
Waiting to Bloom (Offical)

My mother's warning haunts me as I navigate a world where my existence as a dominant alpha is forbidden. Alphas and omegas were eradicated long ago, and now I must hide my true nature. I strive for a normal life and worry about the consequences of my actions. Despite these challenges, I am determined to protect my baby sister and provide her with a better future. However, my encounter with a vulnerable boy may lead me to take risks that could have dire consequences. I question whether this is love or lust and if it's worth it. …………………………………………….. WARNING!!!! This book has mention of drugs, R*pe, and Murder. Content may be inappropriate or uncomfortable for certain readers. Comments and opinions or critiques are very welcomed. This is only the second book I have ever written and the first book I have ever allowed to be read by the public. Thank you and I hope you enjoy -Medusa

DaoistvkY45J · LGBT+
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31 Chs

Chapter 24

After sitting on the floor for what seemed like an eternity, the pain in my ankles becoming unbearable, I finally mustered the courage to look at the clock. Thirty agonizing minutes had passed since I found myself trapped and injured. With a deep breath, I reached out my hand for the door, struggling to open it and reclaim my freedom.


As the door swung open, a rush of fresh air filled my lungs, dispelling the stagnant atmosphere that had hung around me for far too long. I closed my eyes, basking in the warmth of the sunlight that poured in, momentarily forgetting about the pain and confinement that had plagued me.


But just as I began to soak in the sweet sensation of liberation, my eyes opened to reveal a figure sitting on the steps outside. It was Kwan, the sight of Kwan sitting there, smoking a cigarette and humming a song to himself, froze me in my tracks.


My heart sank, and a wave of fear washed over me. I had never seen him like this before – calm, almost serene. But there was something menacing in the way he sat as if he was waiting for me. the way he slowly chuckled sent shivers down my spine.


With both ankles broken, I knew I couldn't run. My heart pounded against my chest as panic gripped me tightly. I slammed the door shut, desperate to create distance between myself and the monster behind me. Crawling back to the kitchen as fast as my shattered limbs would allow, I hoped he hadn't noticed my feeble escape attempt. But I was sadly mistaken.


A vice-like grip closed around my ankle, yanking me backward with a force that made my head spin. Pain shot through my entire body, momentarily overpowering the fear that consumed me. I desperately reached out for something, anything that could save me from this nightmare.


As I thrashed and fought, my fingers grazed the handle of a kitchen knife left forgotten on the counter. The glimmer of hope reignited within me. With renewed determination, I tried to pry myself free, but his grip on my hair tightened, and a cold blade pressed against my cheek.


Kwan's sinister laugh echoed through the room, sending shivers down my spine. The sound churned my stomach, filling me with a mix of terror and revulsion. I could feel his hot, rancid breath on the back of my neck as he whispered in my ear.


"I thought we had a deal my love. Now I got to do something I really didn't want to do" Kwan then slid the knife down my face and behind my ear before slicing through. I screamed in pain and kicked as hard as I could, but it was no use. I cried as Kwan just dropped me on the floor and let me bleed. I was broken and in pain and now bleeding on a cold hardwood floor with no one to help me.


As I laid on the floor, bleeding, with my ankles broken, I could feel the excruciating pain shooting through my body. The damp, dimly lit basement was the only place I knew as my prison. It had been months since I was taken captive, and desperation had wrapped its icy fingers around my heart but slowly everything vanished into darkness.


On this night, Kwan woke me up with a shock, literally. I jolted awake, gasping for breath as icy water poured over me, drenching me from head to toe. Confusion and fear gripped my heart as I tried to regain my senses. When my vision cleared, I realized I was chained back up, my wrists bound tightly against the cold metal wall. Panic surged through me as my fingertips traced the bandage behind my ear, where Kwan had sliced me earlier.


But then, my attention shifted towards an unexpected sight. In front of me, a middle-aged man knelt on his knees, his whole body trembling, tears streaming down his face. The man's eyes were filled with fear and despair, causing my heart to ache with empathy. I couldn't understand why he was here, duct-taped and helpless.


Confused, I turned my gaze towards Kwan, who sat in a nearby chair, a sinister smile playing on his face. His fingers danced expertly, shuffling a deck of cards in a chillingly casual manner, as if this whole situation were a twisted game to him. It was unsettling to witness his nonchalant demeanor despite the chaos surrounding us.


"Oh goodie my sweet Takeru is finally awake, we been waiting for an hour. well aren't you going to introduce yourself to our guest my dear?" Kwan said excitedly wrapping his arm around the trembling man.


Summoning all my courage, I spoke up, my voice trembling. "Kwan, what's going on?"


Kwan's smile widened, revealing a glimpse of his teeth, stained with malevolence. "Ah, my dear Takeru," he began, his voice dripping with sinister delight. "You see, tonight, we are going to play a game."


My heart sank as I realized the severity of the situation. Kwan was known for his sadistic tendencies, and I had become ensnared in his tangled web of cruelty once again. He was going to toy with our lives.


"I figured that's why you tried to leave me," Kwan said, his words a calculated taunt. "But now we have a friend for today." He sported a sickening smile, one that oozed malicious intent and left a bitter taste in the air. It was a smile that made you feel as though you were being forced to swallow something far from ordinary—a potent brew of horror and despair.


"my love aren't you going to ask me where we met?" Kwan asked looking at me as if he just couldn't wait to tell me all about it.


"where did you meet?" I said irritated as I felt Turtle yelling at Kwan. It felt like a hammer hitting my skull from the inside that rattled everything.


"this here is Derek, tell my Boyfriend where we met" Kwan chuckled smacking Derek on the cheek.


"at the bar" Derek mumbled as he tried to stop crying.


"which bar?" Kwan said in a stern annoyed tone smacking him upside the head.


"The gay bar Ace!" Derek cried out as snot ran down his face.


"why you acting all shy now? I thought you liked me, I laughed at all your jokes and we even made out. I didn't even complain when you put your sewage smelling dick in my face." Kwan said pushing Derek away knocking him over.


"I'm sorry, I just want to go home." Derek replied sobbing on the floor.


"That's Takeru, my lover. I know he filthy and all but I mean we all are but aint he beautiful. How can you act this shy around him?" Kwan said affectionally while yanking Derek from the floor by his hair forcing him to look at me.


"Boyfriend? Lover? You really have gone insane little brother" I said as I felt my entire mood change. Instead of fear I now felt annoyance and disgust. Turtle was slipping through since I was too weak to keep him at bay. I tried to pull him back, but Turtle was not backing down and I was mentally exhausted.


"What did I tell you bout calling me that?" Kwan scowled as his threw a sobbing Derek aside. He marched toward me pissed but I still felt no fear. It was as if all my emotions were turned off.


"as if I listen to you? Takeru might because he is weak but I'd rather you kill us both then be your little bitch! You also cut my gorgeous body I should kill you here and now just for that." I yelled yanking at the chain that bound me to this god forsaken basement floor. Pain thundered through my body, but I was so angry I didn't care. I didn't flinch or even break eye contact with a now fuming Kwan who was pacing the room as if he trying to figure out what to do. While Kwan was distracted Derek made a run for the stairs and I watched as horror and anger filled Kwan's face as that basement door shattered open when Derek's body collided with it. Kwan ran after Derek and I could hear what I could only assume is fighting happening above me. I hear as furniture was being shoved and glasses being thrown, their grunts and screams filled the silent void in this dark damp basement until Derek's body came tumbling down the stairs like a rag doll. Kwan returned out of breath and bruised and battered, which put a smile on my face, Derek had even broke Kwan's hand.


"Enjoy your friend babe. I went through a lot of trouble for you." He said as he calmly dragged himself up the stairs.



Day by day, I had clung onto the slim hope that someone would rescue me, but as time passed, that hope dwindled to a mere flicker. No one was looking for me. I was all alone in this terrifying ordeal watching Derek's body rot before my eyes every day. Only ever being relieved of the smell of death when Kwan wanted to play house.


Kwan was the embodiment of torment. Despite his cruel treatment, he had moments of inexplicable kindness, albeit short-lived. Those moments kept me hanging onto a shred of humanity. It was as if he enjoyed his power over me, reveling in the pain he caused. Treating me like the love of his life one day then a rabid dog the next then saying its my fault because I don't act like a real wife.


"Why can't you be normal woman?" Kwan yells throwing a plate at the kitchen walls as I sit in a office chair with wheels by the kitchen sink.


"Maybe because this isn't normal Kwan! I'm not a woman! I'm your brother" I finally get the courage to yell but instantly regret as Kwan slaps me across the face knocking me onto the floor.


"You are my wife and you will learn to respect me Esmerelda." Kwan screams as I crawl across the floor trying to get away from him but he just grabs me by my ankles and drags me back climbing on top of me choaking me and crying.


"Where are you going Esmerelda? You cant leave me!" Kwan said as tears fell and I pulled at his hands that refused to budge trying to breathe. I frantically kicked and began to cry as I thought this was going to be the end for until he suddenly let go of me and I gasped for air. Kwan the began to sob and hug me tightly petting my hair softly.


"I can't lose you too Esmerelda, you can never leave me okay?" Kwan said nuzzling his face in to my neck holding on to me as if I could fade into nothingness at any moment.


"Okay, I'll never leave you Kwan. I'll stay" I said as it felt as if body was being drained. I was never going to see home again was I? Was I really so unimportant that nobody is looking for me? Is grandmother okay living with uncle Axel? Does He remember to pick her oxygen tanks on time? Does Father even care that his precious Heir has just vanished without a trace? Did Risha make it home safely? Is Jun-Myeon still Searching for me or am I really just abandoned in this hell. The days bled into each other, morphing into one long, drawn-out nightmare. Broken bones and battered spirit, I was trapped in a cycle of abuse and despair.


Bath, Cook, Clean, Cook, Sex, Basement Repeat. Everyday same routine, Kiss him hello/goodbye and cuddle with him in bed, I have become his personal disabled housewife. I better never protest or question anything or it's a beating for me not that he won't beat me for anything else. If I move too slowly or stumble on a word or even drop plate I might as well as prepare to be beaten and thrown in the basement. I don't even think I remember my name anymore; Kwan calls me Esmerelda. I don't remember what it feels like to be outside anymore, I only know the feeling of sunshine through our small kitchen window. I don't know how long I've been here, but I feel like I was waiting on someone. At some point this has just become my life.


"Welcome home dear" I said with a faded warm smile as Kwan walked in returning from work.

My once bright pink dress, a vibrant symbol of joy and confidence, has gradually faded into a muted hue, mirroring the dimming light within me. I now feel like a mere shell of my former self, a person disconnected from the world around me, navigating through the days in a haze of despair. Turtle doesn't even protest or speak anymore leaving me alone and abandoned while The touch of Kwan, sends shivers down my spine, leaving me feeling depressed and unrecognizable to myself.


The bruises that once marked my body as a temporary affliction have now become a permanent reminder of the pain I endure in silence. Each day, I gaze into the mirror, only to be met with a reflection of a woman who is a stranger to me. Her pale complexion, long black hair, and the remnants of tear streaks etched on her cheeks paint a portrait of sorrow and weariness. Always adorned in that faded pink dress and a matching hairpin.


As I observe the woman in the mirror, I can't help but feel a sense of empathy towards her, recognizing the desperate need for compassion and companionship. She appears to be yearning for a comforting embrace, a reassuring presence to pull her out of the darkness that threatens to engulf her. I've never even seen her smile once.