4 Magic

Magic is based on how much a person believes in their strength. In short, those who are more delusional and mad are the people who are more attuned to magic. The gods grant their magic powers to their believers by whispering words of madness. Using magic consumes the mental power of an entity and can break their minds.

When someone's mind breaks, all sorts of whisper of gods that travels around will enter them which confuses them and permanently weaken the mental state of a person. If someone surpasses the ordeal of the mind weakening without much contamination, their magical strength increases massively.

Believing in a god can weaken the contamination because the believers are willing accepting the whispers of a certain god(Though there will always be some contamination, their mental strength will mostly be retained instead of weakening)

Those who surpasses the ordeal without believing in a god will attune themselves more towards themselves and their own physical and mental strength(Protection against mental attacks, and physical improvement. A massive increase in magic resistance limited only to non-believers)
