
Cultivation Stages & Soul Orbs


1 → Ordinary Soul Master (Soul Apprentice).

2 → Bronze Soul Master.

3 → Silver Soul Master.

4 → Secret Silver Soul Master.

5 → Gold Soul Master.

6 → Brilliant Gold Soul Master.

7 → Purple Crystal Soul Master.


⌠ Ordinary Soul Masters are divided into Nine Orders. ⌡

╠ Other than Ordinary Soul Master, other stages are divided into Elementary, Intermediate, and Advanced levels. ╣

[There will be more cultivation stages in the future...]


▒ Soul Orbs ▒

1 → White Soul Orb.

2 → Green Soul Orb.

3 → Blue Soul Orb.

4 → Purple Soul Orb.

5 → Red Soul Orb.

6 → Golden Soul Orb.

7 → Black Soul Orb.

[Each Soul Orbs have multiple qualities. They are Ordinary, Elite, Master, Epic, and Legendary.]

╠ There is another level called Mythical. This is exclusive to Emrys (MC) only ╣

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