
Walls up: She's Broken

This is the story of Sky Brown: She spent years building walls in hope of protecting her heart With a past like hers these walls were bound to be built Her life is black and blue, with a heart that only needs someone to mend it She never thought anyone would enter inside her walls until him; Jay King, who also sadly has a past that turned him hurtless But his walls are walls of anger, regret and hate These two had no intentions of meeting each other but Fate brought them together With dark pasts that will threaten to destroy their future together Will they be able to find a way out of their walls? Or will their walls only break them further?

galaxystar1 · Teen
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5 Chs

2. Hell


Hell. Four letters one word can mean so many things. Most people say when you sin that's where you go. A place where you pay for the sins you have committed.

I disagree with all that, because right now in my car I'm on my way to hell. I don't think I have sinned and I'm pretty sure half of the population there haven't either but we still go there.

Thoughts are running in my head as I'm on my way to Hell A. K. A School if you don't already know.

My phone rings interrupting my thoughts as I'm driving. I know they say it's not safe to drive and text but at this point it could be something important. I reach out for my phone in my backpack and switching it on to find that it's a text from Layla my best friend. I sigh in relief as I open the text

Lay: Hey S, I just wanted to let you know I'm in first period and I called shotgun at the last row. wink wink.

A smile made its way to my lips when I read the message. Leave it to Layla to not use emojis but phrase them instead. Layla Martin is my best friend and only friend. I met her in kindergarten when we where both put in time out for not participating in painting period. Ever since then we just clicked and she has always been my best friend well more like a sister.

I sigh as a enter my school River Cross college. I choose a parking spot far from the school building because I know all the good ones are occupied.

After switching of my car, I leaned back on the car seat with my eyes closed as I try to calm my heartbeat and thoughts.

I really hate people, school and who ever the fuck thought people should go to school. Argh and this headache is really not helping.

I took my bag and got out of the car as I made my way to the office. This is going to be a long day I can already feel it. The school hallways are quiet considering that everyone is in class.

I knocked on the door recieving a come in from the other side. I enter the office with my hand tightly on my bag.

"Sky Brown, the usual late comer". Mrs I don't remember her last name greets me with a smile. She handed me the slip. Can this woman stop smiling at me or I swear to God I will reap that smile of her fucking old face. Shit inner Sky chill it's only the first day. Clearing my thoughts I said :

"Thank you". Forcing a smile which turned out as a smirk. I took the slip and went to my first period which happens to be maths. Great, I am really excited I love maths. Maths is my favorite subject. Not. Learning about numbers and equations is great right?

When I arrive at maths I don't bother to knock as I open the door. The door makes a sound making everyone turn to look at me. Great. What a great way to start my senior year. I turned to look coldly at the class making them to quickly go back to what they were doing. Well that's the good thing about being Sky Brown at River cross college everyone is scared of me. Not everyone but those who know I exist are terrified of me. I don't think I'm scary really but as Layla said, my looks are what people fear making me unapproachable.

I saw Layla waving at me at the back causing me to wave back at her. That's my biitch right there.

"Ms you are late and you have the audacity to come and disturb my student". He said. I rolled my eyes at him. I really don't have time for this. I notice that I have never seen this guy so I assume he is new because if he wasn't he would know I'm always late. I mean did he have to state the obvious of course I'm late.

I handed him the slip and made my way to the back to sit with Layla.

"Ms why are you late? ". He asked and I rolled my eyes and kept walking to the back. This guy has no idea who the fuck he is talking to."I asked you a question and don't sit down before you answer me". His face was now red as I gladly took a sit next to Layla, smirking at him and leaning back on my chair. This should be fun.

Who does he think he is. I will sit down if I want to. I really don't have the energy to talk to him right now. 

"Ms stand up now!". He shouted at me with his face more red than a tomato, he looked so funny but I had to hold back my laugh. His unnecessary shouting caught the attention of the whole class because everyone now seemed to be watching the scene.

"S it's only the first day and you already making the guy angry, boy am I glad to call you my friend". Layla whispered with a smile on her face. I shook my head at her comment. Typical Layla.

"Did your parents not teach you manners". He said walking toward my table.

The fuck did this guy just say. He has the fucking nerve to talk about my parents like that. I'm going to fucking kill him. Layla noticed my anger as I stood up, she held my hand pulling me down. I pulled my hand from her grip and put it in a fist ready to punch this motherfucker.

"What the fuck did you just say?". I asked walking towards him. He quickly moved back, his face visible with fear as he continually shook his head. Well the motherfucker is a pussy.

"I said what the fuck did you just say!". I shouted hitting my fist on the table which caused everyone to gasp. I'm not usually like this but this guy has wrong timing.

"Sky just leave him alone". Layla said now holding the hand I hit the table with.

"No Lay, did you hear what he just said!". I turned to look at her and my heart broke into pieces when I saw the fear in Layla's eyes.

That made me look at everyone else in the class and I could see that everyone looked terrified. Of me? Now they all think I am a monster. I quickly took my bag from the chair and looked at the red tomato in front of me.

"Next time I will not hesitate to hit you". I said pushing his shoulder roughly with my shoulder and leaving the classroom. "Lay follow me". I called out to her realising that she is probably still standing there.

Heading to the back of the school with Layla behind me I let out a scream and punched the wall. I swear I'm not always this aggressive. That guy just got me angry on the wrong day. I hate first days of school and I woke up with the worst headache today.

"Sky please stop you are scaring me". Layla whispered her voice cracking from crying. When did she start crying? I am really a shitty friend. What the fuck is wrong with me today.

"I'm sorry Lay I didn't mean to scare you". I said hugging her. We sat down in silence with our backs against the wall.

"I know, I'm sorry for what he said". She said looking at me.

"Can we not talk about it please". I said looking at my hands.

"You have to talk about it Sky. You need to stop putting walls up and let me in." She said holding my now swollen hand and bleeding knuckles.

"I can't Lay, I try but it's hard." My voice was cracking at the end. A tear dropped on my face and I quickly wiped it but Layla had already seen it. She knows I don't like showing this side of me. The weak and pathetic Sky.

"I know, and I'm willing to wait for you S.Remember our promise : we cry-" Layla stopped talking as my phone started ringing.

"Hello?". I said confusionly. Who even calls me during school time.

"Ms Brown this is Sakani's teacher and I wanted to tell you that your brother had an asthma attack and has been taken to the hospital". She said ending the call. What?

Layla was talking but I couldn't hear her because my thoughts were running wild. My heart felt heavy and my throat was soar as I struggled to talk. Why does the universe hate me so much? Haven't I suffered enough?