

Tears run down her face as she walks along the unknown land. The rivers intertwine and the rock dig deep into her feet. Animals she never saw before peek at her curiously. She doesn't bother with them though. Carrying a pouch dripping with a black substance, Artemis stumbles to a clearing where a small beach has formed.

Birds fly off of the ocean and dive to pick up baby turtles trying to make their way to the ocean. Crying louder, Artemis trips and falls on her knees, spilling the contents in the pouch. Black ash seemingly to have been mixed into ink falls out and sinks into the fertile sand. Artemis immediately tries to scoop up the ash, but it merges with the sand.

Finding no use in it, Artemis begins to do as she did before. This time, she begins to think of her grief. Anger, grief, and hatred. Longing and the need for peace. Taking a dagger out, Artemis slices her palm. Golden blood drips on the figure she's created. Bone, blood, and flesh begins to form. Slowly, hair, eyes, and all the other features form.

"Five hearts created from tears born on this day. One leader born from the bloody monster's say. A right hand born from the fire of grief's bloodlust. A left hand born from the siblings lust. A bane born from rape's rings. And one born from grief's dethroned bearings."

Cries begin to ring out from five different places. Yet, when Artemis looks at the baby that has formed in the sand and ashes, she sees nothing but the hope of revenge. Picking up the baby, she ascends into the heavens where three gods with a newborn in their arms. Apollo, Ares, and Hades bow before Zeus, the king of gods.

"Brother." Artemis says to Apollo. The two have dust brown hair, golden brown skin, and constantly changing color of eyes. Artemis glares at Ares, a huge man with fiery balls for eyes, oak colored skin, and the god of war. Hades, a tall, thin and pale man with a black crown on his stringy black hair bows his head, avoiding Artemis' gaze.

"Well?" Zeus asks.

"Kill her and you will have a rebellion." Apollo says flatly.

"We already have a pressing matter with the humans. What can that thing do?" Artemis frowns. "Thing"?

"She will be key to either your eternal reign or its demise. You got rid of one and must now open your eyes." Apollo says.

"Why shouldn't I just—" Lightning flashes, blinding everyone. Zeus appears inches away from Artemis. "—kill it, too." He rips the baby out of Artemis' arms. The baby begins to cry. Thunder rumbles.

"It wouldn't be a good idea, and you know it." Jupiter says, appear by one of the huge white pillars in the throne room. Millions of other gods and goddesses appear.

"You can't just rip another child from her mother's arms." Bastet comments. She sits at Hera's feet, her cat face peering at the baby curiously.

"You did say you wanted to get rid of the overpopulation of heroes." Ares says. Aphrodite glares at him from her throne.

"Correct. But—"

"You fear dethronement." Artemis speaks up. "You killed one of my daughters and fear retaliation."

"I don't fear retaliation! Especially from–"

"Father, perhaps there is of use of such a child." Athena says, observing the child with curiosity.

"How?" Athena smiles.

"Apollo's right. Heroes are becoming a problem as they begin to challenge us. Take Heracles and Arachne for example."

"A pompous weaver and Zeus' replica are NOT good examples." Hera grumbles.

"Indeed. But what about Actaeon?" Athena looks at Artemis, expecting some sort of reaction.

"They're usually eliminated before they can cause any real damage." Artemis responds.

"Perhaps...They may be of use at the wedding of Peleus and Thetis." Zeus grumbles.

"Before then—" Nyx steps out from the shadows and places her hand on Artemis' child. "—this child will be our fates. Frankly, I believe she will be quite the warrior." Nyx peers at the baby's arms. Greek symbols have formed on both arms. Leto.

"Rather peculiar." Nyx mutters and closes her eyes. "Do not underestimate her. Do not underestimate them."

"Maybe." Zeus says, afraid to in any way offend Nyx. "We will see."

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