
Necessary Information

Things to Understand about this world

Underneath the thin crust of the world we live in exists a layer the layer of the gods. A place where demons and gods roam, where spirits and beings of unimaginable power destroy worlds for kicks a place where beasts slumbers and the law of physic are ever-changing sliding fluidly from one impossibility to the next. A place of never ending worlds filled with forces fighting for dominance neither good or bad but masquerading as one or the other. So hold on tight keep your cool and don't say a word to Kali or she will literally hunt me down and play hackey sack with my soul but enjoy and don't forget not a word.

Reasons we are being hunted

You see us death gods are suffering from the meteoric fact that karma is a bitch. You see for all our power, our speed, our strength all us deal with one incredibly big ass issue. The moment we kill another God of any sort or form no matter how minor their domain is we lose our ability to revive after death. You heard that right folks we are the only sect of gods blessed with the ability to smite others but the moment we do we basically put ourselves on the please come kill our moronic asses list. A list that actually exists and is currently part of a never-ending round of bets on which idiot will land on it next

Ps. Me and my crew may have accidentally landed on this list but in my defense what I did wasn't that bad but Kali be crazy, real crazy like lets storm Olympus on the winter solstice crazy (long story)

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