
Wang An Leiji (Yang Leiji) (What If I Was In Martial Peak)

I find myself reincarnated into Martial Peak as the son of Yang Kai. And grow up inside his Small Universe, Void World. Until the point I am brought out to help fight the Ink Clan. With a unique Birth and unique techniques. I forge a path in the world, while also making characters actually as strong as they should be. Like Yang Kai. Life is like a pitcher in baseball. Sometimes it comes right for you, other times they you a curveball. However, you are still at the plate until you strike out. This is what happens here. Let's enjoy the ride shall we.

Dark_Shurikens · Anime & Comics
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483 Chs

Into Phase 3

"Really! That will definitely make things easier." I said, excited. 

"I have one more question. How many resources do you need?" Ding Yao asked, clearly knowing that I had picked up two before. But also knowing that I had said I was 1/7th the way to a complete set. 

"I require 12 more." I whispered. "Does that satisfy Martial Grandfather Ding's curiosity?" I asked. 

Ding Yao looked at me and noticed I wasn't lying. "It's clear to me that you aren't telling a lie. Nor are you boasting in any way. But it does not satisfy my curiosity. It does answer the question though. And I'll leave it at that. Rest assured if you can't get the ones you want from this campaign I'll see what can be done later." He sighed. "For now though let's just enjoy the rest of the refreshments and get a short rest before phase 3 begins." He continued. 

"Let's party!" The crew said, downing the rest of their allotted refreshments. 

"Father, since it is a guarantee that I will get to return. I'd like to talk about bringing a city back with me. And of course move the Thunder Temple into my care as well." I said, looking at Yang Kai. 

"All that can be discussed later. But suffice to say if you plan on doing what I think you are… Then I won't have any issues with it. But we should wait and see how this return trip will go. There may be other factors involved that would change the situation. Though… You probably already took notice of that…" Yang Kai said, glancing at me, as I was being smothered by Bai Yi and Feng Ying. 

"I have indeed. But it's always best to be prepared for as many pathways as one can. It will make things easier in the future if one has multiple paths to take." I said. 

~~1 Day Later~~

Everyone was gathered for the pre battle brief. Not a soul was nervous. Rather, everyone seemed eager to test themselves. Aside from myself, the most eager one was clearly Ding Yao. After having seen the memories of a Universe World's World Spirit… He was far more eager to rid this world of the Ink Clan. 

"Leiji, you are going to open the Void this time. I'll help you if needed but I would prefer to save my strength for the Territory Lord. Are you confident?" Yang Kai asked, putting the pressure on me. 

"In the event we must retreat I will definitely need to recover after tearing a void corridor that big. I think a set of rank 4 materials will do the trick… Perhaps a Feudal Lord's corpse would do as well." I said, explaining my only reservation. "But! Since we don't plan on retreating this time. I don't see any problem." I added, clenching my fist. 

"Good! In the future I hope there will be more masters who can use this Dao. For the moment we must rely on your achievements." Yang Kai sighed. "Everyone remember, once you appear on the other side of the Void Crack begin your barrage of attacks. Martial Uncle Ding and I will meet the Territory Lord's in battle. Everyone else… Kill the enemy." He smirked. 

"Kill the enemy!" Everyone chanted three times. 

"Take your battle positions! Formation 3." Feng Ying ordered. 

A rush of busy work began. 200 thousand Ink Clan strong is what we were about to face. Everyone made checks, double checks and triple checks. The number was smaller than before. But this meant nothing. The enemy had four Territory Lords and many Feudal Lords. Though the Ink Clan's Army had suffered great losses last time, there weren't nearly as many of the high Feudal Lords killed as would have been ideal. 

"Mother Bai, what are you doing? We need to prepare for battle. Not snuggle up like I'm a baby fresh out of the womb." I said, being coddled by an overly cuddly Bai Yi. 

"Oh, stop it. I used a lot of power to launch that retreat signal. Let me recover a bit more." Bai Yi said, continuing to smother me. 

"Fine. Do what you want. I'll just prepare other things." I said, resigning myself to this embarrassment. 

The others looked at the situation I was in and laughed in their own way. "Martial Nephew, how is it?" Ning Qi Zhi asked, with a smile and a thumbs up. 

"Why do you need to know! Mother Bai has always given me warm cuddly hugs. So even if it is a little embarrassing right now. I won't deny it." I snarked back at him. 

Yang Kai put a hand on Ning Qi Zhi's shoulder. A heavy hand. "Brother Ning, is there something… you want to ask? I didn't quite hear it properly before. Mind repeating it?" He said with that intentful smile highlighting his meaning. 

"Nope, just teasing my Martial Nephew a little is all. Oh would you look at that. I forgot to do the fifth check." Ning Qi Zhi stammered, running away. 

"Bai Yi, are you done yet? Leiji is the one opening the Void this time. And he needs to be focused to pull this off properly." Yang Kai asked. 

"Just a few more breaths." Bai Yi said, pouting and hugging me tighter. 

"Ugh, fine. Just don't forget to make sure you are ready for this battle. It won't be easy, that I can assure you." Yang Kai said, placing a gentle hand on Bai Yi's back. 

"I know, that's why I'm hugging little Leiji. Oh how I want my own baby. Yang Kai, after this battle we are going to be talking about this in great detail and at length." Bai Yi said, stealing a kiss. 

"Very well, but no promises. We have other things to focus on." Yang Kai said, standing up. "Prepare to depart in time it takes for incense to burn." He added. Walking to the bow of the ship and stared out into the distance. 

~~One Incense Times Later~~

"We fly. May the enemy fall under our might. Leiji… Take us into the fight." Yang Kai said. 

I focused deeply and surged my full strength. A mass of Space Principles fixated in the area in front of the ship. Tearing a super massive Void Crack. Slightly smaller than the one Yang Kai had made. But big enough to fit the whole ship. 

"Kill the enemy!" Yang Kai said starting off the chant. As we flew through the void.