
Chapter 4: The world's famous Strategist

"Sir. We have to order our troops to advance! Without it, we're doomed"! MAJ Dobram said.

"Negative, we never retreat, we never surrender"! MAJ Spores said.

*Beep, Beep, Boop*

"Aw man, see? I told you! Now we lost"! said Dobram

"It's your fault for leaving your post Dobram"! said Spores.

As the two playfully argue, another friend of theres come over.

"You guys, it's both of your fault. Make me a MAJ and it won't happen again". said Clea

They stop and look at each other and begin to laugh.

"Haha you? You can barely lead your troops! How can you lead anything"? Spores said while laughing.

"Yes I can. It's just the troops are so dumb and don't listen". Clea said.

Dobrams gaming buddies and have been like that for quite a while. Clea is average height and all around cute. Spores is on the slightly chubby side but is good natured. They reside at the water filled world of Currento.

"Dobrams", Clea said, "You're the group leader, make me a MAJ".

"I don't know. Spores is right, you need to control your troops more. The strategies are flawless, we just need more firepower". Dobrams explained.

"Hmph"! Clea pouted.

"Hahaha". Spores laugh. "I told you".

"Shut up Spores". She cried. "I'm just not going to play with y'all anymore".

"Okay, Okay. Don't cry. Next time we play, I'll make you a MAJ". Dobrams said.

"Ooh, thank you, thank you, thank you Dobrams"! as she hugged and gave him a big kiss on the cheek. "You're the greatest"!

Dobrams blushes and smirks.

"Aww, you're welcome". he says.

As the three of them swam back to their home they did their signature hand shake and said their quote.

"No matter how far we go,

no matter how things may go,

We'll never forget the creed we say,

We'll never forget this creed we made"!

As the three of them part ways Dobram began to swim away. While swimming, he began to think of a life outside the water. He begins to think.

"There has to be something more, there has to be. I want to learn more than what's on the game. I know there is, and I'm going to find it"!

Just then something started swimming around him, but he didn't notice. As it got closer, he opens his eyes and starts to develop a plan of escape on the fly. Once he turns over, he sees a giant sea creature. He begins to follow through to his plan and evade the behemoth of a monster. As he swims through and around the landscape, the creature begins to slow down.

"What's wrong, can't keep up"? he asked.

He continues to swim faster and faster leaving the creature behind. He looks back behind him smiling seeing he's the only thing around for miles. His smile slowly turns into sadness, he begins to swim back realizing he has no where to go. Just then, in the darkness, a small glint of light emerges. Curious, he swims towards the light reaching out for it. As he gets closer and closer he starts to get an uneasy feeling. Mesmerized by it, he still continues to get closer. Just then a strong current pushes him away from the light, throwing him in a swirl. As he regains composure, the light dissipates leaving him confused. As he shrugs it off, he swims back toward his home.

"Maybe I just imagined that". He thought as he swam away.

Unbeknownst to him, the light has more to it then he thinks. As if the statue was calling out, the light erupts from Currento and sits atop it. Forming a crown the statue finally crumbles and what emerges is a creature of evil. With a sinister grin, it lets out an eerie laugh informing the worlds a new lord has arrived.

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