
Asphodel Meadows [6/8]

A stern voice booms, giving the illusion that the temperature has dropped quite a few degrees. With dark clouds looming ahead, the skies appear even more terrifying than they were just a minute ago.

Hades is seething; he is usually quite stoic about most things, so hearing him sound so angry is sending chills down some unsuspecting bystander's spines, "What are you doing to Cerberus, Melaina?!"

The girl stops struggling as hard, and I could see her hands tense up. It may be the first time she has ever heard her daddy angry.

Hades doesn't relent, of course, as this may give the first form to their relationship for the start of 'eternity'.

Refusing to drop the commanding tone he has already established, he turns to Cerberus and shouts, "Stop that immediately! Cerberus, let go of Melaina. I'll handle this from here on out."

The out-of-control flames that Melaina was about to unleash earlier are completely gone. With the threat finally quashed, I close my eyelids in relief. I'm not all too sure what I would've done to break them apart if it got any worse.

I am not used to doing delicate work, so I'd have hated it if I accidentally hurt them.

My eyes carefully scan the vicinity, and a small number of onlookers are hiding behind some bushes and trees. They're probably wondering what the fuss is all about. Since it has even brought the king of hell out of his lofty abode.

The poor hell hound whines slightly and looks very worn out.

It's not until Hades' casts a spell of recovery on him that Cerby starts to gain back some of his energy. Little by little, the faithful guard's injuries get better and better as each second passes. Some wounds and scratches close up, and his fur looks as good as new again.

Quite possibly taking this chance as a distraction, Melaina takes this chance to escape while Hades is busy.

She's quite close to tiptoeing half-way out of her line of sight when Hades all of a sudden starts speaking up again to continue his lecture, "And where do you think you are going, young lady? Did you think I'd let a naive newborn go anywhere she pleases?"

Her body grows stiff. The shoulders that were slouching earlier has stiffened, and her expression morphs to something sheepish.

"But, Daaadddddyyy... I want to go with Goddess Khirelle! I heard you used to date," She sheepishly grins and sees that her father has not said anything to refute that statement. "

Surely, you understand how I feel, right? I just want to follow her to the ends of the... uh, wherever she's going!" Melaina desperately pleads to her father. It's making me wonder if she even realizes that she doesn't sound the least bit convincing at all.

"My dear, let's get one thing straight: The only one I'd follow the ends of the heavens, earth or hell for, would be your mother, Persephone." Hades corrects his daughter with no hesitation or pauses whatsoever. Then he quickly adds, "Never say that ever again, you'll upset her greatly. Understood?"

Whether it's intentional or not, Melaina does not answer her father.

Neither of us is sure if she's even listened to what he's said in the first place. She rushes in headfirst and wraps her arms around Hades while being pushy with her selfish request, "I just want to be with Goddess Khirelle. Why are you making it into such a big problem?"

Hades doesn't say anything in retaliation.

His face may look blank to most, but I could tell that it's just the calm before the storm. Now that he is a parent, though, he's aware that he needs to have better control over his emotions, or he will lose respect from everyone around him. That, of course, includes his own family.

So before Hades could lose his cool, he casts a spell on his daughter, and they both disappear without a trace.



I think that was the last time I'd seen her since then.

My thoughts turn speculative as they start to wander inside my head after eyeing Melaina again.

So what did she say exactly? At the time, I believe she remarked that she saw so much darkness and emptiness within me? She also mentioned, 'Souls of the slain' or something to that effect, right?

I look to the side and contemplate some more about these statements. After thinking long and hard enough, I eventually give up, causing my lips to puff up slightly into a dissatisfied pout as I look over at the female in front of me.

"Fine. I definitely would need your help to speed things along." Using one of my hands, I lift my palms and motion for her to come closer.

I place them square on her shoulder, holding onto them with a firm grip.

I'm hoping that looking into her eyes will allow me to convey the seriousness, or perhaps the gravity of what I'm about to ask.

Melaina looks delighted at first, probably hoping for some good news. But her smile eventually vanishes, the longer I stare at her without any expression whatsoever.

Her eyebrows slowly crease in worry, until she comprehends that I could've said 'no' - but since that hasn't come, I must be waiting for something else.

Melaina's lips curve upwards as she smiles with slight exasperation. She gives in and smugly says, "Okay... how about we talk about our conditions, then? Is that something you're interested in?"

"Mm. If that's what it takes to set some ground rules, I'll take you up on that offer. What are your conditions, then?" My head tilts slightly to the side, right after I voice some curiosity.

Linking her hands together, she places them in front of her chest, starting with, "Okay. If you have no objections with me helping you, then here are the conditions:"

"One, I get to accompany you whenever you're here in the underworld. You must let me know every time you're here. Every... single... time... alright? Without fail, of course." She peers at me warily. The young nymph is probably wondering if I'll abide by it, since I may no longer need her the next time around.

I show no response, though, as she's not finished telling me the rest of her conditions. Melaina gives up and keeps going with the rest, "Two, in return, I will promise to never go beyond the gates that Cerberus guards. Nor will I cause problems that will prevent you from completing whatever tasks you've set out to do."

"Three, I will also not force you to do anything you don't want to. If I do, then you are free to either break this 'contract'; or you are free to dole out any 'just' punishment that you see fit. I will not make any appeals nor bring up complaints," Almost as if Melaina's marking the end of the list of conditions, she unlinks her fingers and lets her arms hang loosely from her sides.

After a short stretch of silence, there doesn't seem to be anything else, so I take her actions as an indication that it's the last of what she's telling me.

I end up cocking an eyebrow out of disbelief since her 'rules' are pretty reasonable with all things considering. I'm even feeling slightly paranoid that I may unintentionally shoot myself in the foot for accidentally letting my guard down.

I go over everything again to be sure that there isn't some kind of weird loophole that I've missed somehow.

Though it's been some time since I've last seen her, maybe she's grown a lot more since then? I've no idea, though. Time for us gods is quite different for mere mortals. There is no sense of impending doom as we live our lives infinitely.

It means that 'change' for the better is very uncommon for us, if at all. We are our judge, and no one can sentence us to anything unless we mess up real bad.

Unless our actions have brought upon some kind of catastrophe, we are pretty much an uncaring species when it comes to the passing of time.

Even so, I suppose it may be a bit unfair if I don't give her another chance. The only 'annoying' thing in her list of conditions is that I may have a 'puppy' that'll follow me everywhere I go in the underworld.

Extending my hand out, I agree to her terms. "Okay, Melaina. We have a deal then. Now let's get to planning! What do you have in mind, hmm?"

Hahaha... Why do I bother telling you guys if the chapter's going to end in the 'next' one? It never does so I'll stop it from now on. T-T I dunno how I end up writing way too much every single time. F.

For TGIF, I've promised to release 2 so I'll be working on the next one and hopefully will be uploaded later. I'll get to working on it right after submitting this. :'3

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