
War On Man

join the discord server https://discord.gg/thw99wPTd9 It's the year 2025 and humanity is nearing its end. Suffering, death and chaos run rampant across the world. Humans, though immortal, die at an early age because of something people call The Cursed Age of Death. Talks of war have begun to surface once again and rogue Gods have been increasing in number. Contractors are dying at an alarming rate. A sense of uncertainty surrounds the worlds future. In the midst of this chaos an 800-year-old man named Michael Turnner finds out that 50 criminals are after something he possesses. At first, he isn't concerned but upon further inspection of the persons after him. He decides to use this opportunity to find out more about his daughter's death and who was responsible. As a result, he makes an agreement with a security agency to aid him as he hunts these criminals down one by one.

LanumKing · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

The Death God Appears

A woman sat on the ground crying as she looked at another dead woman lying on the ground. She was one of 6 victims of the Debt Makers killing, everyone around her tried to comfort her as she mourned the woman's death. Meanwhile, a large crowd surrounded the now dead man assumed to be the Debt maker and Turnner was nowhere to be found, one of the men at the front of the crowd started, "Isn't that the Debt Maker? I saw it all even though I couldn't move my body."

"Same here." Another man added.

"And the other guy disappeared right after the Debt maker died." Another person mentioned.

"Relax everyone, I'm just as confused as you." Noira shouted making everyone aware of her presence, she walked over the Debt Maker and stooped down, after inspecting his body she began to speak, "I don't think this was the Debt maker at all, in fact judging from what Tokito did this may be someone the Debt maker was controlling."

"Isn't he way too strong for the government to not have even one file regarding him, and just imagine how strong the Debt God is." A man who was in the room with Turnner when he explained the Debt maker's abilities, blurted out.

"Debt God?" a random woman asked.

Noria got up and looked at him, "It's likely that the God he has a Contract with is very strong and I must admit the agency has never encountered it. As a result, we don't have any files on the Debt maker."

"Still, there's a way to kill it right, I've never faced a God before, but from what I understand black swords can negate a God's regeneration in the area it slices so-" Noria interrupted a random man who started talking.

"I take it you're not a contractor so listen up, killing a God isn't that simple, you see a God doesn't die in the truest sense. Even if you were to somehow remove it from this world the mere fact that the things it represents still exist in our world, means it will reappear in the heavenly realm, but it will lose its memories." Everyone tensed for most of them this was new information and a stinging reminder for those who were aware.

"Are you serious and what if we kill the contractor?"

"It's the same thing; however, when a contractor dies the God, it had a contract with simply returns to heaven with its memories and waits to be contracted again."

"So, there's no way to kill a God?"

"That's correct until now we are yet to truly kill a God." Noria answered as she walked up to the man and put her hand on his shoulder, "This is the harsh reality of our world, so don't dwell on it too much or you'll get sick."

Then she walked off and shouted, "Alright guys time to get back to work we need to locate Michael Turnner."

By now Toktio had finally regenerated, and two men grabbed hold of him saying, "What are we gonna do about him?"

Noira turned around and saw Toktio.

"Kill him, he's a traitor." a random man suggested.

"Yea I think that's the best option."

Toktio pleaded with the men, "Listen, I didn't mean to do what I did."

"I'm sure you didn't." said one of the men holding him.

Amelia walked up to the man and drew her sword, "Let him go." she demanded as she held the sword to the man's neck.

The man gave her the side eye and said, "So were defending traitors now?"

"He's not a traitor."

"Everyone calm down! And let him go. He was under the control of the Debt Maker. Now get back to work!" Noria replied as she walked off.


Turnner stood outside an apartment building. It's about 7 Storeys tall, as he looks up at it, he says, "Death it's your time to shine."

"I hear you and by the way call be Catherin my husband gave me that name." Death answers as Turnner walks towards the front door.

"You had a husband?" Turnner replied but he didn't receive an answer. After taking the elevator and walking down a long hallway. He finally reaches room 82. Turnner turns the lock and notices the door is open, so he enters the apartment and closes the door.

It's a bit dark because the curtains weren't pulled, and windows were not open. He turns to his left and walks down a hall, then he stops at a door and enters it. The room was small. All around the walls were bookshelves and there was a desk in the middle and on the desk was a red book. When Turnner saw the book he walked over to it, then a voice came from behind him.

"This is the apartment you stayed in when you were still a contractor right. I had my men search it when I first arrived, so I had a mind the Theatom was here."

Turnner turned around and saw the Debt Maker speaking to him at the entrance to the study room, "Well you made a good guess I suppose."

"But tell me why'd you come after me? There's no way for you to defeat me so what's your plan?"

"From the onset I knew I couldn't beat you but, along the way I realized Death could."


Suddenly, a fist punches him in the face and sends him flying through the walls of the building. Until he's yeeted out of the building and falls on a nearby pasture. The man gets up, but Death wastes no time; she appears in front of him and kicks him in the face.

"Boom!" Her feet connected. The explosion could be heard for miles, but as the dust cleared, the Debt Maker was nowhere to be seen. Then he appeared behind her. Death senses his presence and says, "Interesting, I expected the first punch to kill you, so how are you still alive?"

The Debt Maker held his forearm and thought to himself, "Her feet felt like they were gonna rip apart my whole body, and then there's the fact that she managed to hit me; don't tell me that she negated my ability?"

There was no time to think; Death's fist appeared in front of him suddenly. This stunned him, but this time he was ready. He countered by clashing with her fist, creating another massive explosion. And they came out of the explosion, sharing punches at astonishing speeds. They darted across the city, destroying houses and buildings as they fought, and then Death said, "You haven't answered my question, human. How are you alive? The moment I touched you, you should've started disintegrating."

As he fought with Death, The Debt Maker thought to himself, "I don't know what she's talking about, but for some reason this fight is costing me a lot of XP. I need to get a hold of myself and end this quickly." His thoughts clouded his fighting, which created an opening for Death to punch him into a building, causing it to collapse.

By now, everyone in the city was afraid. People thought carnivores had spawned early, and others thought a God had appeared. The Debt Maker was lying on a pile of rubble. He got off the rubble in pain. Any cuts or bruises he had regenerated. He looked through the hole he had created and saw Death walking towards him.

"Something ain't right," he said. "Why isn't she running out of XP? Wait a minute, her punches—she said they should disintegrate my body. What if that, coupled with her own XP, is eating away at my XP? At any rate, one of her punches will kill me." Then he lunged at her, which surprised Death, but she immediately countered him and they started punching each other continuously.

But in the midst of the fight, he realized he wasn't winning; his XP was nearing its end, and she was still going ham, so he said to himself, "This is pointless; I'm going to have to make a run for it." Then he exclaimed, "Pay Your Debts!"

This stunted Death and left her unable to move for a few seconds, but it was enough time for The Debt Maker to spin around and dart off at hypersonic speeds in the other direction. Death was now able to move and said, "You're running away already? That fear of death is beginning to show, and that can only mean one thing: your death is imminent." She answered as she began to walk in his direction