1 The Ruins

Everything was a blur...

I woke up dazily, for that moment, all I could hear was the drops of blood dripping off a blood soaked bandage that is wrapped around my leg. I gazed around my surroundings, and met the gaze of a boy next to me. The helplessness in his eyes jolted me back to reality. Slowly, my brain started to work. "Where..am I?" I asked the boy as I slowly tried to stand up. "You are safe here.." the boy said softly as he helped me up. "This is a basement that we found, with a discrete opening that we made to prevent detection." He said as I gazed around me, trying to grasp at more information about my situation.

" So.. this place is safe from those machine gun firing robots?" I winced at the thought of facing those robots again as I stared at that leg wound that was a souvenir from a close scathe with those robots.

"Yes, about that leg wound, we tried to keep the blood from flowing out but that was the best we could do." At this rate, we will have to bring you to the doctor by sneaking out of here into the nearest city, that is 10 miles away." The boy spoke as he fidgeted with his hands. I gazed at the blood slowly dripping off my wound and replied" I suppose I have no choice, do I?" "I suppose you don't." The boy muttered as he headed me towards the exit of this safe haven. " I will have to guide you to the city. It will be dangerous but as long as we stick to the shadows, we have little chance of getting detected. "He looked at me and waited for a while for everything to sink in. "Follow me." He then said before opening the hatch and climbing out in a swift motion. I followed suit and dived into the blinding sunlight, preparing for the worst...
