
Want to be Normal

A girl who want to live life like other people live. She want to be normal. She always ask God," Why only she is facing this problem? why God give her such a painful life?. Every night she had a hope that next morning will be better but every time she get only disappointment. But one day some thing happen to her. After seeing that she get all the answers of her questions. She get all her happiness back.

Mik_Choochi_coo · Urban
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14 Chs

Found me

Jk was looking for me everywhere, in my hostel, canteen,basketball ground ,classrooms,and auditorium but couldn't found me.

He was worried, he search every where in college . Sunsets darkness spread everywhere.

Jk sitting on one of the bench of the ground thinking where could I be. He close his eyes.

Jk," Where are you Siya?".

Suddenly realized that one place he had not seen that is terrace. He stand up and run as fast as he could towards terrace. Open the door.

His eyes were searching me everywhere on terrace and stop at a point. I was sitting on the wall of terrace, sad and upset lost in my own thoughts, couldn't recognised Jk.

Jk(shout)," Siya".

I looked back and come down.

Me," Jk, why are you here?".

Jk do not say anything, run to me and hug me tightly. I am not able to understand anything. But see him tensed I hug him back.

Me," what happen Jk?".

Jk( moving back)," nothing ".

Jk(emotional)," Why are you here ?, I was so worried ".

Me," Worried for who".

Jk," For you idiot".

Me," Why?"

Jk( come back to his conscious)," Because you are in my team and if some thing happens to you then we will lose the competition ".

Me," Because of this only you came here and save me in library ".

Jk," ye....ye..yes".

Me( angry)," Hmm ok lets go".

Jk(thinking), why I was so worried for her?

Me( thinking), why I felt bad after hearing the reason, do I expecting something else?

We both are thinking In our own world and walking together to down stairs