

Nosaku Sho, a certain woman dressed in a green apron was curious about the bearer of that name. He was admitted to this nursery a year ago.

When I received the news that a new child would be in my care, I was not particularly excited. He was not denied registration and, with a few shuffles of documents and identities here and there, the boy was quickly placed here.

I thought that the child would integrate without problems with the other children. They are only five years old at most, their minds only have room for curiosity and fun. Any active and happy child would fit in perfectly.

Or so I thought, and I was completely wrong.

That child was the personification of silence. He could go hours without saying a single word. His presence was so slight that I had to raise my senses to find him. At first, I thought that this boy just had trauma all over him or that he lived a miserable life, but it turned out that, despite being incredibly secretive, he was actually a very kind boy. He never fought over toys or made his classmates cry for whatever reason. He was cooperative and did not disobey my words.

It was interesting behavior. I have years of experience as an early childhood educator, but I have never seen a child with those characteristics.

"But, they are just some vague thoughts..."

—Perfect score....—

Looking at a stack of small exams, it turns out that right now I'm looking at Sho's exams, basic subjects and simple knowledge questions for each exam.

Aoi-sensei gave a sigh, moved her short brown hair to the side of her. For her, these questions were simple, but she really tries to implement a firm foundation of knowledge in each of her students. Therefore, she tends to be a little more challenging when it comes to exams.

The entire class had at least two to three or even more errors per test...except for one.

Nosaku Sho made no mistakes, perfect score on every exam.

Aoi only had a single word come to mind: "Genius."

Little did she know that that child she is praising is an unfortunate man trapped in that body. It's a pity that the universe likes to play with the destiny of each individual.


While sitting in the back seat of "Mom's" car, I felt a chill suddenly rise up my spine.

We're heading home right now. She went to look for me at daycare.

My eyes fell on her. She was a woman with an appearance... Well, you could say that she is not very easy on the eyes. I'm not saying she's ugly, I'm saying it because...

I looked at her face in the rearview mirror, a woman of about thirty years old or so. A defeated face, pronounced dark circles and drooping eyes. She had a somewhat pale complexion and a slight cut on her lower lip, leaving a visible scar.

She was the representation of defeat in its purest form.

But despite that terrible appearance, she was a very loving woman.

And that is precisely what hurts me, that love dedicated to me cuts deeper than any razor...

I shamelessly took your son's body, and lived off it. It's no different than being the murderer of her son. Who knows why I forcibly took his body, but all I have to say is that I truly regret it, and that was never my intention. If I had been in control at that moment, I would never have taken this child's body, or anyone else's.

I can only apologize from the bottom of my heart.

Okay... So what?

That brings me to another dilemma... If I'm so sorry, why don't I just kill myself and purge my guilt?

What else do you want to know? I am not able. I don't want to die. I didn't want my life to end in a situation like that either. I want to live....

It sounds pathetic, I know, but I recognize my humanity, I open my heart and tell myself that there is no way I can fool myself like that...

-Sho? What's wrong son? You look sad... Did something happen to you at kindergarten?

My "mother's" voice brought me out of my thoughts, I was grateful in my heart for that.

-It's nothing, I was just thinking about my quirk..., today Kenji woke up his, now it's just me who doesn't have any.

I excused myself with those words so that he would not suspect my internal struggle, believe me, I fight to overcome it every day.

She flashed a warm smile as she looked at me in the rearview mirror.

-Don't worry son, yours will wake up sooner or later, that's a fact, the doctor also assured the same thing, don't let that discourage you, I know that you will be someone great in the future son, mom believes so

...I see, I... I understand

Mom, seeing my expression, just smiled radiantly, she really loved her son..., then she raised the volume of the music a little and closed the conversation with me, and I took advantage of that moment to fall into my thoughts, I had to distract myself with something, so after presenting, only one thing came to mind

Mom's "Gift"

Mom's quirk is quite interesting, it is quite simple to apply and the same to understand, what it does is basically modify the weight of the object it touches, whether the individual wanted it or not, the object will be lighter or heavier depending on the decision

I still remember when mom wanted to play ball with me, she laughingly told me "go ahead, try to lift it", and surprise, the ball was so heavy that I thought it was a cement sphere, I couldn't move it even an centimeter, but then she was able to He held it up with one hand, obviously trying to make fun of me, but I was more amazed than annoyed.

--"That quirk is extremely versatile--"

That was the first thing that came to mind

My concentration disappeared the moment we passed a curve, I looked out the window and saw the apartment complexes in the distance,we lived in aichi prefecture, the apartments were spacious although a little far from the shops and supermarkets, although it is an irrelevant piece of information

Mom entered the complex, and she looked for where to park, although the complex had its own parking lot, mom always looks for a convenient place that has shade.

While she was looking for a parking space, I thought again... am I going to inherit my mother's quirk? I know that there are two cases when two individuals with quirks have a child, or they inherit one of their parents, or both merge to shape a new one with the bases of both previous characteristics

But what about my father?

Sho didn't even take it into consideration

I'll give you the quick summary, he is the main reason why mom is in that state. What happens when you marry a man who has a dark past with drugs? Well, you condemn yourself.

That man promised my mom that he was going to change...to be better and become a good husband..., probably the best joke I have ever heard

And what do you get? A violent man desperate to return to that endless vice, his desperation was so great that one day he simply couldn't take it anymore, he ran out of the apartment and from that day on I never saw him again.

That happened two years ago, I was barely three years old, for an ordinary child of that age, I would not have understood anything at all..., but it's a shame, I was able to understand literally

Since he didn't come back, I thought he was dead

With desperation and addiction like that, I don't think he'll last a day on the streets at most, and if so, maybe he'll be a guinea pig in some clandestine experiment.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt the car stop moving.

Mom found a parking lot and quickly parked, I didn't do much, I got out of the car and walked next to her, she took some bags out of the trunk and we traced the route to the upper floors of the complex.

She brought at least five giant bags per arm, she carried them without any effort, what a useful peculiarity...

While we were walking, I only saw the sun high in the sky, then from one moment to the next she bit me with the bug of curiosity.

Will I be the same age as Izuku or the other members of class A as in the original story? Was I born earlier or maybe later? I had the same question a long time ago, but I didn't have the energy or the will to do it...

But now I have an idea of ​​how to know approximately what sector of time I am in compared to the original story.

My idea was simple, search the internet for the most popular video of a muscular American hero who is more than two meters tall, if I see that it is the same video that had Izuku as a lunatic and fanatic when he was little, then I can now make a decision. idea of ​​where I am in time originally

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