
Dragons are unstoppable

Golia the sage spirits was on top of the Emerald Thorn Dragon. At the moment, this Emerald Thorn Dragon looks way different from its former look. There was a huge forest on the back of that dragon right now. On closer look, this forest was not any ordinary forest either. Almost every single tree on top of it was a buffer tree. Tree of Life, Tree of Rejuvenation, Illusion Grass and even Tree of Eternity were multiplying on top of it.

"Shit, this forest is weird!"

"They kept popping up even after we attack them nonstop!"

"And those annoying crows too, they're endless!"

"What was that weird dragon? There was no such dragon even back in demon continent."

Several demonic being grumbled after their attack were rendered useless. The green dragon in front of them defied their common sense. Never was before this an Emerald Thorn Dragon hosted a forest on its own back.

Most of the buffer tree was Sage's skill but there were also countless Headhunter Birds inside the forest. [HeadHunter Bird] was ranger's debuff skill in a form of a black crow. These black crow ran into the enemy like a suicide bomber dealing considerable damage and debuff on the target. These birds were normally frail but thanks to the stacking buff from this forest, they became sturdier and could multiply endlessly as long as the forest was still intact.

"Oho. This works better than what master predicted. Master would be pleased when I reported this outcome to him later."

Golia himself was awed by the performance of the Emerald Thorn Dragon. It was way beyond expectation. Even though the only attacker so far was just normal class demonic beings, it could still be considered a great feat to defeat them with such ease.

Several silver ranked intermediate bosses demonic being were also seen struggling against the [Vine Thorn] sent out by the Emerald Thorn Dragon. These vine thorns immediately entangled the opponent it came into contact with and sucked their vitality over time. Normal demonic beings couldn't even break free from these vine thorns on their own.

As for Mira who was on top of Dark Flame Dragon, she was mercilessly ordering the dragon to kill everything on sight. At first, she still heed to Mays's order which was to destroy designated building used by those demonic beings. But now, the more she was absorbed into the fight, the more she lose her sense and started wreaking havoc at will.

"Hahahahha Mira is the flame empress! Die before this great empress huahahahahha! More! Flame Breath! More!"

Pointing over the enemies surrounding her, Mira ordered the Dark Flame Dragon to attack. The current Dark Flame Dragon didn't differ much from its normal look but there were several distinctive feature that changed entirely. Only a war veteran who had fought countless battle against dragon kin would know what actually happened to this Dark Flame Dragon.

There were currently three protruding horn which shouldn't be there on a normal Dark Flame Dragon. Its wing was also shrouded entirely in flame, making it looks beyond domineering. The current Dark Flame Dragon was in its awakened form, which could also be called the Dark Flame Dragon Emperor.

Dark Flame Dragon Emperor was the final form for Dark Flame Dragon which had reached the maximum limit of flame absorption. In HeavensTale, this situation rarely happened because every player knew how strong a Dark Flame Dragon Emperor was thus avoided using fire elements attack on those who mounted Dark Flame Dragon.

Everything changed now when the game turned into reality. Mira alone could awaken the Dark Flame Dragon without much difficulty. The result was as expected, the indomitable Dark Flame Dragon Emperor was born whose prowess left those demonic beings in the dust.

Other than Golia who was on top of Emerald Thorn Dragon and Mira on the back of Dark Flame Dragon, the other spirits were already on land, fighting off the surrounding demonic beings. They were surrounded by hundreds of gold and silver ranked demonic beings but obviously these demonic beings were not their match.

The disparity in strength between normal and boss class demonic beings were too large. Since most boss class demonic being were busy observing rather than taking action themselves, the spirits were on killing spree without care. These weak demonic beings were of no threat to them.

"Fifty three!"

"Forty nine."

"Meh, I give up. I'm only at thirty two. Range class is a cheat."

Erocci sighed as she gave up on their contest. Apparently Mada was in the lead while Silvia was chasing him not too far behind. Both Ranger and Gunner were range class, making it way easier for them to kill their opponent without the need to close the distance between them. As an assassin, Erocci need to approach her enemy before she could kill them.

Aloha stood at the very back supporting everyone else while Damia was killing the demonic beings diligently without joining the contest. She never was that competitive to begin with.

"I wonder if master was having a hard time right now. There were lots of those boss class demon surrounding Flamence after all."

"Master will be okay. I believe so… I think."

At Damia's sudden probing, Aloha answered hesitantly. She immediately shifted her sight toward the lone dragon flying higher than the other two, Flamence.


"How come? He shouldn't have killed those guys that fast!"

Babila was covered in cold sweat. He was witnessing something he couldn't comprehend. A solo godkin killing a silver ranked intermediate boss easily. It was not even a one on one fight. Mays was surrounded by six of them yet he could kill them effortlessly nonetheless. He was currently engulfed with both [Sword Blessing] and [Magical Force] aura, ready to strike his opponent with his full force.

"Third one done. So, who is next?"

Tossing the dead body of the winged monkey away, Mays walked forward toward Babila using [Sky Step]. Unlike those demonic beings who flew freely in the air, Mays could only walk slowly, step by step. He couldn't even run on air. Not even ten minute passed yet he managed to kill three out of six of his attacker.

The other three were speechless as they started hesitating. Babila who was on the side line all this time finally decided to join the fight himself. Following close behind him was the other three gold ranked intermediate boss, eagerly brandishing their weapons. Even Kamara joined the battle as a support for Babila.

"Playtime's over. Now die!"


Babila's lance was parried away by Mays. The others ain't doing nothing during the exchange either. From every side, they attacked Mays relentlessly. Even Mays couldn't walk away scratch free from this barrage of attack.

"Take this!"

"Heh, you're not that great."

"What's with your tone earlier? You thought you can win against us with just you lot?"

One after another, they poured down insults on Mays while their attack continued without rest. It was visible how strained Mays currently was when facing all four of them head on.

"Heheh… Having a hard time now aren't you?"

Babila smirked as his attack became more and more ruthless. His lance pierced the air countless time while it still managed to graze Mays in occasion. The attacks from the others were basically the same like Babila, barely hitting yet still managed to graze him.

"Its normal duh considering I'm facing four of you guys. Sword Spirits!"

Despite the situation he was in, Mays still replied to Babila nonchalantly. He was not someone who cowered against something at this level. Once a while, he used his skill to disrupt the rhythm of his opponents combined attack. It was quite effective considering how several of them would immediately backed off when Mays used his skills.

One against one, Mays would win without a doubt. Against two of them, Mays could still win albeit hardly after considering all his hidden trump card. Unfortunately, Mays had close to no chance of winning if he fought four of them at the same time.

"Looks like master is in trouble... tch!"

Syaitona herself was surrounded by several silver ranked intermediate boss but her situation was not as dire as Mays. She could still pay attention on other's fight while keeping off her opponent at bay. As a berserker, she couldn't even walked on air like Mays so she couldn't help him even if she wanted to.

"These pest! Flame Arrow!"

Several flame arrow flew by yet most of them were evaded by the opposing demonic beings. Even Minerva was having a hard time at the moment. These demonic beings used their quantity to triumph over everyone.

Little by little, the accumulated damage started to show its effect and Mays's movement become duller as time passed. At the very least, he still managed to evade every attack directed at him. Unbeknown to even the enemy facing him, Mays counterattacked every time he was attacked by his opponents. He made sure that his attack didn't leave too huge a damage on the opponents or they might suspects something.

If not because of the life stealing effect of both his swords, Mays might already been defeated by his opponents. Mays had been exchanging moves with his opponents for almost one hour after all. The only reason why he managed to hold out without revealing most of his card was the replenished stamina and vitality after his every attack. Since there was no concept of HP in this world, stamina and vitality which was not even a stat back in HeavensTale could be considered its counterpart.

The surrounding area had long turned into a scene of carnage. Nobody would believe the fact that their location right now was the capital of Durahel Kingdom. Once a bustling and merry city was now a ruin thanks to the battle between godkins and demonic beings. Only the sorrowful cries of the masses alongside the rumbling sounds of destroyed houses echoed all over.

The fight between these two great powers were still far from over.

"This… this might even be the end of the kingdom."

"What have those dragon came here for? Is it for the destruction of those demons or the destruction of us humans who failed to stop the invasion?"

"No use asking those kind of question. One thing for sure, those demons are the enemies."

Durahel Kingdom's strongest knight unit, Durahel Wyvern Knight who just arrived at the scene were shocked at the scenery before them. From the summary of the report they received, they knew that the dragons appeared out of nowhere and started weeding out demons who was assimilating with humans inside the capital.

"Cease your nonsense and focus on the task at hand. Our enemies never changed. Tonight, it's our own life or those demonic beings. To battle!"

A bearded middle aged man shouted aggressively. He was Captain Romanov, the captain of this group of knights.

"Yes captain!"

Led by their squad captain, the members of Durahel Wyvern Knight shot through the sky riding their wyvern. Their target was the bunch of demonic being concentrated near the imperial palace. They never knew the reason why there were so many demonic being there was because they were fighting something else down there.

"Captain! There seemed to be people fighting off the demons inside the encirclement!"

"Their number was few but they were doing exceedingly well. They had killed one hundred demons at least considering the number of demon corpses around them."

"I believe they were professionals demon exterminator. They even got a barrier erected at that area."

"Those people… For now, aid them from the side. If possible, open a path so that we can combine forces with them."

"Yes captain!"

After approaching those demonic beings and attacked their rear, the soldiers noticed that there were another party in the middle of all those demonic beings. Listening to the remarks told by his squad member, the captain made his decision to back up that party.

The captain was quick witted for sure. He knew that for a party with less than ten people to fight off hundreds of demonic beings, they were not simple character for sure. They might even be elites from certain ancient empire who accidentally got caught up in this turmoil. In the end, they could act as a great reinforcement in defeating these demonic beings.

"A group of enemies incoming from our back. They're the wyvern riders. What should we do?"

A gold ranked female winged monkey reported. She was one of the scout unit for the demonic being tasked to keep track on every small changes on the battlefield.

"Nah, they're just a bunch of lowly humans. They numbered around one hundred and there were less than ten gold ranked fighter among them. Just inform Askoro and ask him to deal with them."

"Yes sir."

The one giving order was Grot, the appointed leader of the demonic vanguard force's second squad. Grot was a gold ranked intermediate boss while Askoro who served under him was a silver ranked intermediate boss. They were both of Winged Monkey tribe.

Grot initial task was to lead squad two together with Dimes and defeat one of the dragons but the moment several spirits jumped down from the dragon, he decided to chase after them. He was currently taking charge of all the demonic being at the area.


After Astaga drank the potion and recover his usual visage, both he and the princess decided to follow Misaka's party as they strolled all over the forest. During that time, they managed to get closer to each other as they conversed about themselves.

The conversation between them were awkward at first. It was after Misaka accidentally told them that she was a godkin that the attitude of both Astaga and the princess changed. They even started telling their story in great details.

"Please help us."

Both Astaga and the princess kneeled in front of Misaka. They were asking for help sincerely. Even the two fairy Guhe and Yehe shed tears after listening to their stories.

The name of this princess was Aiburi. Her loyal knight was called Astaga. Astaga was an elite from the Royal Knight Unit whose responsibility was to ensure the safety of the royal family. Their request to Misaka was just a simple one, an escort mission up to Stoness Duchy.

"Well… I don't think that I'm strong enough to help you guys."

Misaka who end up listening to their whole story made up her mind. True, she was a max level player, a highly regarded being in this world, a godkin, but in the end she was still alone.

There was no way she could safely guarded these two until they reached their destination. Not when these two already specified that the person who wanted them dead was Ebulis, the Third Demon General himself.

Demon General Ebulis.

Although ranked at the bottom most of the Ranked Boss List, he was without a doubt a character any HeavensTale should be wary about. Ranked eighteen out of twenty strongest gold ranked insane boss, Ebulis was without a doubt a character not just anyone could hope to survive against.

"That Demon General was too much. I'm sorry. You seek the wrong person for help."

"Uhu…. Hu… how could you? Their story moved me to tears… hu… yet you… hu… rejected their plea... Hu… You're worse… hu… than demons themselves."

"Yeah… hu… hu… worse than demons… hu."

Both Guhe and Yehe rebuked Misaka right away. Their mind was as simple as a five years old kid after all. They say whatever they thought of and did whatever they wanted.

"Seriously, I don't want to hear that from kids who appeared out of nowhere."

"But… hu… hu… we… always… help those… in need… hu…"

"Even though they're demons?"

There was no way Misaka could have retorted like that. She kept her silence as she stared at the kneeling duo in front of her. They were looking at her full of expectation. Even the two fairy were looking at her attentively.

Even when these two tried to conceal their real identity, from the vague story they explained, anyone could deduce who they were for sure. Their pale skin and pointy ears was also a total giveaway. Only these innocent fairy wouldn't know since they never left their forest.

"Tch, fine. I'll help you guys for now. But if it gets dangerous, the first thing I'll do is abandon you guys."

Reluctantly, Misaka agreed to help the princess. Truth be told, she wanted to help them. But still, her own life mattered most. She wouldn't just toss away her life for some strangers.

"Really? Thank you so much. Thank you."

The princess was totally delighted. She never thought that this person would agree to their unreasonable request without any condition.

"Hu… hu… I know… you people… hu… were… good guys… hu… hu…"

"Good… guys… hu…"

"Seriously, stop wiping your snot using my cape!"

Misaka knocked the two fairy down with her knuckle. She just couldn't keep up with their childish action.

"But first, we need to find a way to break out from this forest. I have been stuck here for two months already."

"Sorry, I can't open the barrier anymore. This magic pendant already lose almost all its energy after we opened it earlier."

Dejectedly answering Misaka, Princess Aiburi tightened the grip on her magic pendant. It was obvious that the magic pendant was something important to her. On closer look, there were even cracks on the gem on top of the pendant. This pendant might even be a limited use item.

"If it's just the barrier, we don't have any problem opening it."

"Yep, yep."

"What did you say? It is true?"

Shocked by what Yehe and Guhe had just said, Misaka asked for confirmation. She never knew that these fairies had the ability to alter the forest's barrier.

"Yehehehe. It's the truth."

"Our task was to stop people from venturing deep inside the forest. We can let people leave whenever we want."

"Yep, yep. No going inside."

As the two fairies puffed their chest proudly, they look at everyone present with a grin. They were actually really proud when they said that. Misaka and the rest couldn't even understand why they were proud of that.

"Wait a sec. You two can freely control the barrier yes?"

"It is our specialty."


"You two can do whatever you wanted with it yes?"

"Hehe yes."


"Even trapping people inside the barrier yes?"

"Hehe obviously."

"Obviously…. Oops!"

"Then… do you have ANY LAST WORD??!!"

At Misaka angered voice…


Both Guhe and Yehe prostrated in an instant. They apologized as they started sobbing again in fear.

"Sorry… hu… hu… it's our job… hu… hu…"

"Sorry… hu… hu…"


"Bleh, as long as you guys acknowledge your fault."

Misaka gave up on doing anything to these fairies after she saw how desperate they were. These fairies were just small children at heart. Even their body was small, around fifteen centimeters with the stature of a ten years old female. They reminded her of tinkerbell from some fairy tale.

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