page or assistant would need to know. But my passion lies with subjugating beast. "I say, as if reading my resume". She says,"Yes, I've heard about you unusual harpy roost and your mother said that you tend to her Mount, who has impressed even me in the fighting pits."

"It's true my queen. But my personal best has always been understated, I carry it around with me, it is that precious to me",I reply."is that what this unusual garp is over you, some kind of fell bat. i've heard, how you are indistinguishable from your harpies when you fly with it. Stand up, show your proud familiar to me"she commands, pointing to my pancho. I stand up and bat unwrapps it's wings from my torso and stretches them completely." It is my queen, it is not only my aid in flying, but also my focus for magic, just like I've had fenrir become my mother's magic focus." I say."so how is this better then her Mount."she asks.

"fenrir can only be used to cast internal msgics, and even that to only buff himself, not even my mother directly benifits from those buffs, if he is the sole focus of casting. With multiple foci, like her staff and fenrir together, she can efficiently cast any spell. I only need bat for any and all spell casting. It can cast internal magics, but also at a range, when used as focus." She looked impressed,"and how do your magic focus help me"she asked.

"I know my queen rides upon a mighty pegasus, I can make you able to use him as focus for your magic, allowing him to breath wind like a dragon breaths fire. It's hoves will hit like a thunder bolt and through it you could reach harmonic convergence. All of this requiring minimum casting on your part and your pegasus may act on his own to cast these spells if you are atop it. The winds itself will lend their aid to you, making it unmatched in air."I say offering my services.

"What about your page training that you were talking about"she asks me. "I have Stewarded my mother's estate and personal harpy roost of enormous size for almost a decade now, it might sound like little time to my eternal queen, but it is half my life"I say, reminding her that my accomplishments are to be weighed with my age.

She takes a thinking pose for a while." You will tend to my pegasus and deliver on all that you have claimed here. While, you are at it, you will also serve as page to the beast matter."

And so went my days, tending to morathi's dark pegasus, Sulephet. I had put a good impression on the beast matter as a page, and he had seen how good I was with beast and got scared that his job would be in danger. So he was only glad to sing my performance at page to Morathi when she asked. Going so far as to suggest her to make me her personal page. And that's the story of how i became morathi's personal assistant.

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