
Crown prince

Llyne City;

As usual, the capital city of the Kingdom is bustling with tens of thousands of natives and players roaming in the streets while the stores are busy with customers.

Starlight's Guild leader Starlight and his Vice-leader Rigel were walking together in a street while enjoying a snack they bought on the way.

"Are you thinking of accepting his invitation?" asked Rigel.

Starlight nodded, "yeah. Just now, our spy informed that Time Traveler destroyed 300 Elites of Dreamwalkers in a mere 16 seconds."

"Six... Sixteen seconds?" Rigel was taken aback in a surprise.

"There's even a Vice-general and three commanders in the army. It doesn't matter whether the Scarlet guild has huge numbers or not. They have Time Traveler and SnowDew with it. Coupled with number one support guild, Silvershapers, it would give us an edge over Dreamwalkers in our city," explained Starlight while munching chicken popcorn.

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