
War between Planets.

A young girl, a victim of an interdimensional war gets taken in by a warlord. She grows up on a strange planet and ends up becoming what she always dreaded. One day she realises what she has become.... Do you think it's too late for her to change?

Gloria_2995 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 4

Night goes by quickly. Morning comes and the Empress is up getting ready for the day ahead.

"What evil dress should I put on today?" She says to herself. "I'll probably put on my all through black leather outfit.....Yup I'm definitely putting that on." She says. She puts the cloth aside and heads for the bathroom. She puts on the shower and stays there for a while letting the cold water sink in and sip into every corner of her body. She finishes up and goes into her bedroom putting on the dress she had picked out.


"Cadet, get me Sergeant Ken." The leader of the army says. "Yes sir."The cadet salutes. Minutes later the cadet returns to the open field with Sergeant Ken." You asked to see me General." Sergeant Ken says. "Yes. Walk with me." "I wanted to know if we are still sure about this so called informative source." The General says unsure. "I don't know anymore General...." Sergeant Ken says. "I personally don't know either." The General says. "Could it have been a lie? A diversion maybe?. No the source has never lied to us." The Sergeant asks a rhetorical question while speaking to himself. The General let's out a sigh then dismisses the Sergeant. When the Sergeant leaves, the General heaves a sigh of relief. "She's definitely not coming" Just as that is stated, there's an explosion in the background...


The Empress is presently in the dark lord's study. "It's time I took my leave. Just thought you should know." She tells him. "OK. Go on." He responds. Kira gets up to take her leave. "Oh and Kira... Show them why you're the Dark Empress." The Dark Lord says. "Oh I will" Kira says while an evil smirk plays on her lips with her eyes glowing a blood red. Kira's now outside standing in front of a 1000 man army. She faces her lead guard, Guy. "Is my ship ready? " She asks him. "Yes Ma'am" He responds. "Good. Let's go." She says and steps into the ship. "Let's roll" Guy shouts, everyone rushes to their own ship and fly after their Leader. Time passes and the Empress is now hovering above the civilian village. She orders Guy to release a bomb in the village. This happened to be when the General believed she was no longer coming. "Run. Take cover. Everyone go to the barracks they'll guide you to safety." Ken, who happens to be around at the time, yells.

Screams can be heard, the people are running for dear life. Some of them have no idea where to run or who to call for help, all they know is that their life is flashing before their eyes and fast. The General stands in shock as he watches what was believed to be the last hope for humanity and civilization get destroyed and overpowered by The Empress. "General.. General... General Ben..Benjamin."A voice shouts form the distance finally getting the General out of his lite trance. He looks to see who it is and finds out it's the head of science." You need to get out of here General. She's here." She says while trying to catch her breath." Okay. Lila get to the bunker and take whoever you can with you." General Ben says. "Yes sir." Lila,The Head of Science says.

When she leaves, the General heads to the Weponary to get some weapons. He then heads into city where the battle is. He assembles his men and they wait for the Empress to land her ship.

"Sky ship one, shoot down every drone or chopper you see" Empress gives the order over a intercom. "Take us down Parker."She tells her pilot. "You guys.. Come with me." She says to the soldiers standing behind her when they finally get to the ground."She faces her Army." Today we take over civilization for good. We can finally have the world for our own. FOR THE DARK LORD." She shouts the last part and the soldiers respond." FOR THE DARK LORD" They all ran into the little city fighting the military men and women, killing without mercy. Ridding people of those they love.

"This might be our last battle. Let's give it our all. CHARGE" He yells and they charge at the Empress and her Army.