
25 Game Mode 6/6

Chapter 25 Game Mode 6/6

The Wizard led him to the outer city, just behind the great outermost wall. Upon entering the metropolis, he saw the two towering inner walls from afar that further divided the city.

"A magnificent sight to behold is it?" The Wizard asked him empathically. "I my self spent several days wondering in this place and admiring it's grandeur." The Wizard continued while he observes his reaction and at the same time gazing at the exquisite architecture that made up the city.

"Maeyon city is divided by the river and by the walls." The Wizard started to educate him. We are now in the outer city called Calinor, the middle city is called Minara, and the innermost city is called Ultronei. This realm is further divided by the Alliance rulers, the northern Maeyon is ruled by the Elven race, the West by the Human race, the South by the Dwarven race, and the east by the Kingdom of Rosun." The Wizard continued while leading him through the crowded street. "We are now inside Calinor of the Human realm. Ah! here it is! The best tavern in town with the most delicious food you could ever taste in this realm." The Wizard lead him inside the tavern.

They were instantly approached by a lean tall man bowing low to the Wizard. "Greetings Grand Wizard Caled, allow me to lead you to your private table." The tall man said.

Greetings to you too Anlo my old friend. Please, lead the way." The Wizard replied.

They followed Anlo through the vast tavern and up to the second floor where they seated on an intricate polished table made of red wood. A window facing the east allowed him to continue to appreciate the Maeyon city and its inner walls. Anlo left them immediately without getting their order, It seams that they already knew which food to serve the Grand Wizard.

"Beautiful is it? Wait untill you taste the food here which will complement the aesthetics of this world. " The Wizard continued while observing him. "You don't have enough time so I'll go straight with you. Why are you here?"

The Dark Lord snap his head back from looking out the window and to look at the Wizard. "I don't have enough time?" He asked.

Anlo returned with two servants carrying their foods on a tray. The Wizard just looked at him seriously without answering. The servants served the food on their table, bowed and hurriedly left with Anlo without saying a word.

"What do you meant about me not having enough time Grand Wizard?" He asked again.

The Wizard shrugged and started to eat. "Taste it!" The Grand Wizard commanded in a calm, non threatening way.

But he heard the underlying tone that the Wizard will not be pleased if he refused. Is he trying to poison him? he asked and answered himself. The Wizard is not here to poison him because he have just sacrifice his staff to save him earlier. Poisoning him will just be a waste of the Wizard's time, not to mention that he can always sunder another part of him back here. So he decided to taste the food. He took a spoon and scooped a portion of the broth meat and tasted it. The taste is not familiar to him. He scooped another spoon to taste it once more and then he scooped another and then another. He didn't realize that he have cleared the bowl clean until he looked back to the Wizard wanting to order some more.

"The Wizard's bowl is empty too. It taste good isn't it?" The Wizard asked. Before he can answer the Wizard continued. "I would like you to remember this place. This tavern is where you can send word for me when you need my assistance. Now tell me why you are here?"

"I want to open up a merchant store in this city". The Dark Lord replied.

"Hmm.." The Wizard stroked his white long beard. "You will need a sponsor for that but after your duel with young Lucas, I'm sure he will do everything in his power to stop you from getting one. May I ask why do you want to open up a merchant store here and what commodity will you be trading?"

"I have associates who can supply ores and raw foods through me. And I'll be looking for black Smith's and alchemist I can hire to supply weapons, armour and potions. I'm not just opening a store here, my associates were on their way to open up business on other cities." The Dark Lord replied.

The Wizard laughed, "Then you will have me as your sponsor then, I'll make sure you'll have no trouble opening up a store here. But I will have one demand in return of my service."The Wizard looked at him seriously.

"Name it and let me consider" The Dark Lord replied.

"That you will open up a guild here which will give you command and responsibility to defend one of the fortresses of the Gallan Wall. And I will choose which fortress your guild will defend."

The Dark Lord was taken a back with what the Wizard demanded in return for his favour. This is not a bargain but a freebie.

"You will back me up in creating a guild here? And you will give one of the Gallan Wall fortress to my command?" The Dark Lord asked slowly.

"Yes, if you agree. I will support you in your application for the merchant store and creating a guild, and I will be the one to assign which fortress you shall command." The Wizard replied.

"As a commander of the fortress who will I be answering to? That is if I agreed of course". The Dark Lord inquired curiously.

The Wizard smiled, "A fortress defended by a guild house is autonomous. No one outranks you as the guild leader, you will get a one time fifty million gold coins funding from Maeyon's treasury as a starter to launch your campaign but that will be it. Your guild will have to manage that fund to last as long as your guild stands. If your fortress falls to any invaders then your guild will be abolished. With that fund, you will manage hiring your own team, feed them, train them and arm them." The Wizard finished while observing his reaction.

"No one will outrank a guild leader? Even the joint rulers of the Alliance?" He asked intrigued.

"If any of your members broke a law while they are in any city or realm then they will be tried according to the law of that realm but in a guild fortress you will have to set your own law and punishment. A guild fortress is like a realm of its own, and independent to any nations. Although it is necessary to build and maintain good relationship with all the realm of the light races because they will be your source of trade, sponsorship and emergency reinforcement when you needed one." The Wizard finished.

"And if the fortress falls to the invaders?" The Dark Lord asked further.

"Then your guild is responsible to retake it in thirty days. If you have allied to other guilds or nations then you can also ask for help in reinforcement and funding. But if your guild where not able to retake it then any guild is allowed to retake it for the next thirty days. If non where able to do it or no guilds were interested in retaking it then it will be given to those who are applying for a new guild."

The Dark Lord thought it through, "Then your saying that there are fortresses in the Gallan Wall that are now controlled by invaders?"

The Wizard laughed, "The Wall span for eleven thousand miles from West to the East and there are eleven thousand fortresses in the Gallan Wall and not all of them are well defended. Yes there are fortresses that have fallen and needs to be retaken. That's where your guild will come in." the Wizard explained.

"Why me?" The Dark Lord asked.

The Wizard stared at him for a long time and then he saw the Wizard grew old infront of him just by frowning in gloom. "I've seen this before. I was hoping you have more time. If you survive remember this place, come back here to take up the wall. You're a good person master Sun Tzu, or Merlin, James Bond, Lego Las, Jeffrey Archer, Darth Yoda.. Dark Lord... Musashi Hashimoto..."

This is the first time in his life that he felt like all of his blood draining from him. He didn't realize that he was standing with his sword and shield in each hand ready to attack or defend. "Who are you?" He asked in a whisper. This Wizard not only knew his aliases but his real given name!

The Wizard stared silently with sadness etched in his face.

Then he felt her dying..

The dark rope holding his heart trembled as the other heart for which it held beated faster trying to pump more life to her beloved Princess.

"You did this!" He roared in anger and vengeance. his body suddenly turned to dark mist ready to bring havoc to the Wizard

"I am not your nemesis, Dark Lord. I hope not ever." The Wizard replied as he remained sitted and not responding to his threat. His face is like a bereaved father knowing his son is going to die. "You must go to her now and do everything you must to save them. I hope to see you again Dark Lord. If you do survive, remember this place." Then in the blink of an eye the Wizard vanished infront of him.


The Dark Lord stood up from his throne and summoned his trusted minions. Twenty of them appeared instantly and knelt in front of him.

"I am going to war!" He declared. "Puff, I designate you as my Stuart until I return. You know my plans, whatever happens execute them and defend our realm. I am giving you full access to my Shadow Realm. The rest of you will come with me."

As he was speaking the rest of his sundered avatar materialized and merged with him to get forty percent of his power.

"We will go to the Deamune Realm and rescue my Princess".

A portal opened on the left side of the throne and the Dark Lord with his forty percent of his power marched through.


He charged through the portal that lead to the grand throne room where he was summoned the room was empty but he can hear the noise out side. There were shouting and crying. he can also hear the clashes of swords and shields. There were explosions booming from afar.

The Dark Lord charged outside of the castle followed by nineteen of his strongest minions. The sight outside of the castle filled him with dread. The Deamune world is burning. Huge ball of fires rain down from the heavens blowing up and burning the enormous city below them. The castle is on top of a towering mountain which let him see what's happening immediately. The land is cracking like an egg shell with molten lava erupting from here and there. It was day time but he never thought that the Deamune world will have nine suns. If one sun makes the middle of the day so hot to remain outdoor, he now know how hot it will be with nine suns burning the day. And yes, the suns are burning this world, he can feel it in the dry hot air with no humidity at all.

"What happened to our world!" One of his minions cried out.

He glanced and saw that it was Popo who is looking up at the sky.

"I never thought your world have nine suns Popo, I thought it will be dimmer."

Popo looked at him, "We never had a sun my Lord, we always have moons and stars to light us. Our world is cold with ice."

The Dark Lord is in the verge of panic, he have tried to reach out to her Princess through their mind but there where no response. She still lives but barely. He needed to reach her fast before it's too late. That's when he noticed the fighting below them. He was so worried for her Princess that he failed to see what's happening. He saw figures in bright golden armour fighting the Deamune army. And the Deamunes are dying like being fed to a shredder. He have no time to rescue them but they will die if he left them. So he decided to do the one thing he can do to save them. He reach out through his senses and felt all the the Deamune people within his reach and send them to his Shadow Realm. The people beneath them vanished instantly. The golden army was now alone beneath them and they charged through the buildings crying their battle cry. They will not find any for he have already sent all the remaining citizens to his realm.

"Who are they Dark Lord? Do you wish us to engage with them?" Popo ask behind him with the other minions waiting for his command.

"I don't know yet, but they are from the light races." He answered numbly. "We don't have time to fight them, we need to find the Princess." He focused on the dark rope encasing his heart. "There! To the East, we have to go there fast. All of you will morph into a dragon. Paco, Peco, Pico, Poco and Puco choose your pare and head out to separate directions and try to save as many people as you can. The rest will come with me and head to the East. Popo I will ride on your back."

They all obeyed him and they flew as fast as they could. The Dark Lord bid them to fly faster while extending his senses to its limit and sending every citizen he can find below them to his realm.


Deamune Knight of the First Order Andras used his battered shield to deflect the sword of his enemy. The blow threw him backwards and he crashed among his fellow Knights who are now defending their last stand. They are standing in a tight circle on a burning dessert surrounded by their enemies.

He looked around him as he retained his footing. Too many of them have died already. They started out this battle with millions on their side and they where all slaughtered. He estimated that there where at least ten thousand Knights remaining among them, all set to defend their dying Princess to the very end.

All their sorcerers died earlier in the fighting, struck down by the Sun Army. He never anticipated that they where this strong or how weak the Deamunes were compared to them. The massacre started when the nine suns rose from the horizon. A thing that never happened before. The Deamune world don't have suns. Then the rain of huge fireballs started obliterating their forces.

Their strongest Sorcerers died trying to deflect and shield them, then the rest of their sorcerers died. To top it all, the Sun army's leader showed up and suddenly their strength magnified a hundred folds cleaving the Deamune army like papers.

Their Princess fought their leader and was mortally wounded, their King rallied to save her and died in the process. Now they where surrounded waiting for the last charge of their enemy.

He will fight them to his last breath, He will fight them for their Princess, for Deamune and for his family. There where rumours that the Princess holds the favour of a MagalaN. He wished it was true. But even if it is he don't think one man can defeat this army alone.

The Sun Army before him parted and Andras snarled as he saw the Sun Army leader walked with a smug face looking at them. Andras heard and felt the agitation of his Knights. He ordered loudly not to break formation and to stand ready. They all followed as expected, that's how well trained they are. Yes they will all fight to the very end.

"Your Princess, is she still alive?" The leader of the Sun Army asked them mockingly in a loud voice.

"Too bad for her to cross swords with me. I made sure to wound her where it hurts most and allow her to live long enough to see her army obliterated." He walk back and forth looking at the Deamune Knights.

"You all fought bravely but since you all belong to the dark race you will all die. We will burn and destroy this realm. We will make sure that non of you filthy rats will survive to breed again." He sneered at them.

I showed my self to you now before your death to let you know that Dageal, Lord Commander of the Sun Empire came to your realm and destroyed it. Bring that knowledge to your graves and tell your ancestors when you meet them afterlife. If you have any family that still lives, wait for them for they will all die too. Any last words you filthy demons?"

"Stand your ground and be ready", Andras shouted again but a Knights he recognised as one of the Princess' royal guards shouted a battle cry and charged the Sun Leader

Dageal smirked and raised his hand. Suddenly the charging Knight was plucked from the ground and floated in the air paralyzed by an unseen magic. "Fool but brave. I shall reward you by allowing you to see your fellow Knights and your precious Princess die then it will be a slow agonizing death for you." The Sun Army began laughing.

"You know what, let me show you how strong I am" Dageal waved his other hand and the group of Deamunes where the Knight came from suddenly burst into hot flames. They screamed, died and turned to ash instantly.

"The Dark MagalaN will hunt you down and avenge his Princess mark my words Sun Lord". The Knight sputtered.

"MagalaN? There is a MagalaN in this filthy Realm?" Dageal smiled menacingly. "Well I will meet him soon enough. You said he will avenge his Princess? Well let's make sure he does."

Dageal raised his other hand and clenched his fist. He shoved his fist to the right and all the Deamune Knights were thrown far to the right side leaving a woman lying on the ground.

Dageal lift his hand again and the woman floated to the air and moved towards him.

The other Knights recovered and stood on their feet. They all shouted in unison and charged together. Dageal smiled again and all the Deamune Knights vanished instantly.

Dageal whipped his head back to the floating unconscious Princess then looked back at the other floating Knight. He felt both Knight and the Princess being transported to another location unknown to him. He willed his power to block the transportation spell, but the summoning is very strong. He smiled they will not escape him, He clenched his fist, the Knight burst into hot flames. Now he have all his concentration on the Princess. He raised his hand and clenched his fist again.


"There they are! Dive down fast Popo! The rest of you give me some diversion and lay waste on them sons of bitches!"

The Dark Lord saw the Knights in a tight circle formation, he estimated that there are around ten thousand of them but they are surrounded by a sea of golden army covering the desert. Then he saw all of them thrown in the air. He can reach them know with his senses and so he willed them to his realm. To his surprise something blocked him from sending his Princess and another Knight to his Shadow Realm. He saw the Knight bursting into flames and he knew what will come next. He knew he won't be able to just sacrifice his shield to protect her, it will just shatter and she will be open again for another attack. So he turned into a dark mist and a world of pain struck him as he saw her Princess burn.

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