
Early morning Brawls - Valencia

With a small yawn, Valencia's swirling lava filled irises flickered across the room. Only for a moment however, before she groaned in pain. The pounding in her head begun to take hold from last night's activities.

Valencia didn't lie, she loved getting drunk, but she hated the consequences that came after.

"Damn it. I just had to go and get drunk again." Valencia muttered to herself, sitting up from the hammock she crafted herself. It groaned in protest as she finally stood on her own two feet.

Valencia shuffled herself over to her mirror, thankful that the fae traded with them often. Giving them things their world more often then not didn't own. She never understood their world, probably never will, but It was the same for the Fae. They never had an understanding of her world either. It went hand and hand she figured.

Looking at herself in the mirror she scowled, her long black hair had gotten ratty and messed up. Possibly from taking it out of it's pony tail and taking off her armor so forcefully last night. Her face was one of a warrior though, with a scar that slid through her bottom lip to the bottom of her left eyelid. Possessing a strong jaw she popped quite often, sometimes just for a more threatening gesture. With skin an ash color in appearance, eyes that almost contrasted against it with it's swirls of gold, orange-red lava. Her hands were large as well, fingers with natural talon-like armor pulled at her hair in attempt to fix it. Trying to put it up in a high pony tail later.

Compared to humans, the hair of Aman's could have been armor in itself, but it was really only the females that had this. The females were the closest to the human body form, but not quite.

Blinking Valencia rubbed her eyes, slowly becoming more awake than before, her stomach seemed to have woken up too as it gave her one mighty growl in irritation. Valencia, until now, did not notice she was entirely in the nude, blinking in surprise for only a moment before giving a simple shrug. Her observing eyes watched the very muscle in her arms flex as she raised them above her head to slide her dark, black hair into it's long armoured pony tail. Managing to fix the nest it had became during the night. For a second, Valencia admired the many scars placed upon her right arm. The many tattoos of cultural burns for winning battles, and she had won many. It appeared almost like deep cracks in rock, and with the Aman's skin being so tough and not like normal Fae or human flesh, it took many, many, attempts for it to show. The scars that tattooed her arm, demanded respect from those around her. No one dared to look her in the eye ferociously. For they could become her next opponent.

"Valencia!" shouted an oh so familiar voice,

"What." She retorted in what sounded like annoyance, she did not feel like being bothered at this time. Too damn early.

"Father wants to see you. He needs your help with a nasty fight between your trainees." Her trainees? Usually they wouldn't have the guts to pull any kind of fight. Not when they have her over them.

"Ten minutes. I need to change." Valencia yelled back dismissively. Already beginning to get up from the chair she had ordered from the Fae. Hand crafted by a professional. Simply Beautiful, I believe they called it purple heart wood but she couldn't recall. So strange, but more often than not, it was the strange things that were the most tempting to look at, dangerous things more often than not. With another yawn, and a big stretch Valencia's feet thumped against the hard, smooth rock underneath her. Practically lunging towards her armour closet, hands grasping a light armor just to wear for the day. The armor went down to her mid-thigh in the front, being a little shorter in the back coming up to cover most of her breasts, but still showing off some of her cleavage anyway. She was proud of being a woman, especially a woman warrior at that, the best one in the village. Mother would be proud, that is, if she weren't way to investigate something in another village, but Valencia didn't think much on that. Her mother was a warrior in her own, strong in personality and body. One that from a child Valencia always looked up to.

Valencia softly sighed, having noticed she paused mid-clasp of her armor. Looking down she finally clasped the armor towards her mid stomach, allowing it to show off what little feminine curves she owned. She was a warrior, but a woman too, she still liked looking her best. Without makeup preferably. The ash product was hard to get off anyway. sliding on black leather pants, and black leather gloves she tightened the metal on her forearm just to be sure it would stay and not move around if she had gotten into a fight herself.

"Valencia are you ready yet!! They're getting worse! I think one of them are bleeding.. actually I think both are bleeding kinda bad." Her smaller brother yelled at her from another room. Probably from the front of the house, it was the most logical.

"I'm coming, squirt." She huffed out as she grasped her sword nearby the doorway. Sliding it into the sword belt she had crafted from the blacksmiths. Dark and leathery, perfectly sized and made her for body. Just the way she liked it.

Promenading outside of the home, she had came to find her brothers claims to be true. Two Aman soldiers, she indeed did teach and was quite familiar with. Brawling with fists a few yards away. Valencia crossed her arms, head craning to find her father. If she could find that bastard at all.

"Hey, squirt, where is father at?" Valencia questioned, "You told me he wanted me to settle this, right? He's strong enough to do it himself so why didn't he?"

Her brother didn't answer for a moment before he retorted, "Father had a meeting with a few elders from other villages. He didn't say anything else as to why." Valencia's brows furrowed, suddenly becoming intrigued as to what could be happening. Elders don't usually meet unless it is dire.

Suspiring, Valencia had begun to march her way over to the men. Whom by this point, their own lava'd blood leaked from their wounds on their faces and their bodies. Sweating and panting in rage that Valencia didn't understand. Didn't want to either, she wasn't someone who talked to them about their problems. She in all honesty, couldn't give the slightest of shits.

Before she had even gotten closer, they got right back at it, throwing punches, kicks and attempting to break each other.

With one quick movement, Valencia grabbed one and slammed her knee into their stomach, before grabbing the other she slammed them into the ground. Holding them there by their arms with pure force.

"What is the meaning of this idiocy?!" Valencia shouted, eyes flickering up towards the male who moaned in pain, holding his stomach that she kneed quite hard. Probably alot harder than she meant to. Looking down she eventually let go of the male, him crying out in pain by her won't get him to talk, it will just prolong this whole scherade.

Crossing her arms once again she waited for them to get over the pain rolling her eyes at the sight of her so called, 'warriors'.

Looking across past the rock homes and buildings, were wonderous waves of lava. Cracks upon the obsidian rock allowed embers to float up into the air around it. The air was full of these embers, with constant volcanic eruption and the heat it didn't suprise her at all. The lava was beautiful though, she really needed a drink of it she realized, she felt dehydrated. Possibly from the alcohol again, fucking bastards.

"H-he started it with me. Maybe he shouldn't have gotten with my fucking sister!" Valencia's eyes snapped back to the two, noticing that they have gotten more composed now.

"Why the hell would I want that?! She's my best friend! It's all a misunderstanding man!" Valencia rolled her eyes, not wanting to listen to their melodramatic stories.

"Look either you two talk about it and work it out or I'll-" Suddenly her head snapped up, a pair of footsteps were running up towards them and fast. Turning around a messager boy bent over hands upon his knees breathing quite heavily, swallowing he panted standing up straight, finally choking out:

"The elders Valencia. They must see you- now!"

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