
Chapter 1

It was a beautiful day in some part of the world called [Arias], every existence in this world were living their life as they wish, whether it be Ordinary or Extraordinary.

The Sky was blue and the Sun was on its peak, many birds were flying in the sky, there were even Griffins, Wyverns and Dragons can be seen flying.

It was a normal day for the world [Arias]..

When a Human figure started to form in Mid-Air, after it was finished, the figure was a man. The Man had Dark-Blue as the Hairstyle was Ponytail, eyebrows likes swords, Dark eyes, and his skin was brown. His body was like a Heavy Weight Lifter, Perfecf Muscles and a True Man's Shape.

He was half naked, only wearing a Blue Special Pants, a Necklace with a Golden Gem, A Pair of Earrings with a Design of a Crescent Moon, A Pair of Huge Rings on both Wrist, and a Wanderer's boots.

This man can standout on a crowd and he was definitely not someone to mess with.

"Where am—" The Man who just opened his mouth saw Twelve Figures above him, Each one of them were wearing Exotic Clothes, Seven Men and Five Women were this Twelve Figures.

This Seven Men and Five Women can be conspired the most handsome and prettiest of all, just their looks and body shape can be number one.

The Man who just opened his mouth was Zig, originally he was on the bed and just woken up and didn't expect this to happened. He didn't even know how he got here.

"So Beautiful and Hand—" Before Zig can finish, The Twelve Figure took out their own weapons and pointed at him, a Terrifying Golden Beam rushed at him.

Both of his arm suddenly move on their own as it tried to deflect this coming attack.


The Terrifying Golden Beam was successful deflected as it goes up the sky and created a Huge Explosion on the Air, A Strong Wind Pressure was brought, every Trees, Animals and other Things were send flying.

An Area of 25 Kilometers was effected.

Of course, there would be a price for deplecting a Terrifying Attack like this.

Zig's Two Arms were evaporated for this, Blood started to flow out and drip on the Ground.

To Be Surprised, he wasn't affected, it wasn't painful, he just doesn't feel a thing. He was only terrified by those Twelve People who suddenly launched an attack.

The Twelve Mysterious People was also surprised, Zig can hear them speaking from the distance between them.

"He Survived?"

"This is a first.."

"I wonder how tough those arms were, to be able to deflect attack like this. Too bad it were erased. Tsk. Tsk."

"I am amazed. Very Amazed."

"Why isn't he screaming?"

"Yeah, he isn't screaming, Even the Old God would screamed after being attack by our Attack."

"He probably has a Peak Pain Resistance."

"Probably. He's kinda handsome y'know, look at those eyes! It's very beautiful! And he is looking at us, Kyaaah~"

"Tsk. I hate this kind of thing, he Should be Kneeling right now!"

"Ooooooh! I wonder if he got any treasures!"

"That Necklace is very beautiful, can I keep it after killing him?"

"Sure, the first one to get it keep it!"

Just hearing them made Zig uncomfortable, very uncomfortable. He is really confused on why the hell is he here and why would they attack him. And why would they just kill him out of no where, he didn't even do nothing wrong in his life, he was just a High School Student with a Gaming Addiction.

His eyes were kept on those people, not even blinking, but they just disappear on his sight and felt serious danger.

Taking a look around, those people can be seen teleporting everywhere, as one of them teleported behind him with a Blood Dagger on both hands, as it stab Zig on his back and pulled it back, and teleported.

The one who wielded the dual Dagger was a Beautiful Woman, with dazzling red hair, perfect curves and Red Dress that made it her more beautiful.

"This Man has the most toughest skin and flesh! My Dagger had only pierce through half of his body! Now this is entertaining!" The Beautiful Red Hair Woman Laughed and Lick the Blood on her Daggers.

"Oh my.." After licking the Blood, this Woman's Face turned into exaggerating face as if she tasted ecstasy.

"What's wrong Scarlet?" The one who asked this, was another beautiful Woman with Blue Hair and Blue Dress, their looks are equal and non stands out.

"His Blood is the most delicious thing I've ever tasted! Don't waste his blood! Let's capture him!"

"Okay!" Eleven different voice rhyme at the same time.

Their Weapons had shapeshifted into Chains and a Huge Cage was already prepared to capture Zig.

Zig turned around at the same time as he try to escape from this Mad Group, but the Chains slowly wrapped theirselves on his body and starts to pull him by the Mad People.

"Delicious One, where do you think are you going?" A Man with White and Black Long Hair, wearing Exotic Yin Yang Robe with a Devilish Smile on his face.

Zig didn't replied and asked him instead, "Where am I? Who are you people?"

"You don't know this World and Don't know us?" A different Man with Orange Hair and Orange Armor replied.

"No." Zig replied as he kept struggling.

"Hmm.. You could say we are the Twelve Rulers of this World." The Orange Haired Man replied.

"Is this a Dream?" Zig asked once more.

"Dreaming? Maybe. Maybe not. You'll know soon after we drinked all of your blood and Die." A Handsome Brute Man said licking his lips.

"That's good!" Zig started to laughed and didn't struggle anymore.

"Given up already?" Scarlet chuckled.

As if Zig had already given up and decided to not struggle, but on his Mind, he was laughing maniacally as he recognized his Body. One of his Game Character that he mainly play.

'Enter Astral Palace.'

After Zig thought of that, he instantly vanished from the world of Arias.

The Twelve Rulers was again surprised that the Man who was tangle by Heavenly Chains got away, and this was a first as well!

"Delicious One must have a World Star Treasure that can make him go anywhere as he wishes.."

"Not bad! Delicious One must have some plenty of items! Anybody wanna get him?"

"Search every corner of Arias!"

Next chapter