
Wandering Fleet

Earth is the cradle of human civilization, but humans cannot live in the cradle forever. In the year 2254 AD, the first deep space colony ship of human civilization departed from the solar system, venturing into the boundless darkness...

DaoistegyXLO · Sci-fi
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844 Chs

The Situation of the Milky Way

The second more obvious faction is the Enlightenment faction. They believe that the intelligent life in the universe can be educated, and the universe should not be as mediocre and cold as it is now.

They are good at using a series of gentle means to secretly stimulate the potential of the low-level civilization itself.

Since this route is not easy to follow, only the enlightener civilization has been discovered so far.

Zhang Yuan is temporarily unable to determine what kind of ending the enlightener, this lonely civilization, has in the end, whether there are followers, or whether he is disheartened and left the Milky Way...

In general, a kind person is easily replaced by an unkind person. By the same token, it is also a naked reality that a fraternal civilization is likely to be trampled underfoot by a more selfish civilization in the midst of fierce competition.

Game theory is common in the small human society, and it is also common in the great society of the universe. It is even more difficult to get rid of the prisoner's dilemma.

The third faction is the most dangerous Noah faction, which is the religious civilization in the traditional sense.

Assimilation is a coercive force that necessarily implies a certain degree of exclusivity. Once two different religions and cultures meet, there will be a winner and a loser, and it is impossible to live in peace.

"Yes, this type of civilization has something in common with certain religions. If there is no exclusivity, the culture will easily deteriorate and differentiate into another culture. They must insist on the only truth. For example, the vassal of the Aleph civilization , insisting on the only suzerain civilization, they firmly believe that only following the suzerain can bring them prosperity, strength and... eternal life!"

Even the assimilated civilizations discovered so far are all low-level civilizations that have not stepped out of the starry sky.

But who knows what will happen next?

Maybe, some interstellar civilizations have also been assimilated? It's just that this matter has not come to human beings, and human beings don't know it yet.

Zhao Qingfeng analyzed: "For interstellar civilizations like ours, low-level civilizations that have not yet stepped out of the planet are as weak as ants. It doesn't take much effort to forcibly assimilate them. Some simple sciences, for indigenous civilizations It's like magic."

"But for higher-level civilizations, we humans, the third-level civilization, are as weak as ants, and can easily assimilate us... This is the most worrying point."

"Even if we are not willing, oh, if we are really faced with that kind of dilemma, we must not be willing... The other side can also use coercive power at the military level to erase all adults and only keep children. Children educate, publicize."

"If we are assimilated, it only takes one generation, and our thinking will not be what it is now. Our next generation will become fanatical worshipers of the Aleph civilization. In the eyes of the next generation, the earth civilization that used to be just A group of heretics, there will be no sense of identity!"

"I even think that assimilating a civilization like ours is more meaningful! It is more valuable than assimilating a hundred low-level natives."

This guess is creepy. It seems that there is a biting coldness, which is transmitted from the tailbone to every cell of the body!

In the vast starry sky, there are many gluttonous monsters hidden. What they want is not your body, but your thoughts, and... your soul!

The universe is 13.8 billion years old, and there are too many possibilities brewing. There may be far more than one such giant beast. The game in the dark is more intense than imagined. Just a little wave on the surface is enough to make people feel frightened.

Zhang Yuan frowned, "It's such a quiet time. If you don't know this, everyone can feel at ease. Knowing this, you will feel that time is very tight. No wonder these materials are kept confidential. If ordinary people There is no way to get in touch if you don't deliberately look for it."

Zhao Qingfeng nodded in agreement: "Yes, intelligent life can be regarded as a precious resource in the universe, at least more precious than helium-3 or even antimatter!"

Zhang Yuan pondered for a while, and then said: "However, for a while, we don't need to worry about the sky and mess up our progress."

It is not wise to blindly expand military power because of this matter. The development of civilization has its own laws, artificially reversing this law will only result in the loss of development potential.

The Aleph civilization is at least a fourth-level civilization. In front of the fourth-level civilization, the third-level civilization that does not even have curvature technology is not enough. If it really meets it, no amount of troops will be useless, and it will not be able to escape.

But if what you encounter is not the Aleph civilization, but a third-level civilization or a second-level civilization, the current military strength is just right and will not interfere with its own development.

"...To participate in this kind of thing, the current strength of human beings is far from enough."

"The existence time of the Milky Way is almost the same as that of the universe. Since the years have been quiet for such a long time, it is theoretically not a problem to continue for hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of years."

What human beings have to do is to take advantage of this time to develop themselves rapidly, including acquiring more information in this regard. It is the right solution to have the curvature navigation technology as soon as possible and climb to the level of the fourth-level civilization. As long as there is curvature navigation and the Milky Way is so vast, there is no problem in escaping.

Zhang Yuan feels that the current leader's choice is quite wise, and nothing should mess up his position.

He whispered: "There should be internal reasons why human beings have survived until now... I have a few thoughts. This type of civilization, let's call it a religious civilization, must not be liked by other interstellar civilizations... ...It is even possible that a war will break out because of different ideas! Of course, such an interstellar war is not yet available for us to participate in."

"For example, the civilization of the enlightener. If I were the enlightener, I worked hard to educate a civilization, and gave these primitive indigenous civilizations an environment in which they could develop, so that they would not get stuck. As a result, a religion came later. Civilization, assimilating them, isn't my hard work in vain?"

"I taught and assimilated all the way, and you assimilated all the way? What would I think, who are you, follow me against you?!" Zhang Yuan made a gesture of cutting meat with a knife.

Zhao Qingfeng couldn't help laughing: "It makes sense, but the difference in strength between the two sides should be obvious. If the Enlightenment civilization is far stronger than the Aleph civilization, of course it's enough to slap the opponent away. But if the two sides are equal, or even the other way around Woolen cloth?"

"Maybe the Aleph civilization is not the core of the entire Noah faction? Just like the MLM network, the Aleph civilization may also be one of the underdogs?"

Zhang Yuan said quietly: "So... this matter is really important. Even the Badit people don't know about the third-level civilization, hey."

"According to the information of the Badit civilization, millions of years ago, there was a super war of at least six levels of civilization in the Milky Way! In fact, it is hard for us to imagine the real anger of these high-level civilizations."

Of course, this is all just speculation.

But Zhang Yuan does not doubt that high-level civilizations will act for reasons such as "ideology".

There is no doubt that the higher the civilization, the more pure it will be from the ideological level and the self-confidence of civilization. Civilizations like Enlightenment are likely to help low-level civilizations become their own beautiful cultures.

They think that this kind of culture represents their own justice, and now someone destroys this kind of culture, that is the real big contradiction.

On the other hand, the substantial expansion of the Aleph civilization will inevitably trigger a rebound from other interstellar civilizations. As long as you have a little brain, you can know that if there are no other civilizations to stop the balance, this type of civilization will spread to the entire galaxy sooner or later.

All in all, the situation in the Milky Way may be more complicated than imagined, or it may not be so bad. All in all, we still have to reach the interstellar trading market and find out the wind.