
Fox In The Woods

'Being alone in this world...is dangerous. You can't leave the town anymore without being killed.. You might be wondering what the fuck is this guy talking about?'

'Well... In this town... The civilians aren't normal humans. They are known as inhuman hybrids. This is the only town where there's a law protecting these hybrids from the outside world who doesn't understand.'

'If you are a hybrid outside of the town... You are already dead.. There hasn't been anyone new in the town of Jersey Heights in several years... Until... Today.'

'I go by the name Marcus. I am a Neko hybrid in this town. I'm actually the only one here. Not many know I'm a hybrid as I hide my ears like I always do. I've always been one to avoid purposefully showing my ears. I'm a Neko what do you expect..'

'I was walking around town with my hands in my pockets when I noticed I was getting closer to the boarder line.'

'Oh course I'm curious what's out there... We are sheltered away from something so closed off to us specifically. I heard stories... People like me leaving to check out the mysterious closed off area but they never came back... Just being here gave me shivers down my spine but... This time... I wanted to take that step I have been wanting to for awhile now.'

I breath out taking a step over the boarder line. My heart began to accelerate so fast due to fear. I look back contemplating if I could keep going or turn back.

'I'm fast...I'll be fine..'

I took my first step fully cautious of anything suspicious. I was very light on my feet looking around as I walked forward approaching the woods. I looked around with curiosity building up looking at the trees and my surrounding. Suddenly I stepped on something feeling my instinct kicking in telling me to look down. I froze looking down seeing my foot right above a bear trap. My eyes widen in horror as I quickly step away from it.

'Fuck... This place... Is... A death zone..'

My breath quicken as I look back seeing the sign.

'This is a bad idea... I should head back before I get lost or get found..'

I turn around about to head back but not before I hear metal clamp near me and then a yelp turning into a scream. My heart sank as my ears formed perking up unable to control them from appearing. My head spiked behind me toward the direction of the scream.

'An animal? Their in danger.'

I hear the animal crying further in the woods.

I look back at my town then back at the woods contemplating what I should do. Fear consumed me just thinking about going deeper in the woods. But I knew what I had to do. I swallowed the big knot in my throat and walk in the forest looking at the ground more for bear traps.

I hear the whining getting closer and closer until.. I looked past a tree. My heart sank more as I see something I never thought I'd lay my eyes on.

'A fox? I..... Never seen one before... They aren't common around here..'

I notice it was bleeding badly as it was stuck in a bear trap. It was crying as it was trying to pull it away ripping even more from it's leg. I quickly ran to the fox's aid still on high alert for traps.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa... Hey, hey, calm down.." I said reassuringly.

I get on one knee grabbing the bear trap with the teeth.

"Okay... Little guy... I'm going to help you..."

I pulled hard gritting my teeth feeling the sharpness nearly puncturing my fingers. I hear it yelp out again while pulling out it's leg. It limped away from me scared half to death. When it's eyes fell on me it coward away in fear. Before I could do anything I noticed it's eyes fluttering shut as it collapsed on the ground. My heart dropped as I walked up to the fox immediately jumping to the worst conclusion.

'It's lost a lot of blood.. I... I could leave it here or...'

I look back at my town. I couldn't decide until I heard a gun shot.

My body jolted in fear looking over at the direction of the shot feeling my ears fly up on high alert.

"Where is that fucking fox I swear it was around here somewhere!?" I hear a hazy voice growl off in the same direction.

"Damn, I was looking forward to poaching that sucker. It was going to be a good meal for about 2 days."

My eye twitched as my heart ached in pain. The word 'poaching' went right to my heart. I slowly look down at the fox seeing it still breathing but they were so quick and short.

'I.... I can't leave it...'

I knelt down wrapping my arms securely around the little guy lifting it off the ground. I held it in a tight embrace while holding the back of it's head for better support.

I quickly run back looking down to avoid any more traps. I glance up and see the boarder line right in front of me when suddenly I hear footsteps behind me.

"Hey buddy, whatcha got there?!?"

I froze in place when I hear a gun click. My body went into shock unable to think of how to get out of this situation.

"You have my fox... Hand it over!" He demanded.

I bite my lip feeling my heart beating throughout my body.

'Just one step... He can't shoot me if I pass the line... Just a quick step.'

In a split second I leaped over the other side of the border line looking back quickly.

They both looked stunned then grew angry.

"You think your safe in that town huh?... Well... You stole something that belongs to us..." He stepped forward with his gun at my face not caring I was over the line.

My body shook violently as I was afraid to die.

"Is there a problem here?"

I turn seeing the town's sheriff with his hand over his gun in his holster.

"Yeah this boy stole my fox.. I was hunting and he took it!!" He barked glaring at me.

"Is that true?"

"I... I..." I couldn't find the right words I didn't have a plan at all.

"See he's not confessing because he knows it's true."

I look back at the sheriff feeling my body shaking realizing I lost.

"If that's true you have to give up the fox... However, if this was an inhuman hybrid.. Then, it will be illegal if he killed it over the boarder line."

I didn't know, what got into me but I had no second thought of what I spat out.

"It's a hybrid, I swear!!! I.... Was saving it. I saw it was lost in the woods trying to come back to the town." I said with a shaky tone hoping he would buy it.

"He's lying, we have been tracking that fox for days now... Laying bear traps just to get it!!" The other one growled showing his teeth.

The sheriff put up his hand signaling him to silence.

"Young man, I believe you. But you have 2 weeks to show me their true form... If you can't it goes to the hunters."

"Oh trust me...I can already taste the result." The terrible hazy voice appeared appeared again.

I looked up at the two. I cringed seeing them both staring at the fox with hungry eyes. I tightened my grip on the small creature.

'What have I done?'

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