
Hope, is all a man needs.

As he got off the elavator he walked towards the bonfire, having went a bit out of his way to get a few extra items, just additions as he explored the areas a bit further.

As he stepped up to the bonfire to use it to channel the souls he's collected, someone spoke up.

''...It was you, was it?''

Ethan turned to look at the knight, who once had the eyes of a spent man, no longer holding on as he barely settled for what he had, settling to do nothing...

Settling to let himself slowly fade away.

Now had the eyes of someone focusing, someone starting to grow aware of what was happening around him, hope to burn in them, even if slight.

''Few have been able to ring the first bell... And none have been able to ring the second, but it hasn't even been a day since you've been here and you've already rung the first bell...''

The man took a proper look at Ethan, his features, his armor, and his large choice of weapon, with the additional sword on his waist as well.

''Are you a Knight of Astoria? About time they sent someone competent.''

Ethan chuckled a bit, shaking his head as a massive amount of soul energy condensed towards him as he spread it out, he felt his strength increase throughout his body.

He felt the faith he had control of get stronger as well, empowering his miracles further.

''No, the sword is because of a friend that entrusted it to me.''

''Well... What is your name then, Knight?''

''Ethan, I have no homeland. I am just making sure my training was worth it.''

''Ethan... I see, then I wish you luck Ethan, gods know you will need it.''

Ethan turned to face his body towards the man, crossing his arms.

''And yours?''

''My what?''

''Your name, it is considered a courtesy to tell your name, usually before asking for someone's own name.''

''My... Name?'' The man's brows scrunched a bit, as if trying to remember a memory long since forgotten. His brain struggling to bring it all together.

Ethan reached towards his chest, gripping his hand he pulled a dark flame from his chest, this flame burnt bright, it's strength radiating in the clearing.

The man suddenly looked up when he felt it, for only a moment he looked almost... Crazed, before he was able to suppress it.

He wasn't lost, not yet... But if he had some humanity, it would be eas-

''Take this.'' Ethan stated simply as he set the flame in front of the Warrior, once he left it the flame simply floated.

What Ethan had withdrew was a humanity flame. Something 'rare' in the game, and something that people struggled to keep a hold of. What people fought to get, and something people would even invade worlds to get their hands on.

''You would... You would simply give it to me?'' The man looked up from the flame, tearing his eyes away slowly as he looked to Ethan.

''I wouldn't say, giving it to you... Call it insurance for your safety. I will be ringing the second bell soon, as I will begin to bring change to this cursed land. I want you to be there to experience that change.''

''You do this... All to give me hope? Why.''

Ethan smiled, he reached deep, he was no Hero. But Ordis did want to save people, to protect those he could.

But he was able to reach deep, into a memory of when he was still a boy, watching as his Father lost his hope when he lost his arm, it becoming so hard just to provide even the smallest of meals.

How lost his Father was in his later years, how gone he was.

The reason he went into making prosthetics. To return hope to those who didn't deserve to have it taken in the first place.

Just as when weapons were originally made, to protect, and to save those you could.

''Because no man deserves to be without hope, in himself or his fellow man. In his fellow people... I'll be waiting to learn what your name is Warrior, for when I return.''

Ethan shifted, starting to head to one of the least favorite places in the game.

'Blight Town' as he was on his way to ring the second bell.

[Thank you... Operator.]

'No need to thank me Ordis, but you're welcome... Do you think the spider lady will still be hot?'

[...This is a jest, correct? You do not plan to mate with Quelaag... Right?]

'No... Maybe, if I could find a way to reverse the changes done to her and her sister. Their practical twins, it'd be a good notch to have on my belt.'

[Ordis is... Confused about your choice Operator, but if it is what you wish. I will try my best to assist you in this matter.]

Ethan chuckled a bit at that, shaking his head. 'Don't worry too hard about it Ordis, this is one of those personal goals, always wanted to sleep with twins.'

Ethan headed down the stairs of fire link, noticing the firekeeper he didn't say anything as he passed her.

Once he was on the elevator he headed down until he made it to the New Londo ruins, running past the ghosts and everything else to quickly grab the fire keepers soul, the only thing he remembers in the area that he would want currently before he headed back.

Making his way around from where he got off the elevator he headed down the stairs, only to come to it broken halfway down, that isn't what brought him confusion, it was the fact that the cell next to the stairs was empty.

Raising his hand Ethan rubbed at his chin, before he began to head to the shortcut to Blighttown from the Valley of Draks.


'It's strange, usually, or at least I remember there being a person down there who sold sorceries, they were the basic ones, but he was also a smith to enchant items... It's just strange, everything else has been the same, but he's not there.'

[Since they have been given sentience, do you think he escaped, or tried to hide his presence?]

'It's a possibility, in the game he was always bored, but he stayed down here if it was safe. But if his mind if already on the brink or insanity, or he simply had bordem finally get to him, he may've bounced.'


'Slang term basically means moving on, getting out of there, leaving. Example 'Well, it's been a great time but I gotta bounce.' '

[Ah, I see Operator....]

There was silence as he traveled to the shortcut to the Valley of Drakes, not caring about using a key as he simply kicked the door in, it only took two kicks because it wasn't rusted, and he actually put strength into the second one.

Causing the door to fly across the canyon and blast into the wall, skipping between the walls of the chasm as it fell down like a skipping stone.

[It seems that door had to 'Bounce' out of here.]

[... Did you like my joke, Operator?]

Ethan chuckled softly, shaking his head. ''We'll keep working on it Ordis, you'll get there in no time.''

Jumping from the path he was on he began to leap back and forth, getting in some exercise before finally making it into the cave that lead to Blight Town.

''Ah, you smell that Ordis?'' Ethan asked as he took in a deep breathe through his nose.


''Good, because it smells like shit.'' Ethan laughed out, only seeming to gain the attention of one of the Infested Barbarians.

It began to run over to him, taking a wild swing that Ethan ducked under, shoulder bashing into the side of the Barbarian and making it groan as it slammed into the side of the cave wall.

Taking the wooden club from it's hands, he then proceeded to smash the barbarian's head in, taking out an old score he had to settle.


For those wondering, I made a choice when I started to fight EVERY enemy until I get good at dealing with them, which means in all situations, ambushes, and all the like. This enemy was difficult for me, simply because I was still new to the game and couldn't get my timing right.

Sorry for my absence recently, just a lot going on.

Looking to support me?



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Check my Scribble hub at https://www.scribblehub.com/profile/33926/beausmith/

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