
Walls that isolate you

Contemporary Romance
Ongoing · 10.4K Views
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What is Walls that isolate you

Read ‘Walls that isolate you’ Online for Free, written by the author Waibhaw_Joshi, This book is a Contemporary Romance Novel, covering TRAGEDY Fiction, TEEN Light Novel, DRAMATIC Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: The greatest pain out there is losing your loved ones. Roohi after losing her loved ones built invisible walls around he...


The greatest pain out there is losing your loved ones. Roohi after losing her loved ones built invisible walls around her to isolate herself, to stop herself from loving anyone. However, Samiksha started breaking down the walls around her and got in, before Roohi even realized. What will their fate unfold?

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume


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"Walls that isolate you" excels in translation quality, maintaining the emotional essence of the original text. With stable updates, it captivates readers with Roohi's journey through trauma and healing. Well-crafted characters like Roohi, Samiksha, and Ari add depth, while the realistic world background enhances the narrative. This contemporary romance skillfully explores themes of vulnerability, connection, and personal growth, making it a compelling read for fans of the genre.


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Parental Guidance Suggestedmature rating