

Jin's POV:

I shake my head sideways while grinning. The driver turns out to be none other than my cousin, Jazz, who is now looking at me like she'd seen a ghost.

It's been two months since the last time that we both saw each other face to face and I must say that she changed a lot since then and that is something to say considering the short period of time that we haven't seen each other personally.

Her honey brown shoulder-length hair then is now long, I think she has some extensions done with it and on top of that, it is now ash grey. She's also wearing contact lenses, a grey one as well which she usually doesn't and certainly didn't need. Last time I checked her vision is a perfect 20-20 and lastly, she kind of lose some weight, good for her. She has been trying to lose weight for years now. It's not that she is fat she is just a little on the overweight side of the scale, well just 8kg above her normal body mass index but her body proportion is an absolute perfection, a lot of woman would die to have her assets.

"Do you really need to shout that loud?" I rolled my eyes at her and crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"OMG I can't believe this, you're actually here and oh my, you've finally decided to remove your hair color." She shrieked and runs towards me, suddenly hugging me tightly.

"Hey, J-jazz I c-can't breathe..." I chokingly told her while trying to get free from her tight embrace.

"Ooops sorry, it's just that this feels so surreal, I mean it's been a while since we last saw each other. And I didn't expect that the next time we will be seeing each other will be here, of all places." She exclaims and loosely hugs me this time around. I relaxed on her embrace, releasing all the tension that I haven't noticed to have been accumulating since I've learn that I will be coming back here.

"Yeah I did not expect to be back here so suddenly as well but here I am, though will you stop exaggerating things? It's only been two months, and it's not like we don't call each other if ever we have time. Also, what's with your grey hair and contact lenses? Like really?" I demand at her.

"You're the one to talk." She smiles sheepishly and looks at my hair then gave me a peace sign before answering. "Anyway I miss you couz, now let's get to the house, shall we?" She then helped me load my luggage inside her car.

In just three minutes we finally reached the house. "Why haven't you informed me that you're already here?" I ask as we unload my baggage from the car.

"Well I'm not sure you wanted to hear anything about this place so... anyway I've been here for more than a month by the way. Grandpa said I could live at a condo unit but I don't know, I am already here so might as well stay here right? I mean it's painful to be here but I kinda want to still be here." She explained as I inspected the rest of the property.

The house is fully renovated, far from the sorry state it was when we left. The mahogany trees that lined up the driveway are now taller and bulkier than they used to be.

There's still the lawn in front with numerous number of medium height palm trees making it a perfect place for a picnic at a nice weather. The garage or more to say the auto shop is looking empty as well without the cars that usually occupy it.

As we reached the front door I was shocked to see our old butler who greeted us warmly.

"Grandpa Zhang!" I couldn't help but shrink and went to give him a tight hug. He together with his wife has been serving our family even before we are born. They play a great part of our childhood, always looking after us whenever the elders of the family weren't around and even help us get out of trouble from our parents.

"I've missed you so much. Where is grandma May?" I ask his wife.

"I've missed you too young miss Jin. As for May she is currently at the kitchen heating up the pizza for your brother and the twins." He smiled warmly at me then something about what he just said strikes me.

"Wait my brother is here?" I asked.

"What twins? Wait.... noooooo seriously? Where are they?" Jazz moaned and off she went marching inside the house.

I followed her and in the main living room is my older brother and the twins, Jazz older brothers sitting comfortably while watching a basketball live game.

"What the fucking hell are you TWO DOING HERE?" Jazz roared scandalously while pointing accusingly at her twin brothers.

"Julian, what, when... why are you here?" I couldn't help but ask my brother.

"Nice seeing the both of you as well." Julian sarcastically chuckled then gives both me and Jazz a hug.

"It's nice seeing you Julian but I'm not happy to see you two at all." She gave the twins a hard glare.

"Excuse you? Who says we're here to see you?" Jake the younger of the twins rolled his eyes towards Jazz. Sometimes I wonder if he is indeed a real man. I mean he often acts gayish, now that word doesn't exist in any dictionary, it's my very own terminology but anyway you know what I mean if only I didn't know that he is a total playboy I will label him as gay. I, therefore, conclude that boys do also have PMS.

"We came here to see Jin... oh, dear little couz, how have you been?" He cheered then wickedly smiles at me and before I know it, I'm smashed by a tight hug by the two of them.

"Help.... I c-can't b-breath..." I somewhat manage to mumble. Seriously what's with the bear hugs that I've been having today.

"Alright, that's enough you two... my sister might not be able to breathe already." Julian exclaimed making the twins finally let go of me.

I sucked in a long breath and released it loudly. Lesson learned never, like ever take an embrace by the twins not unless you want to suffocate to death.

Then I saw grandma May who is crying while holding a box of pizza.

"Grandma May why are you crying? Are you okay?" Julian worriedly ask and went to get the pizza from her.

"I-I'm okay, it's just that... It's really been a while since the last time I saw the five of you and now you're all grown up and... Oh I'm sorry young masters... I just couldn't help but feel emotional..." She said in between her sobs.

We all look at each other and together we went and engulf her with a big tight hug. "We miss you too grandma May."

One hour later, after settling our things in our old rooms we're now all on the sofa happily munching a pizza which I've learn that Julian bought earlier.

"By the way Jazz what brings you here anyway, and what's with your hair and contact lenses? Grey, really?" I have to ask. I'm curious as to what enters her mind to change her hair color and use contacts when in fact her eyesight is perfectly good.

"Not bad Lil sis and you seemed to have lost some weight as well. Awwww you're no longer chubby..." Jake teased.

"Seriously stop it." Jazz swatted her brother. "Anyway to answer your question Jin, I was assigned a task that somehow leads me here. As for my hair I just want something new I guess? I mean I'm bored and there's nothing much to do in the city proper after sometime, so here I am. And I lose weight because of the new workout I'm currently at."

"Speaking of hairs, how come you've decided on having your natural hair? I thought you hated your hair?" Julian asked me suddenly.

I absentmindedly touch my hair. It used to be burgundy red but now its back to its natural bleached blonde. "Nah, I just got tired of dying it besides the dye is killing my hair."

"Why are you four here anyway?" Jazz suddenly asked the four of us. "I thought you two were into something in country *****?" She asked her two brothers as well.

"We receive a call from Dad two weeks ago ordering us to go home right away, so we did." Jaden the elder of the twins started to explain.

"So imagine our shock when we receive our plane ticket with our destination here and not our actual home..." Jake continued.

"So meaning you two have just arrived here?" Jazz asked them.

"Three hours before you two and an hour before Julian..." It was Jaden who answered her.

"Why didn't you warn me at all? I could have readied myself for the coming days where my life will become hell." Jazz whined like a little kid.

I wanted to warn here that our life will indeed become hellish but I don't want to spoil the twins' fun of teasing her.

"We wanted it to be a surprise. We even prepare a prank exclusively for you but jeez you're nowhere to be found when we arrive, you're no fun." Jake stated with his mouth full of pizza. How disgusting.

"Prepare a prank? How did you two know that I am staying here?" Jazz curiously asked.

"Sis we are your brothers we make sure to keep tabs on the whereabouts of you two." Jaden shortly explained pointing both me and Jazz. Gosh their over protectiveness is really something sometimes.

"How about you? Where did you come from?" I asked my brother. It's been three months since we last saw each other and last time I checked he was in ***** city.

"***** city, though puzzled as to why dad suddenly asked me to come here I immediately pack my things and left without asking him further." He explained.

I guess I'm the only one who knows why we are back here. This is going to be a long night.

"Where did you came from by the way? Last time we talked you told me that you were in ***** country right?" Jazz inquired.

"Nah I'm currently resting at home when Mom and Dad informed me that it's finally time." And there I went dropping the bomb, deciding that this is the perfect time to let them know why we are sent back here. This causes them to be quiet in an instant.

"What is the plan?" Julian asked after a moment of deafening silence.

"Mom and dad didn't tell me as grandfather asked them not to so I did not press the matter, all I know is I am to come back here." I explained.

"I see so that's why we're all here despite the fact that we should not be." Jazz mumbled.

Julian suddenly crumple his can of soda good thing it is almost empty.

"So I guess this is really it huh. This should be interesting, besides it's been a while since we've been together." Jake smiled evilly.

He is right it's been a while since we've been together, with school and other adult things to worry about as well as family matters that we all need to deal with we rarely have time to get together these last few years besides the holidays.

I nudged Julian and pointed at Jaden who remained silent.

"You okay?" Julian asked him.

Jaden doesn't seem to hear him until Jake nudged him.

"What?" He looks startled and looked around. "I'm sorry, you're saying?"

"Julian is asking if you're okay." Jazz repeated and looked at her brother worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm okay... just a little shaken up." He tried to assure us.

Looking at him now makes me angrier. If there is someone that was more affected by what happened eight years ago it would be him. I sigh deeply, I hope that after we settle things here he could finally forgive himself and move on.

"Well, I hope grandpa would give his order ASAP, that way we could settle things right away." It was Jake who broke the silence which we all agree. The sooner we finish our business here the better.

"By the way how was your residency going?" Julian suddenly asks Jaden trying to lighten the mood.

The twins are 25 years old already and they double-majored both in business and their chosen specific field Mechanical Engineering for Jake and Med School for Jaden who is in his 2nd year of residency now.

"It's going good until dad informed me I will have to continue it at the hospital's branch here. Which reminds me I heard some rumors about an upcoming big shoot lawyer being a treat to some high profile patients I managed to treat lately." Jaden has his sass back on his tone which is a relief.

Julian raise an eyebrow then smirk. "I'm not sure which high profile individuals you are talking about but I sure wished you could have left them to stay sick and die, could have save me a lot of trouble."

Jaden just shook his head at my brother's wickedness while Jake whole heartedly agrees with my devil of a brother.

He just turned 24 and is a licensed lawyer. With his brain, he was able to complete Law school in less than three years. Having both business and finance as his pre-law.

"How about you two, what is your plan now that you're both out of univ?" Jake suddenly asked me and Jazz.

Being of the same age, we just finished our degree half a year ago. Jazz majored both in business and Psychology while I majored in business and Chemistry.

"Not quite sure yet. Med school doesn't seem bad but I'm not really up to torture myself with sleepless nights." Jazz could not help but shudder at the mere thought of not catching any decent sleep after entering med school.

Then they switch their attention at me.

"MBA or med school or law school, not entirely sure what I wanted to do just yet." I honestly told t

"Well no one is pressuring you guys. You both know we all support whichever you wish to do." Julian pointed out.

It was this time when grandma May have called us for dinner which is entirely spend with a lot of catching up with her as well as grandpa Zhang.

Next chapter