
A Night in L.A.

Night in Los Angeles. Our story begins here, as the tranquility of the night sky is interrupted by the lights of squad cars and flashing lights as first responders arrive at a motel. One the officers enters the motel. A tall fit man, with eyes of stone, he is welcomed by his fellow officers with smiles. He catches up with his partner, a short, frail man named Mitchell. "Hey, Richard! This is insane!" Richard studies the scene. "Talk to me, Mitch. What happened?" Mitchell replied with a sense of shock. "The victim is none other than Mayor Walker Brown. Point blank gunshot wound to the head. 44. caliber revolver, I assume." "Any leads?" "One. An X7 symbol. These guys are everywhere." Richard wasn't surprised. The X7 has caused chaos all over the country for the last three years. Richard nearly died trying to escape their ambush on the Downtown Precinct about a month ago. "An Assassination. The third attempt this week and, the first successful attempt in about six months. We need to stop these guys before it gets worse." Mitch mutters "Oh boy." he turns to Richard with concern. "What is it Mitchell?", Richard asked with a tone of annoyance. "I think I know who the next target is." As he says this, he holds his phone and points at a picture of The President of the United States- Robert Bell. This was only the beginning.