
Dreaming of New Dawn (part 1)

The road was silent and rather empty for the night. A lone wanderer was walking with his pet cat along it as the cawing of crows in the distance signaled that the night was about to shroud the land in its shadowy embrace. The wanderer scooped up his cat, letting it snuggle into his hood, before he began to walk over to a abandoned house on the edge of the cracked, bleached road.

The land around him was covered in ash and death. It did not help that everything that photosynthesized died almost immediately in the hot, arid climate the world had became after the world came to an end.

He knocked on the door when he arrived at the house, no one answered so he tried the knob only to find it... locked. "Well, we are not going in that way Clover." He mumbled to himself before his cat meowed and nuzzled him in the cheek before curling back up in his massive fur tipped hoodie. They began to snake their way around the house before... the wanderer felt something off. He pulled out a shot gun with a sawed off barrel and a magazine that allowed it to hold twelve bullets instead of the standard two if he didn't modify it and he pulled out the improvised pin that acted like the safety lock and he cocked the shot gun in preparation of what was to come.

*BOOM!!! Ping!*

A sniper rifle shot at him from above but he was already running away and the person in the house missed him and his cat by mere millimeters before they decided not to attract any more attention to their home by shooting at him, because the commotion had woken something else far more vicious than a mere gun, it was a RadHound. Those monstrosities were three headed and massive, doglike in nature but vicious killers when they pick up the sent of humans or cats, like the wanderer and Clover. The moment they got a whiff of them was the moment he needed to run like hell, or else they would both end up as a RadHound's nighttime snack.

He quickly whipped around and waited only a second before the furless, dog like thing got into biting range, he pulled the trigger, causing a spray of bullets to spatter across the beasts eyes and faces. It whined and dropped dead after trying to keep its balance while loosing so much of its own blood. he then began to walk back to the main road, not knowing what tomorrow may bring him and his cat, Clover.

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