
Chapter 2: Korrin from Lamantail

As Lightning lit up the sky, in the distance, you see a figure standing on a cliff surrounded by a crowd of people.

"Korrin, today marks your 15 birthday as well as your trial of a true dragoon. Your ancestors all have gone through this test and passed to be officially seen as one of the protectors of Lamantail".

As the elder blesses Korrin, he turns and proceeds to walk towards the crowd.

"Now, leap and take flight young Korrin. Prove your worthiness and make your village, your ancestors and yourself proud"!

As Korrin nods, he begins to run towards the ledge. Before he jumps you hear a loud Boom which shook the cliff. Lightning has struck near the young Korrins feet forcing me him to fall.

"Korrin"! The village elder screamed. "Stop! we'll do it another time"!

"No! I must do this"! Korrin exclaimed.

As he stood up he ran again to attempt the trial. As he leapt lightning struck yet again coming close to hitting him.

"KORRRRRRIN"!!! Screamed the elder.


"Korrin..." the village elder drops to his knees. "My son, no.."

As Korrin's falling closer and closer to the ground, he attempts to spread his wings to fly.

"C'mon, C'mon. Now's not the time to not open. C'mon...I need you"! Korrin's says to himself. Just then, his wings begin to emerge showing a beautiful orange and red mixed with green in the center.

"Yes"! exclaimed Korrin. "I knew I could do it".

Korrin begins to soar up to the edge of the cliff to greet the crowd.

As the village gasp in astonishment the village elder rises to his feet and darts toward Korrin.

"People of Lamantail, I present to you, Korrin, the SUNs EMERALD!! Guardian of Lamantail.

The crowd bursts into applause and praise.

"This is it! This is what I've been waiting for. A chance to prove to the world that I'm coming". Korrin thought to himself.

The next morning...

"Korrin"! As he turns around he sees the elder approaching him with a smile on his face. "I see you're up early. How come"? He asked.

"Well, as the new guardian, it's my duty to stay on watch. No matter how long". Korrin replied. "Besides, I was already up anyway".

As the village elder approached, he can see the exhaustion ridden on his face and can tell he hasn't been able to sleep.

"Oh! is that so? Hmm.. Then how do you expect to stop... THIS"!

The village elder began to strike at Korrin with his sharp claws. Shocked, Korrin put up his defenses and blocked the elders attacks.

"Like this old man". Korrin replied.

"Even, this"? The elder then proceeded to use his cane and swept Korrin off his feet.

"No fair, you cheated"! Korrin said.

"In life, my son, there's no rules that says what is cheating and what isn't. If one person has access to the greatest resources and another doesn't, is that considered cheating"?

Korrin replies, "Yes! It is". "They should make it fair on all grounds".

"Would you tell an eagle to fight a snake on the ground? Or tell a lion to fight a hippo in the water? You use your strengths to your advantage, for in life, the only thing that matters is survival".

Korrin ponders for a moment as the elder heads back to the village.

"Think of your strengths before you blame your weaknesses".

"My strengths..." Korrin thought.

As he sat thinking of his weaknesses, nightfall has come. He stands up begins to yawn and stretch and starts to walk to the village.

*Yawn* "Man, today was long. I can't wait to get to my bed and just sprawl out".

Just then, the earth begin to shake, then as quickly as it began it, its as quickly as it stopped.

"Huh? Must've been a tremor or something. I hope elder cooked something yummy"! He says hurrying to the village.

As Korrin leaves, a glimmer of light shone from the statue of Kor bid showing a brighter light expelling from its cracks...

Next chapter